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Import, Under Li^ht Weight, Wins Chief Race of 
the Day — Minnie Bright Finiahes in Front — 
Smiley Corbett’s Great Speed. 

Oakland, Call, March 3. — The 3,flOO-od(l race-goers 
who journeyed to Oakland today under acutely dis- 
agreeable weather conditions and shivered through 
the running of the good card, were well rewarded 
for their pains, for they beat five of the races well 
and stood the layers off in the main feature, the 
Colma Handicap, at a mile, won by Import, the ex- 
treme outsider, at 11 to 1 in the betting. The game 
little Peep o’Day thre<!-year-old, after trailing the 
fast horses opposed to him, incUiding Massa, Fred 
Bent. Judge Nelson and Tom Shaw, for six furlongs, 
overhauled and passed them as if they were anchored 
midway of the stretch. The winner is the most con- 
sistent and popular horse In local training and 
has been admirably and honestly handled by Jakie 
Jones, the former well-known Jockey. 

The sport began auspiciously "tvith a success for 
Barney Schrelber’s two-year-old Balgowan filly, Min- 
nie Bright. The outstanding feature, however, in 
a racing way, developed with the phenomenal and 
dazzling speed displayed by Smiley Corbett in the 
closing race at six furlongs. This gigantic Tod- 
dington three-year-old became the center of attrac- 
tion immediately afterwards and there were many 
horsemen present w1k> pre<llcted a great future for 
the colt if he continues to train in a satisfactory 

As usual, Mr. Williams’ brace of crack saddle 
artists. Miller and Gilbert, carried off the jockey 
honors, the champion scoring two firsts, while the 
lightweight earned one victory, two seconds and one 

“Midget” Andy Walsh is dooming up as a prom- 
ising jockey prospect. For his size and weight his 
equal has not been seen around here in a decade. 

Emil Hens and Al Koenigsberger engaged in a war- 
fare of words In the ring just after the last race 
was run and honors were even. The notorious 
Ko«‘nigsl>erger, however, svas warned by secretary 
Percy W. Treat that a repetition of the offense 
would result in bis instant expulsion from the track. 

Starter Dwyer’s work this week has been first- 
class and his enforced departure for Santa Anita 
next week is deplored by the public. 

Jockeys Klrschbaum and Stuart were fined $10 
each by the starter yesterday. Buxton was set 
down for three days. 

There is a report that the Santa Anita meeting 
will be extended fifteen and possibly thirty days. 

E. Hildebrand sbipi>ed his horses to Santa Anita 

Mabel Holland«T was Iwdly cut down In her last 

Miller will have the mounts on Jocund, Carrie 
Thatcher and Talentosa, Gilbert on Alice Collins, 
Billy Myer, Bye Bye II. and Western, and Willie 
Knapp will ride J. R. Laughrey and Mitre in to- 
morrow’s races. 

Sewell is recovering and Indications are that be 
will soon be ready for a best effort. 

Mansard and Bill Curtis bava been put on the 
doctors’ list and Little Mtrthfuphas been ruled off 
for bad acting. 



Martin Nathanson, who has accepted the post of 
racing secretary and handicapper of the King 
County Fair Association meeting at Seattle nest 
summer, is at work preparing the stake list for the 
meeting. He says that the running of the poorer 
ciass of horses will be discouraged by the manage- 
ment. It is planned to conduct the meeting upon a 
high plane and big inducements will be made owners 
of the best horses racing on the coast to bring their 
horses tliere for the seventy-four days meeting. 
E. C. Hopper will be presiding judge and Richard 
Dwyer starter. 


Toronto, Out., March 5. — Francis Nelson, sporting 
editor of the Toronto Globe and well known as an 
official of the Toronto Jockey Club, actkig as as- 
sistant judge in the stand for several years as well 
as acting in a similar capacity at a number of other 
race meetings, has been appointed by the governor- 
general as a member of the Canadian Olympic com- 
mittee. Mr. Nelson will be the presiding judge at 
the Fort Erie meeting of the Niagara Jockey Club 
and will also occupy his accustomed place in the 
stand during the meetings at the local track. 



Green Seal Defeats Juggler and Tokalon in Fast 
Time — Marse Abe Takes Another Race — ^Funi- 
culaire Outstays Hannibal Bey. 

New Orleans, La.. March .5. — Today’s sport was 
B|iectacular, many of the races resulting in hard- 
fought contests, with small margins separating the 
winners from their nearest opponents. An immense 
attendance was again in evidence. Only twenty-nine 
layers operated. The heavy losses they have sus- 
taiiie(^was responsil)le for the shrinkage in numbers. 

The mile and a sixteenth race, in which Juggler, 
Green Seal, Tokalon and Convolo measured strides, 
was the feature, and it resulted in an upset in the 
defeat of the favorite. Juggler, Green Seal being 
bis conqueror, but to encompass Juggler’s defeat he 
bad to travel Uie distance in track record time. 
Green Seal sliowed superior speed throughout, and 
In the final drive stayed with rare gameness. Jug- 
gler made several resolute efforts to overhaul the 
winner, but the heavy weight told on him in the final 
stretch and his lightly weighted rival was drawing 
away in the (losing strides. Tokalon, alth^gh at 
no time a dangerous contender, was good enough 
to land tliird place. 

The pick of the youngsters here went to the post 
ill the opening race at a half mile, the longest dis- 
tance any of them has been asked to go. It again 
demonstrated the superiority of Marse Abe. which 
won in dei-isive fashion after standing a hard drive 
from the start to keep in the van of the others. 
Brougham, by virtue of saving much ground, took 
second place In tlie final stride from Little Mose. 
The latter ran a splendid race and with better 
racing luck would have given the winner an argu- 
ment. Anne McGee’s showing was disappiiinting, 
she tiring badly, after maintalniug a forward [tosi- 
tlon for three furlongs. 

L. A. Celia took down another purse when Mou- 
della, favored by a goo<l send-off, le<l her ofiponents 
for the entire trip in the third race. Banrida was 
much the best, but is a notoriously slow beginner 
and was away from the post last and in a tangle, 
but closed an immense gap and would have beaten 
the winner in a few more strides. 

R. E. Watkins and his following supported Es- 
cutchi-on confidently in the second race and he 
landed the purse after a strenuous stretch drive to 
shake off Big Ben. t 

The closest finish came in the sixth race when 
Funlculaire and Hannilial Bey fought it out stride 
for stride during the entire stretch, Fiiniculaire 
getting tiie decision in the last stride. There was 
I'onslderable humping in the final furlong lietween 
the pair and Dowers hslged a claim of foul, hut it 
was not allowed. 

Lad.v Vincent, another lieavily backed choice of 
the easterners, won the closing race by a narrow 
margin from Artful Drdger. 

Miss Mazzoni bad things practically her own way 
in the fifth race and won from the long shot. Ixitus 
Brandt. Lady Souffle, a joint favorite with Miss 
Mazzoni, ran a bad raire and was never a formidable 

For disobedience at the post. Jockey J. Lee was 
susprmded for the remainder of the present meeting 
by the starter. 

Jockey Nicol has been sacured to ride .^ngeIus 
in the Crescent City Derby. 

Jockey C. Koerner was taken suddenly 111 after 
dismounting from Spion as a result of hard reducing 
and had to cancel the remainder of his engagements. 

Ella O’Neill died this morning at the Fair Grounds 
as a result of blood poisoning. She was owned by 
Burlew & O’Neill. 

M. Goldblatt wired w-ord from California today 
that he would return some time next week and race 
his horses here for the remainder of the local sea- 

Glorlfier grabbed himself badly during the running 
of the Bex Handicap and is showing decided lame- 

R. A. Smith dis|»osed of Ma.sson. after his race 
yesterday for a consideration of $100. 

J. .Milam sold the two-year-olds, Suda tTem, 
by Coutestor — The Broom, and Aunt Kit, by Con- 
testor— Sweeps long, to Walstrom & Bauer. The re- 
ported price for the pair was $1,7 .'j0. ‘ 

Fifty-three horses will l>e ship|>ed next Saturday 
on the steamer Chalmette to Havana, where they go 
to engage in the racing at the Cuban track. J. W. 
Burttschell’s consignment of twelve, including 
Cooney K., will be ibe stars of the shipment. 
Jockeys J. W. Murphy. Mulcahy, Gaugel and Huf 
uagel also depart for Havana next Saturday. 

Fred Burlew feels confident of annexing the Cres- 
(Ont City Derby, to be run a week from Saturday, 
and today offered to tiet any part of $.').000 that 
either Chapultepec or Angclus would lie returned 
the winner. 


A. G. Blakeley, who has been training a number 
of horses which Sam Emery has at Oakland, has 
been advised that he is being considertd by Mr. 
Whitney as the successor of the late John W. 
Rogers as traiuar of the big Whitney atable. 


Liberal Entries to a Big Event Which la to Be Run 
at Butte Next Year. 

Secretary Harry Stover of the Butte .Tockey Club, 
announc)‘8 that eighty-one nominations have l>een re- 
ceived for the Four States Futurity, the $o.<HH) 
stake offered liy the Butte Joczey iTiili last fall for 
ftails of 1907 in the four states of California, Ore- 
gon, Washington and .Montana, to lie run during the 
Kiiiiimi-r meeting at Butte in 1909. Tlie distance 
of the race will be one-balf mile and the nominators 
and nominations are as follows: 

John Hackett — Blaek colt, by Yellow Tail — Tinkle 
Tinkle; chestiint colt, by Yellow Tall— Morinel; 
chestnut colt, liy Yellow Tall — Fusil; ch 'Stnut colt, 
by Yellow Tall — Why Not. 

A. B. Sfireckels — C'h(‘stniit filly, by Solitaire II. — 
Nellie Bell; chestnut colt, by The Judge — Adelfa; 
bay e<dt. by Solitaire II. — Monrovia; bay c<dt,,b.v 
Solitaire II. — Arisbc; liay colt, by 'The Judge — Hand- 
some Florry; bay filly, b.v Marius II. — Cattle Kate; 
bay filly. i»y Marius II. — Georgia IV.; chestnut filly, 
by ITjc Judge — Sacharisa; liay filly, by Solitaire 11. 
— Sevens; chestnut colt, li.v Sulitaire II. — Gaviola. 

Sciiwartz & I.emmon— Gray colt, by .Toe Terry — 
I.a Amigo; chestnut colt, l>y Rey del S'lerras — Aunt 
Bird; hay filly, by Joe Terry — Quatre. 

W. L. Stanfield — -Black or lirown colt, by H»ud- 
press— Kittle Kelly. 

J. W. Donathan — Bay filly, by Circus — Nonlc. 

Burns & Waterhouse — Bay colt, by Altamax — Bit 
of Fashion; bay or brown colt, by Maxiiic — Mlss^ 
Rowona; brown filly, by Altamax — Picnic; Iwy c<dt. 
by Eddie Jones — Prejudice; bay colt. Ity Eddie Jones 
— Prlnc*'HS Zeika; lirown filly, by Maxnii — Poloma. 

A. Ross — Bay filly, by Yankee Doodle — Circe; 
chestnut colt, by Yankee Doodle — Tlllle R. ; chest 
nut colt, by Yankee Doodle— Almatless. 

A. J Stemler — Bay filly, hy Beau Urcsond^-^Afa- 

mada. • 

Harry Stover — Brown filly, by Kenilworth — Initia- 
tion; brown filly, by Kenilworth — La Vendetta; 
ba.v colt, by Illowabo — Erma; bay colt, by Edlnbor- 
ough — Maggie Davis; brown colt, by Edloborough — 
Ban Brook; brown coH, by Kenilworth — Boss Girl; 
bay fiH.v. by Kenilworth — Cora Goeta; bay filly, liy 
Kenilworth — Emigre; bay filly, by Kenilworth — 
Marabelta; brown colt, by Kenilworth — Mitten; 
brown eolt. by Kenilworth — Belle of Bohemia; bay 
fitly, by Kenilworth — tTara; brown filly, by Kenil- 
worth — Neura; bay filly, by Kenilworth — Belle 
Street; bay colt, by Kenilworth — Rio Hondo; brown 
colt, by Kenilworth — .Morslliiia. 

G. P. Wolfe — Chestnut filly, by Cocaine — Aloe 

J. M. Blanton— Chestnut filly, hy Elmer L. — 

H. I. Wilson — Bay or brown filly, by The Weaver 
— Mildred S<-hultz; chestnut colt, by The Weaver — 

H. Robinson — Brown colt, by Kenilworth — Ada 

N.; brown filly, by Kenilworth — Trinity Bell. 

B. Allen — Bay colt, by Edinborougb — Beatrice S. 

.\rtbur Bonnet — Chestnut colt, by Olympian — Flo 


L. A. Blasingame— Cliestnut colt, by Wernberg — 

Peck & Quinlan — Bay colt, by McLight — Nougat; 
chestnut colt, by McLigbt — Alva’s Garter. 

W. H. Slattery — Bay colt, by Sir Leonard — - 

O. A. Bianchi — Black colt, by Ravelston — Lavena 

C. ; chestnut c-olt, by Ravelston — Lad.v Hardsworth; 
chestnut <-oIt, by Cunard — Resignation II. 

I. Morehouse — Bay filly, by Collector Jessup — 
ITlagon; bay colt, hy Collector Jessup — Soutolo. 

G. M. Van Gorden — Bay colt, by General Roberts 
— Ola Hurst; chestnut filly, hy General Roberts — 
Playful; chestnut colt, by Circus — Veins. 

J. E. King — Bay filly, by Edinborougb— Blondura. 

W. P. Magranc — Bay colt, by Handpress — Judea. 

D. Z<‘linsky — Bay colt, by Hamilton II. — Cricket. 

J. T. Robbins — Bay filly, by Rubicon — Ramlet. 

W. W. Finn — Bay filly, by Kenilworth — Hagar. 

H. Green — Bay filly, by Mountaineer — Maud Roth. 

J. F. Winter — chestnut colt, by Whiskey King — 

Dandle Belle. 

J. S. Gilison & Co. — Lofty Heywood, h. c, liy 
Hey wood — Fela;t te. 

Kohrs & Bielenlierg — Brown filly, by Harvey Bar- 
lair — Regent’s Last. 

E. Douglas — Bay filly, by Monte Red — Fancher. 

B. ScUreitaT — Bay colt, by Ossary — Signorinu; 

liay colt, b.v Orsinl— Saludora; bay colt, by Orslni — 
Saintolat; liay colt, by Orsliii — Butola; bay filly, by 
Emiieror of Norfolk — Trained Nurse. 

D. Hogan — Chestnut Ji.Ily, by Banco — Clclllea. 


Lexington, Ky., March 5. — Ida Pickwick, formerly 
a queen of the western turf, died at Hamlmrg Place 
this morning, just after fouling a bay colt by Mi- 

John E. Madden says the colt is a handsome one, 
and will make an effort to raise it by hand. Ida 
Pickwick was twenty years old. by Mr. Pickwick, 
out of Ida K., b.v King Alfonso, and was bred by 
E. S. Gardner at Avondale Stud In Tennessee. When 
she was through racing she was retired to the Avon- 
dale Stud and produced Ida Quicklime, Ivory Bells 
— dam of DfHiata — I'ruiik L. Perley and Pickwick. 
Then Madden liought her and she produced Plausible 
and Coppers for him. 


First Three Horses Pass Judges’ Stand Together — 
Preston Forced by Injury to Leave Saddle. 

Los .tngeles. Cal., Man* fi. — Jockey Preston rode 
in two races toilay before it was discovered he had 
a liroken collar-bone. He was not allowed to ride 
after that and will tie on the ground for some days. 
$’lie injury occurr»'<l while he was boxing in the 
gymnasium this morning. 

.. The closest finish of the season oeeurrod today 
when Sidiiej’ I'.. Early Tide and Centre Shot thun- 
dered across Hi» line in so close alignment that none 
but the judges were in a position to say which 
had won. The ra«> was given to Sidney F., which 
finished with a great rush, .\part from this the rac- 
ing was devoid of interest. 

Hereafter was an tidd.s-tin choice in the first race, 
hut tired fast after wearing down Daisy Frost in 
th • stretch and was lucky to save tlilrd place from 
Ihe latter. Korosilan.v came fast near the end and, 
overhauling Booger Bed, won going away. 

.\ntl<a-h made a sliow of her opisinents in the 
juvenile raw and won in a canter. Ollle Ward 
lost ground by swinging wide on the turn for 
home, blit cIosjkI up fast when straightened out for 
the final run and caught Miniature in the last 
stride for second place. The latter was tiring fast 
and barely saved third place from Wildwood. 

Ed Alvey and his friends put over another coup 
when I>r. Mathews overhauled Turnaway and Kerry 
In the stretch and won under an energetic ride. 
Kerry set Mie pace to the stretch, where he tired 
in the final drive aud finished third. Turnaway ran 
111 second place throughout. 

Elic finisheil with a great rush and caught Asso- 
ciate in the last stride of the long-distance race. 
The latter slKiwed the iniwt speed in the early nin- 
iiiug, but tired in the closing strides and could not 
wiUistand th« ciutlleage «f the winner. Bragg came 
fast in the last sixteenth and finished an easy third. 

The good joekeyship ot Shilling was largely re- 
sponsible for the victory of Sidney F. in the mile 
race, as the winner ran In last position to the 
stretch, where Sliilling took him to the middle of 
the track and, under a hard drive, secured the ver- 
dict ill a close finish. 

Preparations are being made for the largest crowd 
which has evc-r visited the new track next Satur- 
day. The magnet expected to bring out a record 
attendanw is the Los .\iigeles Derby. 

Jockey T. Rice, who had his collar-bone broken 
when Raleigh fell with him at- the start of the first 
race last Saturday, was at the track today. It 
will be several weeks liefore he will be able to ride 

The horses R. -F. Curuian has advertised for sale 
at auction In the paddock before racing begins next 
Saturday are twenty -three in iiumtK‘r, as follows: 
Martha Jane, Golden Shore, Jane Swift, Friar of 
Elgin, Lack foot, Slllierschwanz. I.4idy Chlswcll, Pal, 
.\irs, Elizabeth F., Don I.,ee, Sir Russell, Inspector 
Bird, Slater, Ptarmigan, I’m Joe, Henry of Sbenna- 
incre, Pan-de-Oro, High Ormonde, Merrill, Oriflamb, 
Likely Dieu^onne and Demoustration. 

W. H. Holland has discharged M. V. Jacobson, 
trainer of Colonel Jack, without giviug any reason 
for his action. The running of the four-year-old 
son of I’essara — Middy Morgan yesterday was In 
striking contrast to his previous, races. It was his 
first winnlTig race since Deecniher 30. when he de- 
feated Sir Edwaril aiiA Summer Cloud. It is said 
that S. C. Hildreth has made Holland an offer for 
the horse. 


At an auction sale in the paddock at Oakland 
last Saturday, the following horses were sold to the 
highest bidder. William Riley acted as the auc- 
tlonei-r: Standover, E. Van Tuck, $1,200; Steel 

Blue, V. H. Terry, $82-"i; Marian Louise, A. B. Pom- 
eroy, $;J00; Bonar, J. Hennessy, $50; Huston, J. O. 
James, $50; Trycomiel, J. Little, $75; Mala, W. 
Rose, $80; All Ablaze, C. Sanford, $700; Pleiad, C. 
Sanford, $800; Cheors, W. S. Knapp, $450; Vronsky, 
W. S. Knapp, $900; Tillary, R. Caruthers, $50; 
Chancellor Walworth, H. Green, $150; Clara Or- 
monde, J. F. MetJovern, $30; Florence Ormonde, A. 
H. Laiidsbergcr, $50; Emily M., H. A. Cotton, $300. 


Barney Scbrelber will breed Miss Pnidential and 
one or two other mares to John D. Mlllln’s stallion, 
St. Avonlcus, this sprlug. 

All the stables at the Kentucky Assoidation 
track at Lcxlugton are reported to be full and 
horsemen at New Orleans are in a quandary where 
to find stable room for the horses which they intend 
to race at the Lexington meeting this spring. 

Firestone, the pride, of the Thomas H. Williams 
stable, is reiiorted to lie training well at Oakland. 
His wiiKer sojourn at Brentwood did the colt a 
great deal of good and he will be prepared for his 
eastern engagements by trainer H. E. Rowell, who 
will leave for Gravesend with the stable some time 
in May. 

The plan submitted by the Jockey Club for the 
curtailing of betting on tUe New Y’ork race tracks 
is said to have been drafted after consultations 
with Rev. Dr. Thomas B. Sllcer, Police Commis- 
sioner Bingham ot New York city. Justices Gilder- 
sleeve and Blanchard of the Supreme Court, Justice 
Foster of General Sessions, and several magistrates 
of New York city and four assistant district attor- 
neys of New York county.* 


Jefferson City, Mo., March 5. — Govemw Joseph 
W. Folk last night made a denial of statements 
credited to Barney Schreiber and Joseph W. Murphy 
to the effect that anti-racing leglslatltm had Inter- 
fered with the breeding of horses in Missouri. He 
said that if poolrooms could be shown to be running 
in Kansas City and St. laMiis, as the race ' track 
advocates claimed, he would dismiss the police com- 
mlssiouers of those cities. 

VOIi. XIV. NO. 57. 


CmCAGK), FRIDA Y, MARCH 6, 1908. 


California is no exception. The accounts of dealers who charge more will be closed. 

» •' 1( i • r i V'’ 1 i h I* t 1 <^^1^ 

•f’ - A V a:* 




FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1909« 



Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 

Publishers of 


Official organ of 


A Dally Reflection of the American Tarf< by 

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Entered as second-class matter April 2, 1896, at 
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The horses which schuu lR‘st in Friday's races 
a re : 

Fair Grounds- -New Orleans, La.. March 5. 

1 - Dispute, .Miss Hapslmrg, Lady I^Hsita. 

2— .Miss S;iin, Ida Ma.v.. Bellwether. 

Daiid.v Dancer, E. T. Shipp, Rustle. 

■1 Colhxpiy, i'riiK-e Ahmed, Itlagg. 

Ti - Morales, Beatrice K., Aleueou. 

P (’.-ililegram. Cimui. Merrick. 

7 — lamise .Maefarhui, J<iek Wilt, St. Bellane. 

.1. L. Dempsey. 

Santa Anita Park — Los .Vngeies. Cal., March 5. 

1— Reiilieii, Crestoii Ihiy, San Nicholas. 

2— Im-leinent. Po)is, Silk Hose. 

- Brawiiey Lad, latudahle. Pal. 

•t — Edwin T. Fryer, Baron Esher, L. C. Widrig. 

Sunray, ('olillion. ('liristine .\. 

(i - Briliery, Rey del Mnndo, Instructor. 

E. F. O’Malley. 

Oakland — Oakland. Cal., March 5. 

1 .liH-niid, .Magraue, Plnaiid. 

2— Carrie Tlialclmr, Sclireilier entry. Ocean Maid. 

— Billy .M.ver, .Msatiaii. Emma G. 

•t— Cigarlighter. St. .\voii. Ma.v .\melia. 

.■• — Western. .Metlakatla. Invader. 

(i .Mitre, Kenilworth, Taleiitosa. 

II. Forsland. 


Pari-Mutuel Likely to Be Used at Louisville — Very 
Popular Down East Formerly. 

New York, March 4 . — ^Tliere is a still hunt going 
on here for all the pari-mutuel machines that' can 
be found. Malt Winn and Charles F. Grainger have 
coiniiiissionod “Bost^i” Jack Mclhmald to look up 
Nelson Kirk, who once was in charge of the ma- 
eliiiies at the Slit^tshead Bay, Gravesend and 
Brighton Beach tracks IxTore the laws were adopted 
which prevented their use, and they will he used 
f'T the coming meeting at iHonisville, unless jircscnt 
jilans cliangix. The pari-mutuel maehine is legal in 
Kentucky. Would that we r\>nld sa^ as much for 
New York. -\nd yet it was a ver.v |Ki|nilar metliod 
of lior.s** raee wagers away back in the early days 
<if the turf in tills slate. I well rememlxT that 
one of the most bitter fends which existed between 
liroiiiiiient spoi'ling men began about 187P, wbeii 
Gi-orge Wilkes and John B’. (liamberlln ipiarreled 
over the iiii|xirtatbiu of lliese maeliiiies into tills 
coiiiitr.v from France. 

In due lime they were used In coiijlinction with 
lh<- sirirlly ,\ineri<aii form <*f lielliiig, known as 
aiK'lioii iMiolselling, which was hronght to Uie north 
by Priei- .McGrath. 1 have .sixoi M'illiam K. Viiii- 

deiiiilt. as a young man, sit in the last row of eliairs 
whieli faced the anclioneer tinder a lent at the 
Nbeepsliead Bay track in the paddo<’k. at about the 
Very siKit where the einb’s otliees now are, and bid 
for tbe “fiebl” or for the smaller choices in the 
anelioii pixils. He was v»ry snceessful also, win- 
ning many a l>et. It was alxint that period, or a 
little lieforc. Unit eoiiiinon report aceredited .Mr. 
Vanderbilt with being the owner of the goiMl haii- 
diea|i lior.-a-. Ge>>rge .McCnIIongli, liy Harry Bassett, 
lliongli he ran in the name of .hilin .Mi-Cullongli, a 
special polieeniaii on duty at the (irand (,’eiitral 

de|iol . 

WlM'ii I was judge at Brighton Beach in its. first 
few .sea.sons, in the earl.v eighties, auction pools and 
the pari iiiiitnel wi fe the only forms of Ixdt iiig nsi'd 
at that conrsH*. This track was on - of Ho- last to 
full into line and let in the IsMikinaking eh-nieiit. 
As iiiiicli as .'till’.'i.tiPti liad gone llinnigh the niaeliinea 
ill one day lliere. and this meant ifP.o'si in i«-r- 
eeiiluge to the iiiaiiageiiieiit. 'riieii tbe auction 
pi«»|s were Ibc favorite forins of IH-Itiiig witli llie 
liig men. and “first < liob e, $I,<Hip,” was llie usual 
hegiuniug of thg selliug of a pool. The big oper- 

ator did not in those days get much for bis mbney, 
for obvion.s reasons. 

“When did IsMikinskim: begin on oiir race 
tracks’'” was a question rma'iilly asked inc liy the 
editor of one of onr great newspapers. BToni iiiein- 
ory alone I was aide to ti ll liiiii that alvnnt ].'»7:’> 
1 had s«'eii the quotations on certain slakes tv) he 
run at .leromv' I’ark — the Withers, Beliutmt, etc. 
Henry .Staiiforil, an Blnglishnian with a flowing 
beard, tinged with gray, was the bookmaker. He 
came to this country on the invitation of some 
Amerienu horsemen who tolil him that it was a 
promising lielil for men in his profession. Then 

.John Morrissey, the former congressman, backed 
James McGowan in some aiitc-i>ost betting ventures 
on the New York and Kentucky races, notably the 
Kentucky Derby. Gradually Uridge & Uo. and 
others came into the business to opjKise Kell.v & 
Bliss, wImi be.gan to come In for all the Jerome 
Park privileges fliroiigh their friendship with Leon- 
aril Jerome. Then the Coney JiK'key Club was or- 
ganized in 1879, Kelly & Bliss retained their jiosl- 
tkm as managers of the betting privileges. 

As racing continued to . be popular, there ctime 
complaints that the B'reneh machines did not turn in 
as good odds to the jiopulaee as woulil liookmakers 
and gradually tlie latter persons were sohl the 
right to locate in stands on the various courses. At 
one time all llirce forms of betting could be seen 
at tlie mctro]K>lltan tracks. Bookinakiiig outlived 
tlie others, legislation driving them from tbe tracks 
and the fact that when a man maile a bet with a 
layv'r, he knew the odils he was getting, which was 
not the cas«> when he bet in the mutuels, operated 
to make bvHikiiiakiiig more popular. 

“Dr. UudervvvKKl was the greatest auction i-ovd- 
scllcr that ever lived,” said a veteran horseman 
to me yesterday. “His eoaxiiig voice, rich with 
Irish idariiey, would make a man bet liis last dellar 
to get a pvMil.” 

“Did you ever liear Bob Catlicart sell ikuiIs’;” 
was tile ipiestion of a Keiitnekian. “He was the 
Ix-st 1 ever heard. His strong, vigorous, clialleiig- 
iiig demand, ‘Wliat am I offereil for first choice”? 
was like, a bugle lilast. He was a courtly man of 
tlie oil! seliool anil, whenever a Kentuckian wanted 
to liaek ills horsi', it was Catheart who was given 
the com mission, the liorsemeii knowing that every 
dollar tliat eonlit be got against it would lie si-- 
eiired.” J- J- Bnrkc. 


Ia‘xiiigton, Ky., Mareh 5. — The proposition to 
saiidwleli the Lexington mei'tiiig lietween those at 
l>ouisviUe and Latonia is meeting with opposition 
here. Just aliont a mouth ago the idea was sug- 
gested liy Garret D. Wilson to two or three others of 
the boaril of ilirectors of the Kentticky Association 
and for a day or two there was talk of a meeting 
of the lioard to tie liebl prior to the departure of 
Viee-Presiileiit Hal P. lleailley for Mexico tliat a 
vote miglit lie taken on the dates to lie reqnestval 
of tile ,8tate Racing Coniinissloii. Then canic the 
uniiiiiiiicement that the commission woulil ^ol con- 
sider apiilieations for dates until the latter part of 
the present month ainl the iliri'ctors dlvl not meet. 

Since tliat time eoiisiderable oiqiositlon has devel- 
olK‘vl and only a day or two ago several of the train- 
ers at the local track tUq-iilcd to see the directors 
in tverson and ask tliciii not to ileiiart from the loiig- 
vstablisliiHl order —Lexington, Ixiiiisvillc, Latonia — 
unless tlje State Racing Commission should ilecni it 
wise to, and there is said to be little proba- 
liility that tlie commission will want to make tbe 

Those in favor of the old order want the local 
meeting to oiH-ii April 20 and continue ten days, 
ending Thursday, Ajiril 30. Louisville, it is under- 
stood, expects to oiicn Satiinlay, May 2, and con- 
tinue nineteen vlays, ending on May 23. Latonia 
will ppohalily lie given twenty-four days. Under the 
oM order Latonia would oih-ii May 25 and continue 
to aud including June 20. The now proposition 
would put the opening at Incxington on May 21 ami 
the closing at Latonia to the first wi?ek in Jiil.v. 

It Is argued by those favoring the change that the 
trainers at Lexington would have more time in 
which to get ready; that there would be less likeli- 
hood of liad weather; that they could ship only those 
ready to race to Louisville and then come Iiack at 
little expense and tliat the horsemen shipping up 
from the south would seiul only tlie most fit of 
tlivdr strings here after the Ciinrchlll Downs meet- 
ing ami that this woulil mean bett“r racing liere 
and a saving to the horsemen. 

Those opiiosing the plan say that this has been a 
decidedly open winter and that tliere will lie no 
iinostion alKHit getting read.v by April 20. They 
contend that few of tlie local trainers wvmlil want 
to' ship all of their horses to Louisville aud that 
none of them would willingly divide their stables 
for nineteen days if they can avoid It. It is further 
coiitemlevl that tlie better racing is to be liail on 
tlie earl.v dates licre. for the reason that there is 
always keen ilesire to see the crack two and three- 
year-olds from the south Ivxdc horns with the siip- 
[Hvsed best of their ages wintering here. * 


New California Jockey Club, San Francisco, Cal.: 
November 9 to May 2. (Oakland track, 151 days). 

Los Angeles Racing Association, Arcadia, Cal.; 
December 7 to April 1. (Santa Anita Park, 100 


121 days. sIxty-one for the City Park Jockey Club at 

City Park, aud sixty for the Crescent City Jockey 

Club at the Fair Grounds, the arrangement of re- 
maining dates being as follows: 

B'air Grounds — March 2 to March 14. 

City Park — March 16 to March 28. 

B'alr Grounds — March 30. to April 11. 

Washington Jockey Club, Washington, D. C.: 

March 23 to .\prll 14. (Bcnnlng, 20 days). 

Queens County Jockey Club, New York, N. Y, : 
.-tprll 15 to April 28. (Aqueduct, 12 days). 

Maryland Jockey Club, Baltimore, Md. : 

April 22 to May 9. (Piiiilico, 16 vlays). 

Metropolitan Jockey Club, New York, N. Y. : 

April 2tt to May 12. (Jamaica, 12 days). 

Westchester Racing Association, New York, N. Y. : 
May 13 to .May 30. (Belmont Park, 10 days). 

Ontario Jockey Club, Toronto, Ont. : 

Ma.v *23 to June 6. (Woodbine Park, 12 vlays). 

Brooklyn Jockey Club, New York, N. Y. : 

June 1 to June 18. (Gravesend, 16 days). 

Montreal Jockey Club, Montreal, Quebec: 

June 6 to June 20. (Blue Bonnets, 13 days). 

Hamilton Jockey Club, Hamilton, Oat. : 

June !► to June 20. (Hamilton, H days). 

Denver-Overland Jockey Club, Denver Col. : 

June 13 to Jiil.v 18. (Overland I’ark. .’il vlay.s). 

Coney Island 'Jockey Club, New York, N. 5^: 

June 19 to July 6. (Sheepskead Bay, 15 days). 

Buffalo Kacing Association, Buffalo, N. Y. : 

June 20 to July 25. (Kenilworth Park, 31 days). 

King County Fair Association, Seattle, Wash.: 

June ‘20 to Sep|i-mlH-r 12. (Tbe Meadows, 73 

Butte Jockey Club, Butte, Mont.: 

June 27 to .ScplviiilK-r -1. (Butte, 00 days). 

Brighton Beach Racing Association, New York, N.Y, 
July 7 to July 29. (Brighton Beavh, 20 vlay.s). 

Niagara Jockey Club, Fort Erie, Ont.: 

Jiil.v 27 !<• .\iigiist r:o. (l''orl Erie, 29 ila.vsi. 

Empire City Trotting Club, Yonken, N. Y.: 
August 12 to August 28. (Empire City, 15 days). 

Coney Island Jockey Club, New York, N. Y. ; 
August 29 to Septeiiilier 12. (Sheepshead Bay, 13 
days). " 

Montreal Jockey Club, Montreal, Que. : 

August 29 to S’eptemlx'r ,18. (Blue Bonuets, 18 

Brooklyn Jockey Club, New York, N, Y. : 
September 14 to September 26. (Gravesend, 12 

Ontario Jockey Club, Toronto, Ont.: 

Seiiteniber 19 to September 26. (Woodbine Park, 
7 days). 

Brighton Beach Racing Association, New Yoi%, N.Y. : 
September 28 to October 3. (Brighton Beach, 6 

Hamilton Jockey Club, Hamilton, Ont.: 

September 29 to October 10. (namilton, 11 days). 

Oklahoma City Racing Ass'n. Oklahoma City, Okla.: 
Octol)i r 1 tv> October lo. (Fair Grounds, 9 liuys). 

Westchester Racing Association, New York, N. Y.: 
Oviolicr 5 to October 17. (Belmont Park, 12 days). 

Fort Worth Fair Association, Fort Worth, Texas: 
October 8 to October Iti. (Fair Grounds, 8 days). 

Empire City Trotting Club, Yonkers, N. Y.: 

October 19 to October 24. (Empire City, 6 days). 

Maryland Jockey Club, Baltimore, Md. : 

Octcdier 24 to November 7. (Pimlico, 13 days). 

Metropolitan Jockey Club, New York, N. Y. : 
October 26 to November 4. (Jamaica, 9 days). 

Queens County Jockey Club, New York, N. Y. : 
November 5 to Novemlier 14. (Aviueduct, 9 days). 

Washington Jockoy Club, Washington, D. C. : 

November 16 to Nvvvember 28. (Beniiitig, 12 days). 





One hundred aud first day. New California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 151 vlays. (36 books on.) 

Presiding Judge, E. C. Hopper. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Secretary, Percy W. Treat. 

Racing starts at 1:40 p. m. (Chicago time 3:40 p. m.). W Indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Fig- 
ures in parentheses following tbe distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse 
and weight carried. 


Ind Horses 

FIRST RACEl— 3-8 Mile. (73306—354—2—113.) $400 added. 2 year-olds. Selling. 

‘ Net value to winner $:125. , 

AWtPPSi !4 % »4StrFin Jockeys 


1 7-5 7 0 2-5 1-6 

72159-MINNIE BRIGHT w lt)2 3 1 Ink I’i li Oilliert 1! Schreiber 1 7-5 7 0 2-5 1-6 

73153 KlvYI.N’G D.ANCE W 100 5 3 2‘i 2=> 2« A Walsh W K .\pplegate 15 15 13 3 1 

73459 FALSE NUN w 107 1 5 4'J 5* 3n W Kelly J Dinkelspiel 2i i:{-59-5 7 101 2 

73204 WHO W 105 4 6 6 4‘ 4nt W Miller T H Williams 6 10 10 2i I 

73459 LACKVILLE • w 105 6 2 3- 3=i 5* Sandy H Mack 8 12 10 3 1 

73402 HONS ALINE W 98 2 4 5“'^ 6 6 Klrsch’m M Grant 60 100 30 10 4 

Tilin'. 2t)?, 374. 

Winner — Cli. f, liy Balgowan — Malaise (trained liy D. Henry). 

Went to iM>st at 1:44. -\t post 6 minutes. Start goovl. Won driving: second and third the same. 
Minnie Briglit drew out iiuivkly ami set tlie iiace tlirouglioiit, liiit just lastevl tbe journey. Flying Dairne, 
always in forwiirvl pursuit of the winner, stiimblv'vl into defeat when a sixteentli out anil just failed to 
get up iu a cracking effort. False Niin. tiatfooted at tbe start and in close quarters, maile a fast streteli 
effort. Who, away tiailly and earrieil liopelessly wide on the streteli turn, just failed to get up for thiril 
place in a wTiirlwind riisli. Lackville slimved early s|K'Pd, but failevl to stay. Boiisaliiie liolteil on the 
stU‘li:li turn and lost ail eliance. Tlie winner was enterevl for ^iiaM); no liivl. 

rr Q Ft PT Pr SECONlt K.U'E— 3-4 Mile. (72647—1:114—3—103.) 3400 addeil. 3-year-olds and uiT- 

I ^ fj ward. Selling. Net value to winner 3.’{t>5. 

lull Horses 

AWtPPSt 44 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 

O H C P 


7351S»HULFX>UD w 7 109 3 5 4h 3» 3» 3< Butwell . S Bailey 24 13-513-57 107-20 

7:>4o3 PONTOTOC WB G 112 2 8 8** 7* 6* I'-' Scoville Keene Bros 15 16 12 5 24 

73519 RUTH W. WB 5 110 7 3 5= 5-4 5* 5‘ W Fischer J B Dunn 8 15 15 4 x 5 

723’JO ST. .VLBANS W 4 101 1 7 6* 61 7* 6* Mentry G P McNeil 50 lot) lllO :!0 10 

73516 BYRO.N WB 3 *5 4 6 24 4< 44 7'» Gilbert V Hughes 15’ 25 25 6 3 

73.386 BAKER B 6 111 6 2 7J 8‘« 8i- S'® Borel J M Stowe 60 150 150 50 20 

67460 REY DARE BlO 108 5 9 9 9 9 9 W Kelly W Hawke 60 lOO llHl 40 20 

Time. 24». 49, 1:154. 

Winner— B. g, b.v Salvator— Mv'riilen (trained by W. W. Finn). 

.Went to iiost at 2:10. At jx»st 2 minutes. Start govxl. Won driving; second and third the same. 
Salvage drew out at the start and won all tbe way. Prestige, from a goovl start, ran in forward aiivl 
IHTsistent pursuit and was wearing tlie winner iliiwn at the end. lliilforij, away very [xxirly aiul bavlly 
messed alKiiit, Ivximed up like the winner vai the last turn, but fallv'd to get up. PoiitotiH-, awa.v badly. 
cl«>sc,i a gap and is good. Ruth W. tired iii>exiievteilly in the stretch. St. Alhans finished like a shot 
and is iiromisiiig. Byron is a fast non-stayer. The winner was entered for 3-lOt); no bid. 

Svratchevl — 73421, Elmdale, 108. 

Oyerwelglits — Hulford. 1 ivoiinvl; St. Albans, 1. 

w 6 108 8 1 
WB 6 111 9 4 
w 7 109 3 5 
WB 6 112 2 8 
WB 5 110 7 3 
W 4 101 1 7 
WB 3 95 4 6 
B 6 111 6 2 
BlO 108 5 9 

1'4 1'4 1=.4 1} W Miller W \V Finn 1 14-5 13 16 

3» 2' 24 2= Buxton Fleur de Lis Stal2 13 13 34 6-5 
46 3» 3® 3' Butwell . S Bailey 24 13-513-57 107-20 

8*® 7* 6* 4'' Scoville Keene Bros 15 16 12 5 24 

5= 5®4 5* 5' W Fischer J B Dunn 8 15 15 4 x 5 

6* 61 7* 6* Mentry G P McNeil 50 lot) loo :!0 10 

24 4' 44 7'® Gilbert V Hughes 15’ 25 25 6 3 

7J 8‘® 8'® S'® Borel J M Stowe 60 1.50 150 50 20 

9 9 9 9 W Kelly W Hawke 60 100 llHl 40 20 

O K PC THIRD RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. (69580—1:45 — 1— •J’J.) I’urse $500. 3 year idils and up- 
I O O O t3 wanl. Selling. Net value to winner $400. 

I lid Horse.s 

AWtPPSt Vi % % Str Fin Jockeys 

O H C P S 


W 4 102 







I'J W Kelly 

N e wOrleansS’ hie 




^ r> 


7:5520 T.A.UNT 

WB 4 97 







2'i Gilbert 

T E Crist 







WB 3 91 







3® Buxton 

Maine Stable 




-57 5 



MB 3 91 






3'1 4* F •H’brandSierraNevaila.Sta 




4- 5 


M'B 6 107 







5* W Fischer J B Dunn 






w 4 97 







6®J Kirsch’m 

A B Buch.-inan 




7::519 GROMOBOl 








73 J Butler 

Keene Bros 





73270 WOOLMA 

W 4 102 







8 A Walsh 






Time, 25, 498, 1:16, 1 ;43S. 1:504. 

Winner— B. c, l>y Alliort — Connterbreeze (trained by K. Wolf). 

Went to post at 2::21. At iiost 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; sevxmd and third driving. Morti- 
boy drew out quickly and stole a long and winning leavl on the first turn, then lield sway to the end with 
no serious opiiosition. Taunt, alertly and vigorously ridvien, ran in nearest pursuit thrvuigbout and was a 
game anil fast going second. Whidden, nearly left, closed an immense gap ami protiabl.v was Ix^st. 
Iltisky, shiitlled to tlie rear on the first turn, closed a liig gap in the miildle running, but tireil finally. 
EduSrilo just about lield Ids own and ran a bad race. Dvdlie Dollars shviwevl earl.v siieeil, but ijiiit liadly. 
Cromobol wants stiff going. Woolma was sore. The winner was entered for $1,0(10; no bid. 

Scratclied — 73079 J. R. Lauglirey, 102. 

Overweights — Eduardo, 4 pounds. 

7 Q Pk PC *T J’'l>URriI RACE— 1 Mile. (69101— liiiSj— 4— 95.) I’urse $800. 3-year-olils and up- 
f ^ § ward. Handicap. Net value to winner $(i00. 

Ind Horses 

A WtPPSt 44 V4 Vi Str Fin Jockeys 


6 11 11 34 1 

3 3 3 9-101-4 

6 6 54 2 9-10 

4 5 23-59-5 7-10 

7346.3®IMPORT WB 3 93 3 4 4'® 5 5 4®k lij Buxton F W Healey 6 11 11 34 1 

734SO®M.A.SS.A • w 6 96 2 3 5 4=4 4"k 5 23 Gilbert D A Ross 3 3 3 9-101-4 

73480 F^ED BENT W 5 101 4 1 23 33 2‘4 2*4 3'4 Kirsch’m B Dealy 6 6 54 2 9-10 

73270 JUDGE NEL.SON w 4 105 1 2 3® 2ok 33 3nk 41J w Miller H G Bedwell 4 5 23-59-5 7-10 

(7353S)TDM SHAW wjs 3. 93 5 5 l“k I'j 13 13 .5 p H’brandSierraNevadaSta 24 24 9-5 9-109-20 

Time. 25J, ,'VOL 1:16, 1:4.3J. 

Winner — B. c, by Peep o’Day — Auntie Mum (trained liy J. .Tones). 

Went to iK>st at 2:58. At i>ost 1 minute. Start good. Won vlriving; sevxmd and tliirvl the same. 
Import, after being outpaced and trailing for six furlongs, made a close stretch turn, caught tlie olliers 
tiring in a sensational sprint . anil Wvvn going away. Massa was crowdeil back on the first turn and lost 
several lengtliS, lint eloseil up rapivll.v in the mivlvlle half and. after being earrieil out wide on tlie last 
turn, failed to get up in a ejelonlc tinisli. Frevl Itent. after forward ami iiersistent pursuit of tlie pace- 
makers throughout, tired right at the end anil is rounding to. Judge Nelson follovvv'vi the pacemaker for 
.-•even furlongs and wore him ilown, but siiccumbevl in tiiri# to the others. Tom. Shaw set a sizzling pace 
for over six furlongs and failixl to stay. 


liid Horses 

Firm RACE— 1 Mile. (60104— l;3Ss- 
Nct value to winner $;J25. 

-95.) Purse $400. 3-year-olds. Selling. 

AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys 


W 110 6 
WB 102 2 
ws 102 7 
WS 102 3 

50 60 60 20 10 
50 100 100 30 15 

(73443)BROOKLEAP W 110 6 2 2®4 1'4 13 1- 1'4 A Walsh W E Applegate 13-54 16-51 1-2 

7:1479®.STEEL BLUE WB 102 2 9 83 ok 2®4 2® 2® W Kelly Steele & Riley 25 24 3-2 7 lol l 

7:{.3S6 B.\N LORD ws 102 7 5 6=4 8* 43 4=5 3® Gilbert B .Schreiber 15 15 12 4 2 

735’1 HIGH GUN WS 102 3 6 7k 7'5 8- .5k 4“k Buxton Dugan & Boland 12 15 12 4 2 

(73517)MR.S. O’FARRELL w 105 5 4 5'5 6=5 75 7= 5* F H’brandMenio Stable 10 16 16 6 24 

73517= AIjCIBIADES W.sB 105 4 7 3=4 :ik 5' 6nk 6' Coles Wilson & Synfy 30 40 40 12 6 

7:i252=LAST GO w.s 105 1 1 43 4' 6' 8* 7® W Miller P W Healey 4 8 5 8-5 4-5 

69533 FOREST ROSE w lOil 9 3 Ik 2® 33 3nk 8® Kirsch’m Caine & Ream 50 60 60 20 10 

73®®8 ATHGOLD WS 101 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 Mentry G P McNeil 50 100 100 30 15 

Time, 26, 51, 1:17*, 1:45*. 

Winner — B. c, by Bowling Brook — Lilly M. (trained by C. L. Snyder). 

Went to post at 3:24. At post 4 minutes. Start fair. Won cantering; second and tlilril driving. 
Brookleaf is probably a coining gixHl one and lixiks it and outbroke, outpaced and outsta.ved her op}xKvitivm 
v'.ecisively. Steel Blue, a slow liegiiiiicr and virtually left, closed an immense gap into a fust going seeoud. 
Itan l.orvl workeil up after overcoming early interference into a game tliird. Iligli Gun was always i>ut- 
piiccd. Mrs. O’Farrell was ontclassv'd. Alciblades was prominent for six furlongs. Last Go likes a drying . 
c'.it track and can do better. Forest Rose showed superior early speeil. Tlie winner was enteri'vl for $500; 
no bill. 

Scratched— (73286) Be Tliankfiil, 107; 73300 Ckicytus, 102; 73458 Patriotic, 100. 

Overweights — .\tligolil. 1 ixmnd. 

ry Q pr F? O B-l^CE— 3-4 Mile. (72047— 1 :11*— 3— 103.) Purse $500. 3-year-oIiIs aniT np^ 

I OOO ward. Allowances. Net value to winner $400. 

Ird Horses AWtPPSt 54 Va % Str F'in Jockeys Owners O 11 C P S 

(7;«S7 ).SMILEY CORBE'FTwb 3 107 3 3 1' 1« 1* 1® W Miller W Cahill 6-5 6-5 1 13 16 

7:2ilO=PAJ.\.UOITA w 3 104 6 1 2“k 2' 2=4 2® Scoville H G Bedwell 8 5 11.52 1 2 1-4 

7:!0 ’3=OCE \N SHORE WS 4 112 2 5 3® ;!’• 3® 3" Sandy Elliott & Marron 6 8 44 6-5 1 2 

6!I401=SEA Iv.\D WS 5 115 5 2 8 73 5'4 4' W Kelly W M Caine 30 201) 1.50 til) 6 

73155=P1.AUSIBLE wii 4 112 4 4 ■fnk 4-0 43 55 Kirsvh’m E I>ealy 12 20 20 4 7-10 

73114 BEltNAltDO WS 3 102 8 6 63 53 6=1 63 Jno CarrollM J Daly 2<Hl .500 500 1.50 25 

72758 NEV.A W. 4 110 7 7 7* 8 74 7® F H’brandSierraNevadaSta KHi :!00 300 .50 20 

7.3483 GVLVANIC WS 6 115 1 8 54 6=4 8 8 Pen'gast S P Grimmett 5o 300 3t)0 50 15 

Time, 24*, 47?. 1:14*. 

Winner — 15. e, b.v TvHlvlingfon — Osenlation (traineil liy W. Caliill). 

Went to post at 3:5.’5. At pest 2 iiiinules. Start goiMl. Won eaiiteriiig; secvinil and tliinl easily. 

Smiley Corliett drew out ami spreavleaglv'd liis opponents, was always under a luill ami luiivli llie liest. 

Pajan'iila was in vlistant. liiit game and unavailing, pursuit of the winner throiiglioiit. Dveaii Sliore got 
into third jHisltiuii ami stayed there, beating tl;e Olliers off ami pulling up. Sea Lail. iiiilriin early, closed 
a liig gap ami tinislievl fast. Plaiisil'le, after early prominence, tireil and was iialpalily sliorl. 




Seveiity-si'ventli day. I.os Angeles Racing .\ssnviatiin. Winter Meeting of 160 days. (21 liiMiks nu.) 

I’resldiiig Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter, J. J. Iloltniun. .Seeretary. E. C. >Sinitli. 

Racing starts at 1:.50 p. m. (Chieago time 3:.50 11. m.). W indicates wliip, S spurs. B blinkers. Fig- 

ures ill parent lieses following tlie distanve of eacli race indicate index ni’iiitx'r, track record, age of horse 
and weiglit carried. ' ' 

^ ^ ^ FIRST R.\(’Er-5 1-2 Furlongs. (72.5.50—1:05? — 1 — Rn:.) Purse $400. 3 year olds and 

§ ij *3 Tt upward. Silling. Net value to winner $.!2.5. 


73 Ind Horsi's 

7:5477®KOR()SII>.\NY w 4 97 6 3 4>‘ 44 3' 1' Goldstein i> E Ware 4 0 41 I 13 

7:i:561=B( K )( lER RE!» W 3 UX 5 6 3® :S= 2® 2= M I’restori '1' Breedlove 3 3 3 7 101 3 

7;!.515=HERE.\1'TER so 4 Ini 2 2 2= 1= ::"k .leii.seii IT 'A De.Vrman 4 5 4-5 4 5 2 5 1-5 

y ’ 7::4<hi D.\ISY fir 1ST W 4 97 :! 1 Ik 2k 41 4® C Ross F Siiear 15 25 2:5 8 3 

7:2:79=1:01 IF.VI'I I ER w.s 3 ‘.12 1 4 -5= 5® 5' 5® K Dugan \\' Cliuniberlain lo 1;5 15 4 1 

7::ii!i:: P.HiE laiTTI.E mu 4 99 4 5 6k 6> t;ii yi j CallalianFliiiniiigAiCluncy 5o 6U t'-n 20 10 

7:2il> ,SU Mtt’ i:i)Y w 6 Iu3 7 7 7 7 7 7 M .Murphy K Koerner TiO loo liHi ;:o 12 

Time. 21, 4S, 1 INI?. 1 :07. 

Winner It. f. liy BraM’ Lad Miss Conrad < trained hy O. E. Ware). 

Went to ixist at 1 :.50. .-U jKist 2 mimites. Start gnml. Won handily; seeoud and third driving) 
Korusilaoy, after being outpaced fur the first half, eame fust through the streteb aud, overhauling Boogel 

AWtPPSt ',4 ',i ?4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 

O II C I’ S 

Saratoga Raging Association, Saratoga, N. Y. : 
July 30 to August 22. (Saratoga, 21 days). 


FRIDAY, MARCH 6. 1908. 



I>d in the final hundred yards, won fiolng away. Boofcer Red broke fiatfooted, hot moved up like a shot 
when turning into the stretch, easily sh<K>k oft Hereafter when an eighth out, but tired under the whip 
at the end. Hereafter ran into a big lead on the tiini, Imt quit siHkIenly and her race should he thrown 
out. Daisy Frost finished well under the whip. The winner was entwed for no bid. 

Scratched— 7;M54 Cn-ston Boy, 10«; TICJW Eonlte, S7; TltSSS Merrill, 99; 73477 Beni.ny, 07; 73496 Billy 
Bowlegs, 91; 73471 Aquiline, M. 


SECOND RACE— 1-8 Mile. (73474— 471—2—115.) Purse 8400. 2-ycar-alda. Selling. 
Net value to winner 8320. 

AWtPI’St % % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 

173492) ANTIOCH w 96 3 4 

«73.T96)OL.l.IE WARD W 99 6 6 

734!« MINIATURE 94 4 2 

73:.n WILDWOOD W 104 B 7 

7.3492 BOI.D w 99 1 3 

7.3185 HARRY STANHOPE w 102 7 6 

7345S ECHOPUS W 99 2 1 

1« i« i>J Jensen II Z I'le.Arman 1 1 13-201-3 out 

4‘ 6* 26 M Preston J M Stokes 10 10 6 6-5 2-5 

5i 21 36 Ashenden J A Bonnet 15 30 30 8 2 

6* BJ 4* Shrlner OakwoodSkRnch 40 60 60 15 6 

26 3‘J 56 Vand’sen W D Millard B 10 10 2 4-6 ■ , , „ 

.36 46 6» Jno Hen’syP T Chinn 10 15 IS 4 6-5 | Monk's 

(73275)JOYFUD LADY WB 107 5 13 96 121 121 13* Mulcahy C H Whittaker 2ft 50 40 IB f 

73504 FINESSE w 103 13 12 6* 13‘ 14 14 l.lebcrt P J Sullivan BO 100 100 40 20 

Time. 241, 4Kjl, 1:15. 

Winner — Ch. f, l>y Carlton Grange — Cambric (trained by E. 8tuM>s). 

W«>nt to post at 8:24. At post 5 minutes. Start gocal. Won driving; secorkl and third the same. 
Mnndclla, lucky at the start and showing ninch the most speiil. rsi-ed her early i-oniiieMtors Into siihjecthm 
and stontl the final drive tliiongh the last sixteenth gamely. Banrida, away slowly and in a tangle, cloded 
a big gap, finished fast and was much the b«*st. Night Mist, always a forward contender, bald on well 
ill the last furlong. Tamar showed speed, but quit badly In the stretch. I.ady Almy ran fairly well 
and had to go wide most of the trip. Bertie had a rough trip and was akw up at the end. Meadow- 
gri'en ran a gooil race and should have been much closer up. Tlie winner was entered for 8400; no bid. 

Scrateheil — 734H9 My Love, 107. 

Overweights — Finesse, 1 pound. 

fourth RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. (67201—1:4.51—6—101.) Purse RIOO. 3-year-olds amt 
i upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 8500. 

AWtPPSt 14 % ?4 StrFin Jockes^a 


7345S ECHOPUS W 99 2 1 7 7 7 «oldstetn W B Jennings 6 10 10 2| 4-5 

Time. 24, 471 (new track record). 

Winner — Ch. f, by Frankfort — Budget of Fun (tralneil by J. L. Riley). 

Went to iHist at 2:13. At jaist 3 minutes. Start good. Won cantering; second and third driving. 
Antioch showiHl brilliant s|iced throughout and simply spreadeaglod her opponents. Ollle Ward swung 
wide when turning for home, but came fast in the final sixteenth on the outside of the others and, finish- 
ing with a rush, niiqied out Miniature in the last stride. The latter ran a gotsl race aud. tinder stretidi 
ininishmcnt. tlreit only at the end. Wildwooil iinisb(>d fast under the whip. Bold and Harry Stanhope 
quit. The winner was entered for 8500; no bid. 

S»*ratched — (73338) Force, 106. 

i rr Q K THIRD RACE— 8-4 MU«. (72409-1:111— »— 92.) Purse 8400. 3-yeai-olds. Selling. 

^ 4 OOOVr Net value to winner 8325. 

Iml Horses AWtPPSt 14 % % StrFin Jockeys Owners CHOPS 

10 10 4 3-2 1-2 

2 3 3 6-5 3-5 

2 2J 2 4-5 2-6 

6 25 25 10 6 

4 5 5 2 1 

20 .30 30 10 6 

6 10 10 4 8-5 

25 100 100 30 15 

73471 DR. M.\THBWS w 110 8 1 3' 3* 3i 1*J D Boland E Alvey 10 10 4 3-2 1-2 

«7;B95)T1IRNAWAY ws 105 5 2 2‘ 2‘ 26 2‘ C Ross E Wright 2 3 3 6-5 3-5 

7;:;i61 Kerry wb 107 2 4 D l» l* 3> E Dugan O Henry 2 2J 2 4-5 2-6 

RECLAIMER w 107 1 5 8» 7* 5* 4* Goldstein J W^^edlln 6 25 25 10 6 

73455 ARI.STOTLB wsB 102 6 3 4 ' 4"6 4* 6* Vand’sen J W^Pangle 4 5 5 2 1 

73395 LI>1S CAVANAGH WB 106i 7 6 B» 56 66 6» Harty T A hhillum 20 .30 30 10 6 

T:I43.3=SPARKLKS wb 107 9 10 76 6» 7* 7* I..ycurKU8 I' H McCarren 6 10 10 4 8-5 

67493 KINTITCK WsB 102 3 9 106 10‘ 9'® 8* M Murphy John Maley 25 100 100 30 15 

73495 WALDORF FELICE w 100 4 7 9 ' 9» 8' 9» Shrlner Mlller&Johnston 20 100 100 30 12 

.1. F. .WDER.SON WB 105 11 11 11 11 11 10* G Archtb’dNelk & Kane 30 60 60 20 10 

67945 COURIER GIRL WB 103il0 8 6' 8* 10> 11 C-H Shil’gR L Thomas 20 26 25 8 4 

Time. 24. 48i. 1:138. 

Winner — B. e, by Star Shoot — Fair Penitent (tralneil b.v G. C. Baker). 

Went to t>OKt at 2:43. At post 2 minutes. Start goml. Won easily; second and third driving. Dr. 
Mathews, suddenly improved and always close to the pacemakers, moved up rapldl.v in the homestretch 
and. after a little shaking up in the final sixteenth, won going aa’ay. Tiirnawa.v was prominent from the 
start and, in a long stretch drive, tlreil isil,v in the closing strides. Kerry showed much the most sp«>ed 
for five furlongs, lint tired when the pinch came. Reclaimer flnislied gamely under the whip. Aristotle 
ran well to the stretch and tircHl. Txiis 4'avaiiagb ran fairly well. The winner was entered for 81,000; 
no bid. 

S<’ratched — (73.512) Royal Queen. 105; 7.3.395 Barbette, 105; 7:i320 Billowy, 105; 73496 Black Dress, 105; 
734.52*Strat Martin, 1(K>; 73471 Albion H., 10.5. 

Cverwelghts — Ixils Cavanagh, IJ pounds; i'ourler Girl, 3i. 


FOURTH K.\CE— 1 1-8 Miles. (72516— 1:51*— 6— 100.) Purse 8400. 4-year-olds and 
upward. Selling. Net value to winner $325. 

AWtPPSt St % % ^4 Str Fin Jockeys 


73475® ELI E w 7 111 8 7 5® 3J 2* 26 2* D E Dugan T A Davies 4 4J 4J 8-5 7-10 

7:?,il4 ASSOCIATE ws 4 107 6 3 3J l"k 1* 1* 1® 2* Shrlner R’khart&Newb’g 6 8 8 3 7-5 

7:«^kt.3®BRAGG SB 9 114 2 1 4»6 41 ,r,h fi« 3s D Boland .1 Curl 2i 4 18-58-6 4-5 

7:!4.",6 COUNTY CLERKWB 4 110 .3 5 1* 2* 3» 4® 5' 46 C H Shll’gR L Thomas 6 6 4} 8-5 4-5 

73i:,0®BOX ELDER w 7 106 7 4 26 66 6® 5® 4' 5= C Ross R T Offutt 6 8 8 3 7-5 

73491 PERRY WK'KBIS w 6 106 1 6 7* 5‘ 4* 3® 3* 6® Goldstein E S Barnett 

2i 4 18-58-6 4-5 

6 6 41 8-5 4-5 

6 8 8 3 7-5 

6 6.4 8-5 7-10 

73494 RED 3'HISTLE WSB 7 106 5 2 6' 7» 7« 7' 76 7i Vand’sen MMIer&Johnston 50 60 .50 20 7 

73514 MONACO MAID WB 6 109 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Lycurgus W Walker 10 10 7 21 1 

Time. ’26. .50*. 1:151. l:41i, l:54g. 

Winner — Ch. g, by St. Carlo — Jude (trained by T. Hiatt). 

Went to iHist at 3:0S. At post I minute. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. 
Kile, always witliin easy distance of the leaders, moved up fast after entering the stretch and, finishing 
with a great rush, got up to win in the last stride. Associate showed much speed throughout, but tlreii 
sii'.ldcnly under punishment at the end. Bragg came from far back in the final eighth and finished with a 
rush under the whip. County Clerk finished fast. Perry Wlckes showed speed, but quit when an eighth 
out. The winner was entered for $400; no bid. 

10 10 7 21 1 

ry Q PJ KO fifth race:— 1 Mil*. (724aO— l:37g— 3— lOS.) Purse 8400. 3-year-olds and upward, 
f O O O M Allowances. Net value to winner 8325. 

Ind Horses 

AWtPPSt?! % % Str Fin Jockeys Cwners 


73360 SIDNEY F. wsB 5 109 4 1 4 4 4 3»k jh c H ShU'g Johnson&Dodson 6 5 31 4-5 out 

73473®E.\RLY TIDE WB 3 102 2 3 2'® 2® 2‘ 2* 26 Jensen U Z DeArman 21 3 3 3-6 1-5 

73.51.3SCENTRE SHOT w 3 92 1 4 1' 1* 1» 1* S‘l E Dugan W Walker 1-2 3-4 3-4 3-lOout 

73378 SUMMER CLOUD w 4 100 3 2 3* 3* 3* 4 4 Shrlner M%ine Stable 10 25 25 4 3-5 

Time, 24|, 48g, 1:14. 1:40. 

Winner — B. g, by Royal E'lush HI.— Extract (trained by H. Johnson). 

Went to post at 3:3<). At post 1 minute. Start go(^. Won driving; second and third the same. 
Shlitey E*. traileil far liack for the first half, then mov^ up steadily and, «H>ming with a grand rush In 
llip tlh.ll sixteenth In the center of the track, got up to, win In the last stride. Early Tide raced next to 
;iic he<‘ls of Centre Shot to the stretch, then moved up fast and stood the last eighth drive gamely. 
4'ciitre Sliot, after leading to the stretch, faltered when half way home, but rallied in the closing strides 
and IlnisluMl resolutely. Summer Cloud finished gamely under the whip. 

Scratched— (73480)Light Wool, 110; 73491»Bauble, 102. 

fTQPJprQ SIXTH RACE— 1 l-« Milea, (72.’>16— 1:51|— 6— 100.) Purse 8400. 4-year-olds and up- 
4 c) O ward. Selling. Net value to winner 8325. 

Iml Horses 

AWtPPSt St % % \ Str Fin Jockeys 

7.3491 B. PR. CHARLIE w 6 106 8 5 1' 1® I'i 1' 1® 1' C H Shil’gJ M Stokes 

73514 FASTOSO w 6 111 7 6 3»6 3* 2® 2® 2® 2® E Dugan E J Baldwin 

7;«97 HUAPAI..A w 7 104 1 2 6® 7* 6'i 46 36 3» Shrlner J C Wever 

7:i4o6 L. ROSSINGTON WB 4 97 3 1 ’.’4 2‘ 3' 3= 4) 4® Taplln ' 

G Motheral 


3-2 2| 2J 9-102-3 
3 3 2 7-W2-6 

15 15 15 5 2 

20 20 15 4 8-6 

5 8 8 2i 3-2 

2 3 3 7-5 3-5 

60 100 100 30 12 

20 30 30 12 5 


liul Horses 

FIRST R.\CE— 1-2 Mile. (67800— 47?— 2— 119.) $500 added. 2 year-olds. 
Allowances. Net value to winner 8435. 

AWtPI’St % % Str E'in Jockeys 


i7.7234)MARSE ABE w 124 3 2 l“k IJ 1' J Ijee L A Celia 4-5 9-101-2 1-5 out 

73464 BROUGH.tM wsB 110 11 6 5® 2n V Powers J I Sockwcll 15 25 20 4 11-10 

7:’.4R4 LITTLE MOSE w ]04 2 4 46 41 3"k Notter C F Clark 30 50 50 12 4 

7:M64®ANNE M’GEE w no 4 3 2‘i 2“6 4* C Koemer E Corrigan 2 2i 2i 9-20oi4 

73464 ROSEBl’RG II. w 116 5 5 3) 3* 5® Skirvin H McCarren Jr 15 20 20 4 7-5 

73484 Gl"Y E’lSHER WB 106 6 6 56 6 6 R McDan’lB Schreiber 25 25 25 6 S-5 

Time, 24*. 48*. 

Winner — Ch. c, by Yankee — Halo (trained by E. Stublis). 

Went to iKvst at 2:28. At iiost 1 minute. Start good. Won driving: seeond and third the same. 
■Marse .the. away well, nut running sluggishly, had to be hard ridden throughout, shook off repeated 
cliallenges from Anne McGee and Ros<>burg II., was drawing away at the end and Is a loafer that will not 
extend himself fully unless hard urged. Brougham, lucky iu saving ground all the way. finished gamely 
and outstayed Little Mose in the last few strides. The latter ran iu much improved form and finished 
gamely. Aniie McGee forced the early pace, but tired when hard presseil iu the Iasi furlong. Rosehurg 
II.. from an outside position, showed speed and ra«*ed forwardly until in the last seventy yards, where he 
tired. Guy E'isher ran fairly well and will Improve. 

Si-ratched — 730SI Lurid, 100. 

Overweights — Little Mose, 1 iKtund; Guy Fisher, 3. 


AWtPPSt®/* i/i % StrFin 

73161 »BIG BEN 
73218 COME ON S.\M 
73029 SPION 
722T4»TOBOC»Ct A N 
73064 BOSEHRl.\N 
73390 RETK'ENT 
73218 M.^EU.^ITROM 

WB 6 112 7 7 
WB 8 1«19 9 6 
WB 5 109 5 3 
w 4 lOSi 2 4 
WB S 109 10 5 
WB 4 KG 8 1 
WB 7 1 09 4 8 
w 4 103 1 9 
w.sB 8 104 6 2 

61 .71 2* 1®6 V Powers R B Watkins 

4' 3* ink 2® Brussel J A, W’ernberg 

5® 6® 46 3' J W M’hyG L Shughart 

9 8' 5'i 4'i C Koerner A Weber 

ink lu .31 5® J Lee 

■26 2 ' 6' 61 Notter 

7' 71 S' 7' Gaugel 

8' 9 9 8® Liebert 

S W Street! 
P Dunne 
B C Evans 
T I..icalzi 
J W Briggs 

21 3 14-51 3-5 

21 31 17-56-5 3-5 
4 6 6 2 1 

4 5 4 8-5 4-5 

5 7 6 2 1 

8 12 12 5 21 

20 30 30 10 

100 ’AK) 150 60 25 

25 50 50 15 7 


THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. (43(182— 1:12J— 6— 107.) $400 added. 3-year-olds. Fillies. 
Selllag. Net value to winner $375. 

< :.’J447) MONDELLA. 


7.3178»NIGHT MIST 


7::27.'. LADY ALMY 

7:i447 BERTIE 



73465®FIX)RENCE N. 

7^^04 IXMJLSE K. 


AWtPI’St % ®,2 StrFin Jockeys ( 

iv 107 10 1 11 1' 1® li J Lee L 

VB 107 8 14 13* 9* 4* 2nx Notter B 

w 107 11 6 7® 31 31 3® W Walsh I.. 

w 107 2 3 2"k 2® 2“k 4'J R McDan’lL 

VB 102 3 10 51 5» 5'1 31 Sumter J 

ft'B 107 12 7 ]2“klli 71 6® V Powers W 

w 102 9 11 10' 8' 8® 7® Slemm’ns P 

w 107 7 9 8® 71 6® 81 J W M’hyA 

w 107 6 8 ill 10' 10' 9nk Rosen E 

w 107 14 2 46 61 96 10® Brussel J 

w 107 1 4 3' 41 11' 11® W Ott C 

WS 102 4 5 14 14 13® 12* £ CallabanE 


A Celia 5 7 6 21 6-0 

54chreiber 3 31 11-51 1-2 

Harri.s 10 15 15_ 6 3 

A Livingston 8-5 2 8-3 4-3 2-3 

H McCormick 20 

Gerst 15 

J Miles 20 

Williams 10 

Corrigan 10 

A Wernberg 15 

15 30 30 12 6 

20 .W 50 20 10 

10 20 15 6 3 

10 25 20 8 4 

Williams 10 20 15 6 3 

Corrigan 10 25 20 8 4 

\ Wernberg 15 20 20 8 4 

T Brownfield 10 lf< 15 6 3 

R Bradley 50 150 150 60 30 

7.346‘'=OREBN SEAL w 4 98 2 1 I® 1® 1* 1® I'i C Henry C F Clark ll-513-52i ll-SOout 

73.506 JUGGIiER w fi 11.' 4 2 2« 2* 2* 2* 2« R McDnn’I Burlew&O’ Neill 4-5 9-104-5 1-3 out 

7.3468 TOKAIjON w 7 98 1 3 4 4 4 3 ® 3® S E’lynii J W Fuller 4 4 4) 1 1-3 

73429 CONVOLO w 5 100 3 4 3® 3« 3® 4 4 J W M’hyJ C Milam 12 12 10 2 1-2 

• Time, ‘34. 47i, 1:38*. 1:4.5*. 

Winner — R. c, by Greenan — Goldseal (trained by R. A. Smith). 

Went to post at 3:.'il. At |M>st 1 miniite. Start goo<l. Won easily; second and third driving. Green 
Si'al. running to his liest form and well ridden, set a fast pace from tlie start and, responding well to 
urging, held Juggler safe in the final drive. The latter ran forwardly from llie start and made several 
challenges in the last half, hut fell haek lieaten in the last sixteenth, TokaliMi c|os<>d a gap in the last 
half, hut 1s evidently far from her liest form. Convolo had no mishaps nml ean do better. 

7 Q PC /I PC FIFTH RACE— 1 Mil« and 70 Yard*. (670?7— 1:43*— 3— 90.) $400 added. 3-ycar-oIds. 

t OO^mO Selling. Net value to wiiiifi^r $.’150. 

Ind Horses 

(73413)M1SS MAZZONI 

AWtPPSt 14 % % StrE'in Jockeys Owners 

w 95 7 4 75 6® 1'5 1'5 i® S E'lynn H (.'lark 

WB 98 1 2 6' 5® 3® 2® 2'J McCahey B .Schreiber 

w 94 9 3 2® 3J 26 .3* 3® .Sumter L T !>>e 

w 104 5 7 5"k 4nk r>® 6® 46 Notter R Ellison 

73507 HO.STILE HYPHEIN wb 105 6 5 46 16 41 411 51 c Baker .1 M Gorman 

73«3*APT w 965 4 8 8® 7i 6= 55 6'5 C Henry El Corrigan 

(73235)QUEFRJ’S SOUVENIRwb 101 2 1 1' 8® 9 75 76 Brussel J \ Wernborg 

w 97 3 9 9 


2 2 9-5 7-UB-3 
15 40 30 10 4 

5 6 45 8-5 4-5 

2 25 9-5 T-IO-J-S 

15 16 16 6 3 

8 12 10 35 6-5 

15 30 30 10 4 

20 50 40 15 6 

20 40 40 12 4 

(73392)LrSTERINEJ w 97 3 9 9 9 8® 8‘® 8* J W M’hyS T White 20 50 40 15 6 

73413 STONEMAN WB 97 8 6 36 2® 7'5 9 9 Dubei G H Hollo 20 40 40 12 4 

Time, -Mi, 49*, 1:15. 1:42. 1:46J. 

Winner — B. f, by Mazagan— Rescue (trained by L. Marion). 

Went to iiost at 4:17. At post 1 minute. Start fair. Won easily; second and third driving. Miss 
Murzoni was sent Into the lead after going a half and waa never in danger thereafter. Lotus Brandt 
rioved up fast in the stretch and flnisheil gamely. Rhinestone showed sp<^l, hut had a rough trip and 
tired slightly in the closing drive. Hostile Hyphen showed mueh speeil. but was sharply cat off at the 
half-mile ground by the winner and would have been much closer up hut for the mishap. Lady Souffle 
tliiisluii well. Apt was gaining fast in the last furlong. Stonemaii and Queen’s Souvenir quit In the last 
quarter. The whiner waa entered for $500; .no hid. 

Seratcheil — 73400 Aunt Hose, 95. 

Overweights — I<ady Souffle, 1 pound; Apt, 4J; Queen’s Souvenir, 1. 

nrQPC/lfi SIXTH race:— 1 Mile and 70 Yard*. (07077— 1:43*— 3— 90.) $400 added. 4 year-olds 
f and upward. Selling. Net value to winner $.305. 

Ind Horses 

AWtPPSt (4 % % StrFin Jockeys Owner* 

7.3450® rUNlCUIAIRE 

73431 BBLLBVIEIW wb 5 101 3 4 11® 10' 65 4® .3® Liebert F B Stevens 8 15 15 6 3 

73047 GOLDWAY w 5 108 9 5 9'5 9'5 8J 6* 45 Brussel E Corrigan 7 10 8 3 8-.5 

72931 GOLDMATE WB .I 106 6 10 76 7® 4' 3' 5* Dubel G H Holle 6 9 9 4 8-5 

734.50 GRA(’’E LARSEN w 4 104 11 7 4' 4® 3' 65 6' Notter C R Blllson 15 20 ’20 8 4 

72968 GILFAIN Ws 8 1095 ^ 1» 12| 115 10' 7® 7'5 W Allen B .1 Cunningham 15 20 15 6 3 

7.3297 YOU W;iN w 5 108 13 11 13 13 13 8«» 8® C Henry W M .Sanford 20 40 40 15 7 

73411 (XINVII..LE w 4 108 10 6 85 8' 9* 96 95 J Lee L A Celia 7 8 • 25 6-5 

7.34.30 CLIFTON FORGE W 7 111 6 1 6' 12® 12® 105 10' J W M’hy.1 U Strmle * 15 20 30 8 4 

7.^333 MI.SS PERRIS WB 6 101 12 12 10' 65 5® 11® U* McCahey Hartley & VititoeSO 40 40 15 7 

73036 KURTZMANN W 6 111 2 3 3nk 5* 115 12* 12* E Rice J J Peters .30 75 7.5 .30 15 

68014 CANYON WB 8 108 1 2 15 3' 75 13 13 Skirvin C M Barrow 40 WO 100 40 20 

Time, 24*. 48*, 1:14|, 1:41*. 1:45*. 

Winner — B. g, by Hirayar — E^rogmore (trained by T. P. Hayes). 

Went to post at 4:41. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. 

E'lmiculaire was a forward contender from the start and, lucky in saving ground on the first two tnrns/ 

followed Hannllial Bey closely to the stretch turn, where he moved into the lead, but tired In the last 
furlong and hot for bumping Hannibal Bey frequently would have been beaten. Hannllial Bey, showing 
siiildeii Improvement, ran into the lead at once, but was in close quarters la the stretch run and would 
have won with clear saMlng. Belleview came from a long way Itoek in the last quarter and finished 
gamely. Goldway, forced wide on the first two turns, closed a big gap and ran a good race. Goldmate 

showed speed, but tired In the last quarter. Grace I^rsen quit In the stretch. Clifton E'orge found the 

track too hard. The winner was entered for $500; no bid. 

Overweights — Grace Larsen, 1 pound; Gilfain, 1*. 

w 6 103 4 9 
WR 6 108 8 8 

5' 25 2® J5 
2 ' 1 ® 1 ' 2 * 

in R McDan’lT P Hayes 
2' V Powers H R Baker 
3® Liebert F B Stevens 
45 Brussel E Corrigan 

O H C P S 

3 1 1-2 

lfc-54-5 1-2 

15 15 6 
10 8 3 

9 9 4 

3' 5* Dubel G H Holle 6 9 9 4 8-0 

65 6' Notter C R Blllson 16 26 ’20 8 4 

7® 7'5 W Allen B .1 Cunningham 15 20 15 6 3 

8«» 8® C Henry W M .Sanford 20 40 40 15 7 

96 95 J Lee L A Celia 7 8 • 25 6-5 

105 10' J W M’hy.1 U Stroile • 15 20 30 8 4 

11® U* McCahey Hartley & Vititoe30 40 40 15 7 

12* 12* E Rice J J Petws .30 75 75 .30 15 

13 13 Skirvin C M Barrow 40 WO 100 40 20 


SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. (67077— 1:43*— 3 
olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner $370. 

-90.) $400 added. 

73432*LADY VINCE^^ 

73470 WARN. CRISWELL W 4 105 

73450 TE» BEACH WB 4 102 

73470»JOHN SMULSKI WB 6 106 

73505 DRITID w 6 106 

734n*HAWK.\MA w 4 111 

73315 HUGHES WB 4 1065 

73488»MR. PEABODY w 4 103 

(73260)DELPHIB w 6 110 

73219 LADY ALICI.\ wb 4 973 

AWtPPSt % 1/4 % StrE’in Jockeys 

WR 4 96 10 6 5® 5® 46 15 15 Sumter 

w 4 98 4 5 36 46 3nk 34 2'i Mulcahy 

, w 4 105 6 2 2nk 25 2'5 26 35 Notter 

WB 4 102 1 4 75 86 85 6® 4® McCahey 

WB 6 106 7 10 11 10® 6® 45 5'5 S Flynn 

w 6 106 -2 1 16 16 ih 

w 4 111 8 9 9® 9® 56 7* 7® V Powers E J Gildersleeve 4 6 6 25 6-5 

WB 4 106511 11 106 n 11 85 8® J Lee A L Kirby 40 100 lOO 40 20 

w 4 103 9 8 41 35 95 96 9® Skirvin J Phillips 20 40 40 15 7 

w 6 no 7 3 6*5 76 10® 10® 10* R McDan’lM A Healey 10 12 12 5 2J 

.B 4 975 6 7 8® 65 7'411 11 C Henry W C Douglas 20 50 60 20 10 

A L Aste 
J S Ward 
P Dunne 
C B Daniels 
J P Mayberry 
J A Wernberg 

3 4 3j 

10 K) K 
3 6 5 

10 12 8 

35 7-6 3-G 

10 4 2 

5 2 1 

8 3 8-5 

10 15 15 6 

TMZ7 BEI/.\SCO w 5 106 4 7 7* 66 56 66 56 ,5nk Lycurgus Mrs J Hards 5 8 8 25 3-2 

7:)456 ORMON. RIGHT w 7 106 2 3 8 8 7'5 o' 6' 65 Jno Hen’syH Mason 2 3 3 7-5 3-5 

73529 (”Ol^ JEIWELL RB 4 1045 6 4 4® 5' 8 8 8 7® Morse B E Beatty 60 100 100 30 12 

73399 PAUL I. wsB o 106 5 8 5' 4' 4' 7® 74 8 Harty T McLain 20 30 30 12 5 

Time, 25. 49*. 1:15*. 1:41*. 1:54*. 

Winner — Ch. g, by The Chevalier — Charh-ote (trained by J. M. Stokes). 

Went to post at 3:52. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won handily; second and third driving. 
Bonnie Prince (’harlie showed the most speeil throughout and, under gentle urging, held E'aRtoso safe 
through the last hundred yards. 'The latter was always prominent and. in a long stretch drive, finished 
gamely, but was not good enough. Uuapala closed a Idg gap, hut tired into a distant third in the final 
sixteenth. I/ord Rossington allowed speed, but was beaten when turning for home. Belascu and Ormonde's 
Right ran i^rly. The winner was enter^ for $400; no bid. 

Overweights — Colonel Jewell, 31 pounds. 

73219 LADY ALICI.\ wb 4 97 5 6 7 8 ' 65 7'4U 11 C Henry W C Douglas 20 50 60 20 10 

Time. 24«, 48*. 1:14*. 1:41. 1:45*. 

Winner — B. f, by St. Blaise — Lady Violet (tralneil by C. Lsaiie). 

Went to post at 5:11. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; seeond and third the same. 
Lady Vincent was in close quarters for the first six furlongs, but came fast when clear and. finishing 
gamely, outstayed Artful Dodger. The latter rau a gooil race, and would have won In a few more strides. 
Warner Griswell. away fast, foreeil the pace in the early running, but tlreil slightly near the end. Teo 
Beach closed a big gap and finished fast. Druid showed the most apeeil to the stretch, but tired finally, 
llawkama, away In n tangle, had to go wide throughout and ttnisbeil well. Mr. Peabody quit after goiug 
a half. The winner was entereil for $500; no bid. 

Scratched— 73412 Dr. McCluer. 114; 7:f»l Prytanla, lOO; 73432 Adesso, 111. 

Overweights — Hughes, 34 pounds; laidy Alicia, II. 

OaklfMi Entries and Past Performances for Fridair, March 6. 






E'ortletb day. Crescent City JiK-key Club. Winter Meeting of (iO days. (29 liooks on.) 

Presiding Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary, E. W. Maginu. 

Racing starts at 2:30 p. ra. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. E'igures in parentheses following 
the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. 

L A Celia 4-5 9-101-2 1-5 out 

J I Sockwcll 15 25 20 4 11-10 

C F Clark 30 60 50 12 4 

E Corrigan 2 25 25 9-20oit5 

H McCarren Jr 15 20 20 4 7-5 

Racing starts at 1:40 p. m. (Chicago time, 3:40.) 
XRuiis well in mud. ©Suiwrlor mud runner. 
First Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yard*. 
4-year-oUls and upward. Selling. 

(Track record: 00056 — 1:43 — 5 — 106.) 

Ind. Horses. Rec. A. Wt. . Hdep. 

73405® Happy Rice 4..105..X7Z5 

7.3497* Mcgrane 7..109..X720 

7.’{497® I’inaud 5. .109..X715 

7:i462 Joi-und 1:50* 7..112. .X715 

726.51 Daniel C 5..100..X710 

7:1521 John H 5.. 109 7a> 

73213 .St. Orloff 4..107..X7a5 

73291 Mattie H 7.. 107.. ©700 

Second Race— 3 1*2 Furlong*. 

2-year-oIds. E’illles. Allowances. 

(Track record: 7:5;!4.5 — 40* — 2 — 102.) 

Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Milea. 
3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 
(Track record: ^580— 1:4'5— 4 — 90.) 




A. Wt. Hdep. 

7.‘t.V¥>® . 



«. .107. .©750 


Bye Bye II 


4.. 9S..X745 


May Amelia 


4.. 98.. X 745 


St. .\voii 

:t.. 98..X740 




7.. 97. .X740 



3.. 98..X73.5 


J. R. Laugbrey 


4. .108..X730 

7:5474 Ocean Maid :44| 100 

(7:>:5^’5) Little Jane :40* IWl 

7:5851 "Seattle :44* lo5 

(734.5t>) Carrie Thatcher :42 10.5 

(734!>8) ‘Alice Collins 100 

•B. Schreiber entry. 

Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 
3-year-olds. Selling. 

(Track record: 72047—1:11* — 3 — DCS.) 

100. .X7‘25 
ia5 720 

10 .5. . X715 
10.5 710 

Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yard*. 

4-year-oI(l8 and upward. Selling. 

^ (Track record: 69()56 — 1:43 — 5 — 106.) 

7:S99® Metlakatla 7..1fT 

7:54T9 Western 4.. 108 

73497 Shady Lad 1:51* 7.. 109 

7:5.521 Melar 6. .102 

7:5.501 George Kilborn 4.. 107 

7:5499® Invader 6 . , 10 !> 

7:5.502* Markie Mayer 5.. Ill 

73347 Eudora 4.. 105 

Sixth Race — 8-4 Mile. 

7.. 1.T. .X725 

4.. 108.. ©720 

7.. 109..X715 
6. .102..X715 

4.. 107. .XTIO 
6. .10!>. .©7(»5 

5.. X11..X700 

4.. 103..X700 

SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. (60090— 1:05J— 4— 112.) $400 added. 4-year-olds 

and upward. Colts, Horses and Geldings. Selling. Net value to winner ^75. 


Eiiiiiia G 



. X725 


Billy .Myer 



. . -7’’(( 





. X715 




. . .715 





. X710 


Kismet Jr 


. X7K) 



.... 1 ;15* 




No Father 


. . .70»> 















Love of Gold ... 



4-year-olds and 

upward. Allowances. 

(Track rei-ord; 



® Mitre 



® Dr. Coleinan 



•\llce Cary . . 


8..113. .X715 

Kenilworth . . 

10.. 123.. ©715 

Talentosa .... 


4. .120 710 



C-onfidena.- . . . 

4. .115 710 

7:5.500 Orthaginiau 4. .120. . . .7tV» 

7:5444 Libervale 7. .115. .. .70.5 

72271 I/argaineiite 9. .118. .. .700 

7:5-286 Legal Form 1H5 5. .115. . X 700 

7:5.502 Callls 4.. 117 605 

'fhe figures und<^ “Rec.” In above entries show 
the best time made by the horse a$ the distance 
since January 1, 1906. 

73ti64 BENSOXHUR.ST w.^B 8 104 6 2 3‘i 4nk 7i 9 Mulcahy J W Briggs 25 50 50 lu 7 

Time. 2.!*, 47*. 1;00J. 1:07*. 

Winner — B. h, by (ioldcrest — Affcet (trained b.v R. E. Watkins 

Went to (lost at 2:55. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Wou diivliig; second and third the same. 
Uf-cntcheou was awa.v in a tangle but, running to his best form, moved up with a rush after going three 
furlongs aud. standing the final drive giimely, ontsta.ved Big Ben. The latter moved out around the others 
last in the fir.-- 1 half and finished gamely, but tired slightly in the last furlong. Come On Sam was almost 
thrown after going a quarter, but rallied and finished with a rush. Splon broke fast, but was sbuffliMl 
liiick soon after the start and, closing a gap. ran a gooii race. Toboggan showed the most oarly speed, 
l•ur failed to stay. Boserrian quit after going a fast half aud will improve. The winner was entered for 
$400; no bid. 

Scratched— 7*2168 Dargln. 109 : 73486 Beu Strong, 108; 70097 Harold D., 105; 72913 Bussell T., KG; 
7 1 1(W» Birmingham, 109; 71235® Prospero, 112. 

(Jverweights — Spion, 3* pounds. 


Th« «mall figure under “StTr” *how* the dUtance the hor*e wu ahead of that next in the race. The amall 
figure under “Fin.” — unleaa the horae won — ahtfwm the number of lengths the hone waa behind the winner. 

FIRST RACE — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-oIds and upward. Selling. (69056 — 1':43 — 5 — 106.) 

Index Course DlstTimeT’ckOdda Wt St % % StrFin Jockeys Best Company. 

HAPPY RICE, b. g. 4, by Dr. Rice— Miahap (C. White). Weight today 105. 

73405 Oakland 1 1-16 1:47* fast 8 lOS 10 6 5 4 3® 3*4 A Wright Blue Eyes. Ten Oaks, Fury. 

73213 Oakland 1 1-16 1:.51* slow 10 106 7 8 10 9 12 ll»®iA Wright Monaco Maid, Hllgert, Hooligan. 

73078 Oakland 11:46 hvy 200 108 6 8 8 7 7®» 5‘® A Wright Shen’doah. D.Dellars, T.Englisbman 

MAGRAHE, blk. g, 7. hy Balgowan — ^Amelia May (H. W. Hoag). Weight today 109. 

7S497 Oakland 54 f 1:10* mud 7 125 6 6. 5 2® 2“6 H’herton Handmaiden, Pinaiid. Shady Lad. 

73098 Oakland 1 1-16 l:5og hvy 10 106 5 4 3 4 7 ® 6®i H’herton Bill Curtis. Kogo. Shady Lad. 

72923 Oakland 3-4 1:17 hvy 20 109 5 5 6 6»k 4®J Borel Zelina, Shady Lad. Nappa. 

PINAUD, b. h, 5, by Jean Bereaud — Tringle (E. C. Blume). Weight today 109. 

73497 Oakland 54 f UlOg mud 25 125 2 5 4 3*4 3‘4 Butwell Hamlmaiden, Magrane. Shady Lad. 

73267 Oakland F C 1:11J fast 10 111 8 5 4 6® 3»i McClain Matt Hogan. Furte. Rosl Ni Nl. 

72941 Oakland 3-4 1:18 hvy 20 109 7 1 3 3* 6‘i Keogh Balreed, Distributor. Dr. Sherman. 

JOCUND, oh. h. 7, by Mirthful— Flowor Dellia (J. S. Hawkins). Weight today 118. 

73462 Oakland lm20y 1:45 slop 15 114 2 8 8 7 11 10®® J Butler Standover, Pleiad, Geo. Kilborn. 

73.309 Oakland lm20y 1;42J fast 6 108 9 9 9 9 9 9® J Keogh Prestige, Tarp, Gargantna. 

73271 Oakland F C 1:12 fast 15 114 10 11 10 10* 9®® Kec^h Sevenfull, Standover, Syisimore. 

DANIEL C„ b. g, 5, by Del Paso II.— Flavina (E. Dealy). Weight today 109. 

72651 Oakland 1 1-16 1:53 slow 50 106 8 8 8 8 8 8**JSandy Mandator, Ramus. Fury. 

72397 Oakland ImaOy 1:48* hvy 15 109 1 9 8 7 8® 8‘* Moreland Captalnllale. Standover, S. Wedding 

72323 Oakland 1 1-16 1:49J slop 3C 101 9 9 9 9 9 8®* Klrsch’m Blanche C., Edith James, I>az*U. 

JOHN H., h. g. 6, by Don Orsino— Daffy (Lone Pine Stable). Weight today 109. 

73521 Oakland lni‘20y 1:47| slop 12 102 7 4 2 2 4®4 4®4 J Hayes Nigrotte, Senator Warner, San Gil. 

73458 Oakland 64 f 1:324 slop 50 99 6 6 6 4’ 3'4 Boyd Mendon, Belmere, Sopbomoce. 

73286 Oakland 3-4 1:15 fast 15 105 6 5 4 4®4 4®4 J Hayes BeThankful, Bannatyne, Z. Abrams 

8T. ORLOFF, b. c, 4, by St. Symphorien — Catherine the First (& Judge). Weight today 107. 

73213 Oakland 1 1-16 1:51* slow 15 109 4 2 2 5 8® 12®» W Fischer Monaco Maid. HUtert, Hooligan. 

73098 Oakland 1 1-16 1:55| hvy 20 105 9 5 5 6 4®'i 4®4 W Fischer Bill Curtis, Kogo, Shady Lad. 

79061 Oakland 3-4 1:19 hvy 13 105 2 1 2 2*k 2} W Fischer Galvestonian, (^feseor, TancreiL 


FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1908. 

MATTIE H.. br. m. 7. by Swing— Flush (H. G. Bedwell). 

T3291 Oakland 1 1:42 fast 40 110 8 8 9 9 9‘ 9”> Boyd 

7:?230 Oakland 1 1-2 2;S9| slow 8 911 4 1 4 R « 6>‘JA Harris 

73190 Oakland 3-4 1;17| slow 12 102 fi 7 7 9‘ 9»J A Harris 

Weight today 107, 

St. Sonlciis. Ploiail, Patriotic. 
Rotroii, Bose Klcy. Alaric. 

Byron, Ailair, Rose Cherry. 

SECOND RACE— d 1-2 Furlongs. 2-ycar-olds. Fillies. Allowances. (73,‘!4.’i — 4oj — 2 — 102.) 

JtAID, hr. f, 2,_by Sandringham — Sea Nymph (H. T. Griffin). 

7.1474 S. -Anita 
73251 Oakland 
73134 Oakland 
73.3S3 Oakland 
732C8 Oakland 
73251 Oakland 
732.M Oakland 
7:1134 Oakland 
72740 Oakland 

Zl t 

47g fast 4i lir. 11 
48 good 16 107 5 

44| hvy 9-10 108 6 

h. f, 

2, by Canopus — 


3* f 

40? fast 3 




35* 8-5 




48 good 30 



2, by 

Sir Hercules — Ohio Belle 


48 good 9 



3* f 

44? hvy 6 




36* hvy 5 



8J .5“i .Mnsgr've 
6 5'i 2* Musgr’ve 

4 3i 3* San^ 

(Blaiingame Bros.). 
1 1‘ l>i Sandy 

2* 1’ Sandy 
3 3nk 5» J Hayes 
(B. Schreiber). 

5 4J 4‘i Keogh 

1 1*5 11* Keogh 

4i 3=^i Keogh 

Weight today 100. 
-Aunt -Aggie, I-^-e Rose, Horace H. 
RoseQneen, Rnbla Granda, Seattle. 
Seattle, Novgorod, Tanma. 

Weight today 105. 
Right Easy, Carniisa. Hazlet. 
Cnrmlsa. Lula G., Birth. 

R. Queen, Ocean.Alald, Rub.Granda. 

Weight today 106. 
RoseQneen, OceanMaid, Ru. Granda 
Novgorod. Ocean M.nid, Tanma. 
l>ance. On Parole, Coppit. 

Avonicus — Bonibel (J. D. Millin). Weight today 105. 

7:!4f.9 OuklaiKl 
734112 Oakland 
7330C Oakland 

3 .A f 

42 slop 10 
.3Cji fast 4 
35t fast 5 

10.3 1 
103 1 
IOC 8 

12 j2 -\y Kelly MinnieBriglit. C.W. Hodges, Modena 
1’ I’i Kirsoh’iii A'olo, .Ad. Le Couveur. AllceColllhs. 
5’i 7*i W Fischer Mwlena, Minnie Bright, Roulon. 

® a • 3 »» 10A.I1VI .VAVPAItrilUf ifllUlllC- IVUUIUII. 

COLLINS, b. f, 2, by Balgowan — ^Aposea (B. Schreiber). Weight today 100. 

'■•40^ a o ^ *'*’***^r* Oce.mQneen. Birth, .A. Le Couveur. 

4= AA' Fisclier C. TIra teller, A’olo, Ad. Le Couveur. 
G* Buxton Little Jane, Carmlsa, Lula G 

734<i2 Oakland 3-8 3Ci fast 3-2 110 8 5i* 

7;i2CS Oakland 3-8 354 fast 5 106 2 4* 

B. .Schreiber entry— Seattle and Alice Collins. 

THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling, (72047 — l:llf — .3 103.) 

?1(MA G., h. f, S. by Cactus H.— Luna Minor (T. F. Doane). Weieht todav 00 

"’ii-i o^kia^ 1 1^-* C ” 7 3 2J 2"t Jno CarrolIC. Wave. .Mansard. .1. H. .Sheehan'. 

73401 otk nJlH ^ Jno CaiToll Billy Myer. Herives, Husky. 

1.14(1 Oakland 5J f l.OCg fast 12 97 5 6 6 6-J 6*4 Jno CarrollSevenfull, Reene W., Belle Kinney. 

Fresno — Pleasant Sail (JT. M, Crane). Weight todav 101 

73461 (Kk and ^S^^'-l^'sl’on 12 3 1 Vt, H'llford. Triumphant] 

JViV> J 4>e slop 12 101 2 3 4 2) Ink GIll)Ort HprivpQ TlneVr f'rT*cfol n.*oT2A 

^. -4 Oakland PCl:10ffast 15 115 2 5 3 R Davis Reene W,, Gal’moore, Bazil. 

Paso II. — MaTy Kinaella (T. E. Kealine). Weieht todav 101 

siasM a i;!i, ;s !. *5 1 ’ 1 v;“ waa 2?^- ■’-sS 

(.IIHJO Oakland 3 4 1:18 hvy 9 103 3 4 7 7 * 6* i Sandy 

I>y Ossary — Lovelight (Ormondale Stable). 

,.:444 Oakland .51 f 1 :064 fast ,5J 104 3 4 4 4* 4” W Kellv 

<2927 Oaklan.l r.J f 1:10 hvy 9-20 100 2 1 1 1» 2R J Haves 

FCl:ll slow 7-10 104 1 1 1 H 1* w Miller 

(New Orleans Stable) 

" " " 41 3^ AV' Kelly Bazil, Mitre. David ijo'l.and] 

9 9"LSandy Billy Myer. Herives, Hnskv. 

9 8« AV Kelly Tawasentha, Sevenfnll, Phil Igoe. 

72774 Oakland 
7:2i.3.', ( lakland 
7;146I Oakland 
7;i363 Oakland 
7:1401 < lakland 
69076 Oakland 
69.', 79 Oakland 
7:’2>I6 Oakland 
73420 4»akland 
73:286 tkikland 


F O 1 :14 tmi<l1S-3 lio S 
3 4 I :I54 slop 8 no . 9 

3-4 l:13i fast 6 105 8 _ _ 

h. c, 3, by Kismet — Promise IV. (Spokane Stable). 

3 1 1:1.54 sluj) 40 1(I2 6 10 ]o 1o 10‘<lII’hiTf<>ii 

5-8 1:01 fast 7 9.5 2 1 2 11 3* Kirsch’m 

5-8 l:01i fast 40 !(« ‘ * Klrsch m 

b. r, 3, by Banastar — Loch Dee (Curry Bros.) 

3-4 1:164 slop 20 9.5 S 4 3 4^ 4*.'. .1 Bnller 

P C 1 :09| fast 12 91 5 5 4 3* 4»J Gilbert 

3^ 1:15 fast 14-5 94 8 3 3 3*» 2>| 

Titus II., L. C. .Ackerley, Zelina. 
Jockey Mounce, Hal, Bravoure. 

Weight today 112. 
Pr<^n. Fireball. Silver Stocking. 

Old Settler, Reene W.. -Adeiia. 
LordFillgrane, Sophomore, Bardonla 
Weight today 106. 

73328 Oakland 
7286,5 < lakland 
72634 Oakland 
7:2!87 Oakland 
68673 Oakland 
68619 Oakland 

, ] fast 12 107 5 5 5 C 7= 8*“ Sandv 

3 4 1:17 slop 30 90 12 12 1 2 11* 9* ^ Gilbert 

ll:46ihvy 30 92 3 2 5 5 5 5**JJ Butler 

g, 8, by Gerolstein— Optic (Keene Bros). 

5i f l:06i fast 100 87 7 7 7 5 = 5><= A AA'alsh 

Weight today 101 
Billy Myer, Herives, Husky. 

A ri. T w. J?’.'!’** IlPather Scott. 

4 S** 4»^» L, AVilson College AA’ldow, Follie L., St. Avon 

„. Weight today 101. 

St. Edgar. Belmere, .Al. Hollander. 
Ray Bennett, Titus II., Frolic. 
Butler Be Thankful, Zlck Abrams, JohnH. 

c. ^ Weight today 101. 

San Gil, Wnerzburger. M. O’Farrell. 
Lord Provost. Big Store, ShadyLad 
B. Pullman, St. Avon, Hand-m^-down 

5-8 1:02 fast 6J 
45 f 65* fast 9 

109 5 
109 11 


C-™ r. V ^ Weight today 101. 
Sm. Cwbett. Cen. Shot, B. Heron. 

- - -- ■ 5V 4=5 Rettlg 

ch. g, 3, by Hastings — Donna da Ore (F. Regan). 

<...ilS Oakland 3-4 1:16* slop 25 95 9 9 8 8= 7*»jniivton 

7:il91 Oakland 3-4 1:16* slow 7 95 7 4 - - l 

73I.35 Oiikland 3-4 1:18 hvy 4* 99 4 3 

« ^ Wlll’ms Heather Seott. Herives, 

BOLDANO, hr, g, 3, by Semproniui 

734.52 .‘t. Anita 3-4 1:14* fast 10 

..iHS ,S. Anita 7-8 l:27g slow 8 

<:t0S8 S. Anita 65 f 1:08 fast 7 

-Lilith (J, A. Beaset). 

8>» J BiiUer 
3*5 4* J Ila-ves 

Karodo. St. Avon, Swede Sam. 

r.1 . Weight today 101. 

Dick Wilson, Billy .Alyer, Ilnlford. 
B.oflroqnols, Sophomore. L.Provost 
-AlayAmelia, BigStore. D.ofOrleans. 

„ ^ Weight today 101. 

Spohn. G. Byrnes, Strat JIartIn. 
P.-de-Oro, H.ofShen’mere, H. Clark 

104 7 8 8 7* 8*< T Riee 

104 8 5 6 8 8= 7=® Mnairr’ve 

90 19 n in 111. mi 0 5 n-"“=neu mere, H.c'iari 

lOVE OF GOLD, cl. f. 3, CldHiIhlllJ, mJ, (H iLLl Bl.« r>„„ 

FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. (00580-1:4,5-4—99.) 

f'l^^^LIGHTER, hlk. h, 6, by Lamplighter— The Emureas (W TTautVa i nr - 

,:!:.00 Oakland 7-8 1 :2S* ipud 40 t<« 6 3 2 2 '= W’ KeU? h?.'oaIo.i, .Weight today 107. 

694,6 Oakland 1 1-16 1 :45» fast 18-5 108 € 6 6 G 6 6»i A ATolJht iV Sewell. 

69279 Oakland 1 1:39* fast 5* 107 6 3 2 2 25 2«* A Wr Iht S*'"!’ o.*® Doyne. 

BYE BYE n.. h. f. 4. by Sir (H TritJ) ’ Sir Brlllar. 

7.i424 (Jakland 1 t :40| fast 9-5 lol 2 1 3 3 li th w' Kelt,- ci» ^ . Weight today 93. 

,3270 Oakland 7-8 1:27 fast 16 96143 3 3* Side. 

72160 Oakland lm20y 1:43* h\Tr 1 105 4 6 4 4 34 31= Wen, Woolma. 

MAY AMELIA, h. f. 4. by Bannockburl^Aielia Ly (O Worf) 

,->19 Oakland 7-S 1 :28g slop 11-5 liKi 3 2 2 ■>» ^1? . 1 ci , Weight today 98. 

7:i404 Oakland 7-8 1:26* fast 6 103 3 5 3 5* 91 Dori^o Shenandoah. Gromoboi. 

73.307 Oakland lm70y 1:44* fast 8 103 3 2 2 2 2* 2* Klrech^m Captain. 

S*- Avonloni— Kitty A. (C. Winchell). 

,..308 Oakland 1 1-16 1:46* fast 8 101 7 3 2 2 5* 7*»4T TTam^oo 

p272 Oakland 3-4 1:14* fast 15 105 7 6 7 % k^H’Srron 

72852 Oakland 7-8 1:30* hvy 16 110 2 3 3 3 3= 31# Keogh 

M^TRESS. b. m. 7, by Maxio»PunstroM (X. We Walih') 

^..,.10 Oakland lni70y 1:50* niuU 45 122 8 7 8 8 *5* 3* J* Haves 

lm20y 1:441 Slop 10 108 5 5 5 5 5* 5« GiK 

7.12., 2 Oakland lm70y 1:46* good 5 109 10 9 9 9 9 914 Pei?t^t 

Yellow Tail— Morinel (J. J. Walsh). 

i»ii2 S. Anita 1 1:40 fast 7-K 07i *>111 14 v* t» a _ woibih. luoav 

73:179 mS. Anita f 1:072 fast 4 107 4 6 41 ^ 4 i xv Ampedo. Byplay. 

X^^R^IJUTO^ 10 1 3 5 4 4^ 3» M PrlltoS Light Wool, 

7:Wo^fan“fT:EV:5n^hvy^®‘^®5“Tl®r%®^ , „ Weight today 108, 

73022 Oakland lm70y 1:51 slop 8-5 114 4 3 * , L !4 HowJ 

— . .Giuaii, AUK c>upi:ain. 

Exchequer, Hilgert. Reservation. 

- . Weight today 98. 

Import, Cloyne. Saint Modan. 
BIiieHeron. Sm.Corbett, B.PulIman 
Raleigh, Cloyne, Green Goods. 

. „ Weight today 97. 

AA arnlng, Tancred, Ix>ne Wolf. 
I^rado, The Mighty, Shenandoah. 
Exchequer, Last Go, Wolfvllle. 

Weight todav 98. 

FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 


hr. m, 7, by Brutus— Miowera fW tWi-^a.i rrr • 

7.349;t Oakland 11-16 1:53 mud 4 lOT 4 5 3 H pm m t Weight today 107. 

,.U,8 Oakland 3-4 1:15 slop 15 107 “> 89 ss emir- ® In^^a'lP*’- Jackfnll. 

7:«44 Oakland 1 1-16 1:49 fast 6 105 5 6 5 4 31 ‘U ™ W*’®®"- Nappa, St. Edgar. 

WESTERN 1 . 1 . A a 1.1 w ^ , . . * Abrams G.Kllborn. Alta Spa. 


73347 Oakland 1 1-16 1:47* fast 9 ir .5 a i i Ij I, L Ro^oman, Steel Blue 

73289 Oakland 3-4 1:14 fast 20 

1C5 3 1 1 

107 6 3 . „ — ,, risciie 

7:ur»2 Oakland 3-4 1*18 hvy 5 114 8 fi r 4 i cci 

Oakland 1 1-16 1:55| hvy 4i lU 12 6 6 5 3U tl C^Millor 

“^^mkl^n,rim%v ^ :4^*’^,of ”i3~^"^ /T 8.“^ ' t 

7M52 Oakland *3-4 1:15 hvy 20 107 3 1 8 ^ 10 * «ii 

iMm Oakland 1 1-16 1:552 hv^ 12 100 7 1 2 3 5 S 5 « Meiitr^ 

*’ Logic — Bonnet o’Blue (R. Gutter) 

"■iici 301 6 5 8 8 8 S*».*<;nb,‘rt 

“”9 l*=*20y 1:45 slop 10 104 3 7 7 4 3» 3<S" Gilbert 

,.C.44 Oakland 11-16 1:49 fast 6 104 4 4 3 3 4 » 3* Borel 

734W^>fk?and^‘ ? i i (Kenilworth Stock Farm). 
72.TO Oakland i i;®, ,4 K-5 IW 5 “ 1 “ Ai S- R dII” 

<> 92 91 ‘3 oiAiM inue. Fnnny Side. 

•T r. f: 7 Fischer Gargantua, Pleiad, Fnry. 

J 5n» 5 W’ Fischer Tawasentha, D. AVilson, Hulford. * 

,, Weight today 109. 

Handmaiden, Magrane. Plnaud. 
D»>rdoni, El Otros, Catherine F. 
Bill Curtis, Kogo, St. Orloff. 

„. Weight today 102. 

Aigrette, Senator AA’arner, San Gil. 
Derdom, El Otros. Catherine F. 

Bill Cnrtls, Kogo. Shady Lad. 

„ ,, Weight today 107. 

Bellmence.P.of Orange, Lampad’ me 
Standover, Pleiad, Silver Line. 
ZickAbrams, Metlakatla, AltaSpa. 

Weight today 109. 
Bill Curtis. Metlakatla. .Tackfull. 
AVarteNicht, Lazell, M.M.Bowdish. 
MacbetlL, Lampadrome, Red Era 

MARKIE MAYER, h, g, 6 . by Previous— Bonni. rv ^ 

7.T.02 Oaklan.l 1 3-16 2 m«* mud " 5 5 T* o 7. „ Weight today 111 

7.3:t64 Oakland lm70v 1 - 4.5 fai>f ^ i^ i,"^ m q ® Tancred, Henry O.. Alaric. 

R. River, AA’uerzbnrger. Reservation. 
St. Senicus, Pleiad, Patriotic. 

Weight today 105. 
Gargantua, Pleiad, AA’estern. , 
Sevenfnll, Standover, .Sy(-.imore. 
Ruth AA”.. Gargantua, ^Imere. 

fast 20 105 in 10 9 9 9 9=5 H’liertoVi 
0,291 Oakland 11:42 fast 18-5 109 6 4 3 4 4* 4= Clifford 

Pr^°(^klan,/’l*i' 16^1 ?-J*V***r??* (H. R. Schaffer) 

, r, i 1 1-16 1 :4<* fast 12 102 5 3 4 7 9 9=* 1 Haves 

-3T‘r F^C1:12 16 105 9 10 11 11 11>« Gilbert 

<31,6 Oakland ,-8 1:32 slow 5* 105 1 2 2 10 10 9*»JMu^r’ve 

SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. (72047— l;ll*-3_ia3.) 
Stately (Menlo SUble). 

7^78 ak 'lnd 3 ? i’ ■* * * Gargan 

, I I ®'°P If**’ 1" 1" S 9 9*=UV Kellv 

,ot.l Oakland b C 1:10 fast 40 105 11 11 10 8* S=5"C MUler 

5?.:® '*y Sain— Minnie Elkins (M. Reis). 

"""'J --if 1-09* hvy 7 109 6 4 4 4= 3=«AV KeUv 

' ® P’'* ~ 111= 25 AV Kelly 

55 f 1:07* hvy 25 103 6 2 2 ^ 

h. m, 8. by Trapnean — Abhie F. 

3-4 1:13* fast 40 101 9 10 10 

7-8 1:27* slow 6 105 4 10 10 10 

1 1:43* slop 6 104 2 1 5 4 

Weight today 117 
P.azil, Alsatian. David Boland. 
I>iek AA’ilson, Nappa, St. Edgar. 
Salvage, Triumphant, Wap. 

Weight today 112 
College AA’idow, Follie L.. .Aleelilin 
,1 95G.,k. It-.'Iaxlm, Cap. Burnett, Carmelina 

' 5 7 5AA Kelly GmceG., JudgeNelaon. Pr. Brutus 

m**,n«l* Stable). Weight today 113 

ot Tjiwasentha, Sevenfnll. Phil I?oe. 

a\ J, Lucky Lad. Kirkfield Belle, Airs. 

^ * Bnxton Uncle Henry, Foncasta, Bazil. 

fV- 1 l’l°slow =o‘^ m3'*3^~?““" Weight today 123 

3-4 1 -u^ f-,«: 1 ? Jiii 7 1 A 6': L, A\ 111 ms Pinkerton, X vaU-e. p-cessAVlu-eler 

1.14 fast la 110 7 4 4 6( ,-= 1. AA lll’ ms Proper, Pinkerton. AmlrowB.C,K>k. 

Weight today 120 
Ray Bennett, Calla. Klindale. 

72;:o3 ( hiklan,! 

72162 Oakland 

73:!6.3 <>aklan<t 
73071 S. Anita 
72881 .«!. Anita 
.'.9|vr, o-aklaml 
.',:«'6.', ( lakland 

?’ Galveston— Talluda (T. H. Williams). 

!• ('1:11 fast 6 lio 3 2 2 41 t-* Leeds 

‘*akland F(’l:13 mud 11 5 110 1 1 1 1= 1= l^-ttig 

Mayma (H. T. Hunter). 

-••lo. k.‘‘ . J -^x.* mud 20 ms 3 4 4 4 4"k 4>'lAA’iirms 

, 8 1:27? mud 10 lo7 3 5 6 

1 1 :39* fast 20 99 8 8 8 

h. f. 4. by Indio— Lovely (W. 

3-4 1:14* slow 500 105 7 7 

3-4 1:1.3* fast 200 99 8 9 

raoT-TT last 600 88 9 9 » » »-■ uaiianan 

— !*'■• c. 4. by St. Symphorien — Phoenissa (S. Judge) 

, -8 1:28* mud 200 ]04 4 5 6 5 5* 5== .Menirv 

A-M9 F G1;14 slow 50 128 11 12 12 11 ll*''.*.Alarie‘ 

6,39. Ascot Pk 5-8 1:02J slop 40 112 5 4 5 56 €=»5Hudlin 

Libertine — Bridal Veil (D. Murphy). 

-•~4f elk -i;' -H 1"' 5 6 6= 6== Gargan 

a ^ •' ‘‘ 8i>kl2== McClain 

,I8.’6 Oakland FCl:lo*fast 80 112 6 4 8 9* 9* * Borel 

J-.^RG^ENTE, ch. m 9, by Crescendo— Reta (J. O’Donnell). 

72310 .s;, Anita 
7.30I7 S. .Anita 
72102 Oakland 
6S.Vi3 Oakland 
68750 Ouklan,] 

5* 3* Milliano 

8 8 7*» Blixton 

E. Colemanl. 

7 7 7=«5Grote 

9 9 9*=5Mentry 

9 9 9=* Callahan 

72271 Oakland 
.37121 Oak1an<l 
3707(1 Ouklan,] 


73286 ( lakland 
7313S Oaklan.l 
729>22 Oakland 

3 4 1:14* slop 200 109 7 7 7 7 6== Gr< 

3-4 1 .141 100 100 10 11 11 11 9><JlConnell 

J-t 1:13* 200 94 12 12 12 12 12=“*W Daly 

Eddie Jones — Mortgage (Smolden & Long) 
ir* h'”’ 3 9 bt 1(1= 9*".’ Kirseh’ni 

3-4 1:16* hvy 1.50 lo7 0 4 6 6 6='5I>orel 

«-4 1:17* hvy 20 prj 1 77 .r,ij .r.oj jijUer 

CALLIS, eh. c, 4. by Crighton — Monrovia (C. C. McCafferty). 

7;2,o 2 Oakland 1 3 16 2 :iHi* iiiiiil 6<» inf, 114 4 :,>■ 7'-= I'liton 

6;o;46 Oaklainl 3-4 1:14* fast 41 lii4 ]o 10 I 0 10 10‘«J.Kirseh’m 

67382 OakUtna &-S 1:01 good 3o0 92 8 9 9 ‘ 

(’oiiv.Ikdl, Gr. St. Clair, Hamlmaiib'ii 

Weight today 118. 
Tiellmence.P.of Orange, Lampad’ me 
S'toney Ia>e. Gossip(*r II., Jlllett. 
Aueassin, Bazil, Airs, 

Weight today 115. 
Blondy, Sir Brlllar, San 
Blagg, F. Neiigent. Fair F'agot. 
NativeSon. Fireball, OceanShore. 

Weight todav 120. 
Burleigh. Cigarligliter, Biieolie. 
Emma (1., Prince Bnnus, Derdom. 
Bed Bill, Zelina, Airs. 

Weight today 115. 
Preen, Findiall, Sllv(‘r Stocking. 
BeTli.inkfnl, Bannatyne. Z. Abrams 
Money Muss, TlieReprobate, JoeGoss 
Weight today 118. 
Grace G., A. Muskfslay. Clnudligbt. 
Falrbiir.v. Frank Pearce, Pat Oran. 
'I’.of Caudles. Br.Plioebiis, Uainanit. 

Weight today 116. 
BeTIiankfuI. liaunatyiie. Z. Abrams 
Ikil. IK, liars. Belmere, ('apt. Burnett 
Emily .M., El Otros, John H. 

AAfeight today 117, 
Taner(sl, H>-iiry O.. Markie Mayer. 
.. -...-VI,,.. .. ... Marasiiii. Sen. AA'arner. .Aftermath 
9 9'=x*w Kelly Native Sou, Sea Lad, Ethel Day, 

Los Angeles Entries and Past Performances for Friday, March 6. 



Racing starts at 1 :.50 p. m. (Chicago time, 3:50.) 
XRuns well in triid. ©Supodor mud runner. 
First Race— S-8 Mile. 

4-yc«r-ol(Js and upward. Selling. 

(Track record: 72:’36 — .Iflg — 2 — 108.) 

Inil. Horses. Rec. A. AA’t. Hdep. 

7.3515 M’OHORD 6. .105. . X 725 

732S2 San NIeliolas 1:01* 9..105..X720 

(7.3510) Bill Mayliam 1:(K> 11. .105. 

(7.’i4!G) Ro.val Rogue !4..1(r,. 

7.34.54 Creston Boy 1:00 5..10S. 

7.3510 (3ii<a,rka .Alabl 0. . «.3. 

732(i:l Golden Rule 1:00* 11.. 105. 

7.1510’ Koenlgin Luise 1:00* G. ,ia3. 

7:’2!2;t Anna .May .' 1:00* 4.. 99. 

7.’!0.5.3 Reuben .5.. 105. 

7.T.15= AA’lstarla 1:00* 7.. 103. 

7.‘M7G AdelltCrt Belle 4.. 99. 

7.3247 Slippery 1:01* 4.. t»9. 

7.‘k510= J. J. .AlcC 1:00* -5.. 103. 

(7.31.S9) La Chata 1:00* 5.. 103. 

7.3140 Grenore 6..100..X700 

. .715 

Second Race — 3 1-2 Furlongs. 
2-year-olds. .Maidens. Allowances. 
(Track record: 73281 — 40* — 2 — 105.) 


Silk Hose 



•;{.511 = 


.. :41* 




M'm. F. Herron ... 


. .715 


Royal Stone 




•Mellon Clotii 





Bell of Brass 






. .705 

Freil Maier 



* Bucktliorne 

.. :42? 


. .705 



.. :42 


. .705 


Edith Cue 




‘Live Oak 




Del Cruzador 









I ml. Horses. 

7.3496 Black Dross 
73472= Ampedo . . . 

73.380 Lonia 

73-512 Costly 

Fourth Race — 1 3-16 Miles. 
3-year-olds and upward. .Allowances. 

A. AVt. Hdep. 

3.. 87. 

4. . 105. . 
:L. .S7. , 
.3.. ,S7., 

. .t»5 
. .095 
. .090 

(Track record: 7:t.'{0;{ — 1:.’S8*- 


72030 Baron Esher . . . 

■ lo:!. .©7’2,'i 

7:{47.’5 Edwin T. ITver 



. Kr2. . X720 

7:15.31 L. C. Widrig . . 

. y 715 

7.347.3 Chalfonte 


■ MO. . 

72510 Chilli ne.v .Sweep 


. I'k;. . X7K) 

Fifth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. 
.3-year-olds ami iipwar,!. Sidling. 

(Track record: 7 

2510 l:.51? 



73450 Cotillion 


. 1(0.. X 725 

7;t.52!)= Leash 


■ KM. . X72() 

7;{.‘KI7= Silver Sue 


.KM.. X 715 

7.’!401= Bauhio 


-KM. . X715 

7.3.5.‘!4= Josie’s .lewel . . 


• KM. . X715 

7:’ri37 Rama 


. KM. . X710 

7.3450* Lady Clilswell . 


.KM 710 

7:{400® Kirkfield Belle 


.KK) 705 

7.3-KlO Banlada 


■ KiO. . X705 

73302 Salnrida 


60612= Sunray 


.KM 700 

7.34.36 Lady Vashti ... 


■ KM 700 

73416= Esther B 



7.34.56 Christine A. ... 


.104. .©(W5 

7.34.36 .Tosle Wlieeler . 


.KM. . X(i!».5 

73.521) Our Sallie 


.104 «H) 

Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. 
4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 

‘Oakwood Stock Ranch entry. 

Third Race — 1 Mile. 
3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 

(Track record: 

7’242<V— 1 ::!7? — : 

— KK8.) 


Brnwney Lad 


3.. m. 




3.. 02. 

. .720 




5. .108. 

. .715 


Rustling Silk 


5.. KM. 




4.. 103. 



Fisher Bov . 


6. .107. 

. .710 

7;!531 = 

I.oiudul,le . . . . 

3. .106. 



Sun Mark . . 






6.. 107. 



(Track record: 72:{.30 — .59* 

Bribery 1 :0O 


Glenarm . . 


Cliief Bush 

Rey del .MuimIo 

Senator AVin. Stone... 

Ella True 1:04* 


Royal Ascot 1:0.3 





Lady Riee 

Tlie figures imdfT “Rec.” 
the best time maile by the 
since January 1, 19(0!. 

7.31 12 

. X700 
. XC.95 

. X0.90 
. ..(KtO 

2— lOS.) 

5. . 103. . 

7. . 105. . 

7. . 10.. . 

4. .lOl «K»5 

5. .lOS two 

0 .. 10 . 8 .. 

5. . 105. . 

4. .101 (WO 

4.. ««>. .XIKtO 

5. .105 085 

4.. 101..X085 

4.. 94 OS-5 

9. .105. .©4VSO 

7.. 10.5..X0SO 

5.. 10.3 075 

10. .103 OTT. 

In alove entries show 
liorsi* at the ilistaiice 


FIRST RACE — 5-8 Mile. 4-year-oldg and upward. Selling. (723.30 — 5ft* — 2 — 108.) 


Best Company. 

Weight today 105. 
Talarand. Wistaria, Hereafter. 

1= li T Taylor Pr. Frederick. Banble, L. Vaslitl. 

3* 5®i T Taylor Lord Nelson, Cres. Boy, Laudable. 

Weight todav 105. 
Lord Nelson. Cres. Boy, Laudable. 
Merrill, Halton. Bemay, 
Giov.Balerlo, ClrestonBoy, Sneeeed. 

Index Course DlstTlmeT’ckOdds Wt St % A4 % StrFIn 

M’ CHORD, ch. g, 6, by Gotham- Addis Ms. (E. Alvey). 

73515 S. Anita 3-4 1:13* fast 3* 110 1 2 4 4= 5= T Taylor 

73436 S. Anita 3-4 1:13* fast 4-6 1(»9 2 11 

73282 S. Anita 5* f 1:06* fast 10 109 5 3 3 

SAN NICHOLAS, hlk. g. 9. by Reggy— Virginia Dare (C, E. Murray). 

73282 S. Anita 5* f 1:06* fast 8 109 1 4 5 6* 6* Shriner 

73241 S. Anita 6* f 1:06* fast 12 104 9 9. 7 7* 2* Shriner 

73170 S. Anita 5J f 1:07? fast 6 105 10 8 7 5»* 10»i Shriner 

BILL MAYHAM, m. g. 11. by Ths Hero — ^Katie Waweknt (J. B. Armour). Weight today 105. 

73.510 S. Anita 5-8 1:00* fast 0-5 110 1 11 I’i 1“ C H Shll’g.T.J.MeC., Koenlgin Luls«*. C. .Maid. 

73361 S. Anita 5) f 1:08 hvy 10 105 3 1 1 7 7“SW Miller B. Bowlegs, BoogerRed, LaGloria. 

73323 S. Anita 5* f 1:08* slop 12 109 5 6 3 7* 10==*M Preston Bemay. Glov. Balerlo, Aquiline. 

ROYAL ROGUE, ch. g, 9, by Rey del Sierras— Jessie R. (Denny Bros.). Weight today 105. 

73494 S. Anita 3-4 1-14* fast 3 110 4 4 4 3= m C H ShH’gVir.Lorraine, B.andBest, Gonzales. 

734.36 S. Anita 3-4 1:13* fast 8 109 7 9 7 7* 7>®JH Dugan .MeOliord, Pr. Frederick, Baulile. 

2992 S. Anita 6* f 1:20* good 30 124 6 8 9 9 9=* E Dugan Chalfonte, F.E.Shaw, PerryWlckes 

CRESTON BOY, ch. h, 6, by Piccolo or Borgia — ^Anna Mayes (R. T. Offntt). Weight today 103. 

7.3454 S. Anita 1 1:39* fast 20 109 3 2 1 1 Ik 5** C Boss Vesme. Rn.stling Silk. Ouardl. 

'3282 S. Anita 51 f 1:06* fast 5 112 4 2 2 2* 2** C Ross I.ord Nelson. Laudable. .May, 

3247 S. Anita 6* f 1:06* fast 6-5 107 6 2 1 1*« 3>* C Ross Korosilany, Orelio, Prolific. 

CHICORKA MAID, ch. m, 6, by Cromwell — Julia D. (Pasadena Stable) Weight today 93. 

73510 S. .\nita 5-8 1:00* fast 12 10;{ 4 3 3 2>* 4=J E Martin B.llayham. J..T.McC.,KoeniginIaih(e 

73203 S. Anita 5-8 1:01* fast 30 102 4 3 2 2* 9» ^E Martin AnnaMay. B.Mayliam, Nun’aVelling 

5-8 1:00* fast 9 107 6 3 3 3* 8** M Preston Searfell, Teacress. Interlude. 

GOLDEN RULE. ch. g. 11. by Golden Garter — Lucille Murphy (P. T. Carle). Weight today 105. 

73263 S. Anita 5* f 1:07* fast 8 129 7 7 8 8* 8”*0 H Shll’gllalton, Merrill, Aunt Polly. 

5* f 1:06* 10 104 5 5 5 10 10«* C Ross Merrill. San Nicholas, Halton. 

5* f 1:08| slow 1 130 8 7 7 6= 7*=*C H Shll’gAunt Polly, Jake Ward, Sir Rus.sell 

KOENIGIN LUISE, b. m. 6. hy Bendomn— Estsrling (C. B. Wilson). Weight today 103. 

73510 S. Anita 5-8 1:00* fast 5 108 9 5 5 3k 3* E Dugan Bill Mayham. J. J. McC.. C. Maid. 

73416 S. Anita 3-4 1:13* fast 6 99 4 2 2 3= 5=* G Burns Talarand. Esther B.. Sun Mark. 

73282 S. Anita 6* f 1:06| fast 20 107 2 7 8 7* 7* Musgr’ve Lord Nelson, Cres. Boy, Laudable. 

ANNA MAY. h. f. 4, hy King Eric— Fig Leaf (D. Kelly). Weight today 99. 

3323 S. Anita 5* f 1:08* slop 4* 105 2 2 2 4k 6» W Miller Bemay. Glov. Balerlo, Aquiline. 

3282 S. Anita 5* f 1:06* fast 12 103 3 6 4 5* 4=* G Burns Lord Nelson, Cres. Boy. Laudable. 

3203 S. Anita 5-8 1:01* fast 6 105 1 4 4 4* Ik W Miller B. Mayham. Nun’sVeillng, Talarand 

REUBEN, b. g, 6, by Laveno— Sister Mary (R. I. Troxler). Weight today 105. 

3 2 5= 7*= C II Sliil’gf'anardo, El Cazador, Sue(K'e(1. 

3 3 2=* 2= <1 H Slul’gCanardo, AnntPolIy, Bon.Pr.Charlle 

1 1 1=* 1* C H Shil’gMaster Lester, lla, Rensbaw. 

WISTARIA, b. m. 7, by Bob Miles — ^La Gascogne (H. B. Mulksy). Weight today 103. 

73515 S. Anita 3-4 l:i3* fast 15 1 08 4 3 2 3= 2«k M Preston Talarand, Hereafter, Rustling Silk 

73282 S. Anita 5* f 1:06? fast 15 111 8 8 7 8* 9= .1 Bullman Lord Nelson. Cres. Boy, Laudable. 

■73241 S. Anita 5* f 1:06* fast 10 102 Fell. E Dugan Merrill, San Nicholas, Halton. 

ADELBERT BELLE, ch. f, 4, by Albert— Hoodoo (R. Bauer). Weight today 99. 

4* 5» C II Shil’gHIdden Hand, Pal, Harvel. 

1* 3=* C H Shll’gOrello, Summer Cloud. Airs. 

3* 6* W McIn’reMarlonRoee, Prolific, L.Harrlsonll. 
Bonsack). Weight today 99, 

6* 7= Lloyd Korosilany. Orelio. Creston Boy. 

Ik 10‘=*C H SliirgLucky Lad, Kirkfield Belle. Airs. 

Ih Ink c H Shil’gAunt Polly, Teacress, Marlon Rose 

Weight todav 103. 
B.Mayliam, Koenlgin Luis(', C.Maiil 
Dugan Talarand, Esther B., Sun Mark. 

Bazil, Lwd Nelson, Golden Shore. 

Weight today 103. 
1« ink L II Shil’gVivant. Banellen, Queenoftber.amp 
7* 7* C Ross Aaron, J., BillMu.vhain, Burii.Biisli. 

Confessor, Earl Rogers, Burleigh. 

Weight today 100. 
Search Me, Transmute, Lady Kitty 
Golden Rule. Slipper, Daisy Frost. 
Mlmo, Eduardo, Marie U. 

73*153 S. Anita 
72978 S. Anita 
72823 S. Anita 

3-4 1:15* slow 6 107 1 

3-4 1:14 slow 7-10 109 4 
3-4 1:13 fast 8-5 104 1 

73476 S. Anita 3-4 1:13* fast 20 105 

33.37 S. Anita 3-4 1:15* mud 4 105 6 3 

72861 S. Anita 3-4 1:14 slop 25 104 1 3 

BUPPERY, hr. f. 4, hy Commando — Skim (L. 

73247 S. Anita 5* f 1:06* fast 7 100 1 11 

:071 S. Anita 7-8 1:27? slow 5 103 5 1 1 

72S46 S. Anita 6* f 1:07 fast 9 103 3 2 

r. J, McC., ch. h, 5. hy Phil Warren — ^Velma (H. T. Batoheler). 
73310 S. Anita 5-8 1:00* fast 10 108 10 6 6 6= 2k Milliano 

73416 S. Anita 3-4 1:13* fast 5 104 3 1 1 2k 4= E 

3055 S. Anita 3-4 1:15| slow 50 104 8 5 5 5* 5= Rucker 

LA CHATA. ch. m, 5, hy Amigo — ^Fame (Mrs. C. C. West). 

3189 S. Anita 
68508 Oakland 
6S460 Oakland 
73146 S. Anita 
72770 S. Anita 
67870 Oakland 

5-8 1 :00? fast 3-5 117 2 

5-8 1 ;00* fast 20 102 9 

F C 1 :10f fast 60 101 3 

g, 6. hy Rubicon — Anita B. 

5- 8 1:02 slow 7 119 4 

6- 8 1:00? fast 15 119 9 

3-4 1:17? hvy 25 109 10 

1 1 
8 8 

1 2 2k 6<»*C Ross 

(F. M. Smith). 

2 3 3= 7=®JMusgr’ve 

2 2 5* 4=* Musgr’ve 

10 9 10 10 B’chanan 

SECOND RACE — 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances, (73281 — 40* — 2 — 10.5.) 

SILK HOSE, h. f, 2, hy Watercress — ^Hosiery (S. C. Hildreth). Weight today 102. 

72824 S. Anita 3-8 35* fast 10 102 12 3* 3=* E Dugan Traffic, CTiilla, Joe Gaitens. 

72769 S. Anita 3-8 35? fast 2* 105 2 8= 7= E Dugan MadelineMusgrave. M. Russell, Bold 

72697 S. Anita 3-8 35* fast 8 110 2 4* G=* E Dugan P. Queen, M.Musgrave, M. Russell. 

INCLEMENT, h. c, 2, hy Peep o’Day — Raindrop (C. & B. Stable). Weight today 105. 

73511 S. Anita 3.t f 41* fast 10 110 5 2= 2= IV McIn’reSteel, J. II. Reed, Coriele. 

3338 S. Anita 3* f 42? mud 15 108 9 3 = 3=* W McIn’reForoe. J. H. Reed, El Pic.aro. 

73223 S. Anita 3* f 41? fast 20 108 7 3 * 3= E Dugan La Paladin, J. H. Reed, Heydentus 

WM. F. HERRON, b. c, 2, by Rubicon — Ramlet (J. T. Robbins). Weight today 102. 

3474 S. Anita 1-2 47? fast 100 108 6 6 .5k 6=* S .lolinson Aunt .Vggie. I,ee Hose, Horace H. 

.3415 S. Anita 3* f 41 fast 60 110 8 7= 8* S Johnson I.,ee, J. H. Reed. Valjean. 

3357 S. Anita 3* f 42 hvy 50 108 6 7 7“*S Johnson Colored Lady, Horace H., Traffic. 

ROYAL STONE, ch. c, 2. by Royal Flush m. — Fairystone (W. B. Jennings). Weight today 105. 

"2897 S. Anita 3-8 35* slop 15 103 2 2k 3*J E Martin RoseQneen, Fr.Claney. M. Delorme. 

72824 S. Anita 3-S 35* fast 15 105 7 4* 5= Bnxton Traffic, Chllla, Silk Hose. 

72715 S. Anita 3-8 36 hvy 15 110 4 4k 6=* Radtke Hampass, Fred Maler, C.W. Riley. 

MELTON CLOTH, hr. g. 2. hy Meltonian — Glensetto (R. F, Carman). Weight todav 107. 

73530 S. Anita 3* f 41 fast 7 104 6 5k 7»* G Burns Horace H., Bright Skies, Madrileno. 

BELL OF BRASS, ch. f, 2, by Goldcrest — Carmaid (W. Chamberlain). Weight today 99. 

"3474 S. Anita 1-2 47* fast 20 105 5 Kl 12 12‘(*Goldsteiu .\unt Aggie. 1/ce Rose. Horac'C II. 

105 5 1= 4®* C Ross MadelineMusgrave, M. Russell. Bold 

107 5 4* 4= W McIn’rePara. Queen, Joe Gaitens, Bantliel 

2, hy Ben Brush — ^Hampton Belle (J. Stephenson). Weight today 107. 

41* fast pO 103 8 8k 5* Goldstein Steel. Inclement, J. 11. Reed. 

41* fast 60 108 12 lOnk g= R Brooks La Paladin, J. H. Reed, luclement. 

48* fast 200 102 8 7 7= 7*= Shriner Achieve, Foreguard, I’alo .\Ito. 

2. bv Solitaire II. — ^Piquante (M. Garrity). Weight today 105. 

41* fast 30 110 9 6k 10"1G Archib’ilSteel, Inclement, .1. II. Reed. 

41* fast 25 103 5 12 ‘ 8= G Archib’dMattle Russell, Horace H., C7illla. 

37* slop 8 110 3 6= 5*®*G ArcUlb’dBlameless, Joe Gaitens. Horace H. 

c, 2, by Santello— Escarola (Oakwood Stock Ranch). _ _ Weight today 105. 

72769 S. Anita 3-8 

2733 S. Anita 3-8 

AKS-AR-BEN, h. c. 
3511 S. Anita 3* f 

322:1 .S. Anita 3* f 

73089 S. Anita 1-2 

73.511 .S. Anita 3* f 

73204 S. Anita 

2936 S. Anita 


:«:!8 S. Anita 

3204 S. Anita 

3127 S. .Anita 

"I’mIU .S. Anita 

3147 S. Anita 

2993 S. Anita 


:;:’,!i6 s. Anita 

3262 S. Anita 

35? fast 8 
35? good 15 

3* f 


8 > 6 ® 
5 3= 

C Ro-ss 

3* f 42? mud 6 10; 

3* f 41* fast 20 103 2 

3* f 42 fast 50 102 4 

, 2, by Alvescot — Hus (G. J. Long). 

3?. f 41* fast 20 109 3 41 

3* f 42? slow 20 109* 5 8 

3-8 36 good 12 110 4 4* 4= D Boland 

f, 2, hy Peter McCue— Pansy H. (Helena Stable). 
.3-8 3i* fast 20 105 8 
3-8 35* fast 30 108 3 

7“ (' H Sliil’gForce. J. H. Reed, Inclement. 

Mattie Russell. Horace II. , Cliilla. 
Blameless, Red Mlmle, Ned Jraiu. 

Weight today 102. 

D P.oland Steel, Ineb'ment. .1. H. Reed. 

8®* D Boland Aunt Aggie. Colored I.ady, .\nlio('h 
Hampass, .Mad.Musgrave, Banthel. 

Weight today 107. 
8 7®* \V .McIn’reOlIie Ward, Miniature, Fair .\niii(“. 

12 12“JW McIn’reB.’s Busy, Q.’s Grove, L.R. Hindoo. 

LIVE OAK, h. c. 2. hy Santello— Armadora (Oakwood Stock Ranch). Weight today 102. 

"3115 S. Anita 3* f 41 fast 100 110 1 41 5= Shriner Lee Rose, J. H. Reed Valjeaii. 

7 S. Anita 1-2 48 fast 40 102 6 6 6h 8<=JT Riee Madrileno. Cull Holland. Hor;i,e H. 

3204 S. Anita 3* f 41* fast 20 104*10 9* 10>" Lloyd Mattie Russell, Horace IL. Cbiila. 

DEL CRUZADOR. b. c, 2, by Emperor of Norfolk — Atalanta II. (E. J. Baldwin). Weight today 110. 

:t5ll S. Anita 3* f 41* 12 110 11 9' 7®1 (' R<x(S - - - 

POPS, br. c, 2, hy Caldron — AraheIla'(R. L. Thomas), 

St(>el, Inclement, .1. H. Reed. 

Weight today 110, 

.1492 .S. Anita 31 f 41? fast 4 110 9 8= S'*1C H Sliil’g.VntliK’h, H.Onnoiule, .M. .Musgrave. 

()ukw(Miil Slock Rancli entry — Bucktliorne ami Live Oak. 

THIRD RACE — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. (7242C — 1 :.37J — 3 10S.) 

BRAWNEY LAD, hr. g, 8, by Braw Lad— Ci 

":!471 .S!. Anita 5-S 1 ;ill fast 12 104 2 .5 

3;wi S. .Anita 1 1:10 6 92 8 .3 1 1 

.S’. Anita 7-Sl:’2S*hvy 15 93 7 5 3 3 

LITHOLIN. br. f. 3. hy His Highness— Lilita II. 
•'":4I S. Anita 51 f I ;(I8? mud 8 Pi7 6 5 5 

31(1!* .S. Anita 1 1:40* fast 7 93 5 4 3 3 

72918 S. AuiUk g-8 l:U3i slop 8 117 3 4 3 

ilia (T. B. Morris). 

.5 7* 4= ( ’ 1 1( 

Ik (bddstein 
2= 2= (ioldstein 
(Kansas Stable). 
.5“ 5" .Muscr've 
5' u» E Dugan 
3= Ik E Dugan 

Weight today 93. 
SemRiirrett, BurtG.lx'wis, Haluca. 
L.C.Widrig. t'ncleHeiiry, Gateway. 
Light Wind, Dredger, Ditiia. 

Weight today 92, 

Leu Slone, Dr. Simrall, Oritlamb. 
I..C. Witlrlg, Ch.lK'smond, S'liiiMark, 
Insp.Bird, AlhlouU., Black Dresa, 

FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1908. 



PAL, b. 5, by Paladin — Silenta (R. F. Carman). 

7:'.47B S. Anita r. 4 1 fast lS-5 H'7 fi 4 Ti 5* 2» (4 r.nrns 
7X.^7K S. Anita 7-S 1 ;2fii! fast 1 ]09 6 fi 7 2 2- M'J (4 Bums 

732fifi B. Anita 3 4 l;i2ii* 3| H*7 2 2 3 4* .".'i <4 Burns 

RUSTLING SILK, b. m, 5. by Mirthful— ftuiver (Hogan & Rinehart) 

4- Noison 
L> •.;> 2* Noison 

3 14 4*i Noison 

D. Millard). 

7 r>h t)‘ Vnmi'son 

6 2>» Ih Vaiid’sen 

4 3i 4'J Vaud’sen 

7:!i1.', .>4. Anita 3 I 1.I3S fast 20 m3 
734.-4 S. Anita 1 1 :.3:»R fast 30 lO 3 2 
73.307 .S. Anita 7 S 1 :l'fii fast 9 07 fi 4 5 

BEMAY, hr. f. 4. by Albert— Misery II. (W. 

73477 S. Anita 31 f 1 :07 Last 7 OS S fi 

7;B23 S. Anita 5i f lA.SR slop 20 103 6 6 

73241 S. Anita 5J f l:0«i fast 40 9ai 1 4 

FISHER BOY, b. h. 6, by St. Andrew— Illuminating (R. Friedman), 
■.3.-.11 Anita 1 1-S l:33g fast 12 lit) 4 4 3 3 7 Ross 

73472 Anita 1 1:40 fast 4 107 1 4 3 2 2* 2« .1 lluyos 

734:!S S. Anita 7 8 1:26 fast 50 102 5 4 3 2 C C» .1 Hayes 

LAUDABLE, b. f, 3, by Compute— Lady McNairy (E. L. Talley). 

72.-«:;i S. Anita :t 1 1:13 fast 7 111 2 3 3 4- 2'1 Coldstoiir 

7::.'.r2 !4. Anita .".f f 1 :o7g fast 0-<; m3 2 7 C 5' 2* Goldstein 

7:;:«3 .s. Anita f>i f 1:07 fast 5 102 3 2 2 2* 2' 1 Goldstein 

SUN MARK. ch. m, 6. by Margrave — Sun Fith (R. T. Offutt). 

7:'2i23t B. .\nita 1 l:4og fast 3 ]<i2 4 « 7 C 0= 7® C Ross 

734It; ,S. Anita 3-4 1:13* fast 6 90 1 9 8 O'* 3‘i C Ross 

732S3 S. Anita 1 1:38* fast 10 lol 5 6 5 6 5* 7>»JC Rosa 

BYPLAY, b. h, 6, by Star Ruby — Plaisance (Frisbie & WiUianu). 
73172 .s:. Anita 1 1:40 fast ioo 107 3 3 4 4 4'® li'J.Sliriner 

72!*;*C S. Anita 1 3-16 2:03 good 40 109 6 5 3 5 6* 5'* .Shriner 

72S23 S. Anita 3-4 1:13 fast 100 107 8 11 11 11* 8** Shriner 

BLACK DRESS, blk. f, 3, by Pink Coat — Heater Lee (K. Spence). 
73i!Hi ,B. Anita 7 8 1:26* fast 40 90J12 10 10 11 11* 9*®iNelson 

7:2!81 B. Anita 1 1:40 fast 20 8»i 2 9 9 9 6*i 6* Nelson 

7:::!01 y. Anita l 1:41 fast 3J 104 6 5 5 5 3^ 2«* C H Shil' 

AMPEDO, br. c, 4, by Alvescot — Day Dream (E. Wayland). 

7:!472 B. Anita 1 1:40 fast 3-2 107 4 2 2 3 3« 3»i Finn 

7::417 ,B. Anita 1 1:38* fast 20 95 3 4 3 4 4 4*»iGoldsteln 

72792 S. Anita 1 1:39R fast 7 107 4 7 7 6 5* 4* G Archib 

LONIA, b. f, 3, by Filigrane — Fair Annet (Olive Grove Stable). 

V:;:!s<i .'t, Anita 1 1:40* fast 40 lo7 7 7 7 7 7"t 4"*lShriner 

73;!.-.0 S. Anita 7-8 1 :28* hvy 200 88 C 7 7 6 5* 4’i Holcomb 

73301 ,S. Anita 1 1:41 fast 200 97 1 G C 6 6 4» Holcomb 

COSTLY, ch. f, 3, by Pentecost— Siva (A. M. Stout). 

7::.-,I2 ,B. ,\nita 5t f HOTg fast 100 10., lo m 10 0* 0'®.'.Kraeiner 

727S<: ,B. Anita 5-8 1:01 fast 30 107 11 11 11 11 11«» C H Shil' 

72719 .S. Anita 5-8 1:01? hvy 20 105 4 7 9 7J 13«*»C II Shil’ 

Weight today 108. 

Hidden Hand. Harvel.TaylorGeorge 
Kiack.Mate. tlossipcrll., Siim.rioud. 
Plialanx, T.aylor George, Aiieviator. 
, Weight today 104. 

Talannui. WislariH. ilereafter. 
Vesino. Ouardi. Uneie Henry. 
Korosilany, LadyV.tshil, SilrerStie. 

Weight today 103. 
Ilalton. Korosliany, Jillelt. 

Giov. Balerio, Aquiline. Korosilany. 
Merrill, San Nicholas, Halton. 

Weight today 107. 
.\vontellus. Aucassln, Rubinon. 
Dredger, Anipedo, Byplay. 

TOnpee, Canardo, Daruma. 

Weight today 106. 
T. George. Chippewa, L. 0. Widrig 
Royall)ne.-n. 1.2ickfoot. Flor.Birch. 
Tn’rnaway. Aquiline, Connie M. 

Weight today 102. 
Rudal>ek. I>eash, Giovanni Balerio. 
Talarand, Esther B., J. J. MeC. 
Aucassln, L.C.Wldrlg, Fr.ofEIgin. 

Weight today 107. 
Dredger, Fisher Boy, Ampedo. 
SamBernard, BadlyUsed, BosElder. 
Reuben, Master Lester, Ha. 

Weight today 87. 
Daruma. Gateway, Surveillance. 
L.C.Wldrlg, Dnc.Henry, Braw.Lad. 
gida Lytle, Annette, Lonia. 

Weight today 105. 
Dredger, Fisher Boy, Byplay. 
Wexford, M.Antonyll.. T. Faust. 
dDomlnus Arvl, Dredger, Toupee. 

Weight today 87. 
Pan-de-Oro, Sparkles, Grindstone. 
LightWool, BrawneyLad, Dredger. 
Ida Lytle, Black Dress, Annette. 

Weight today 87. 
Royal Queen. I.andahle, Lack fool. 
gMa'ySntton, ValleyStream, VelmaC. 
gBen Stone, Liddlngton, Orlflainb. 

FOURTH RACE — 1 3-lG Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. (7330.3 — 1:58? — 5 — IOC.) 

Weight today 103. 
Chippewa, Rip Rap. Hi Col Cap. 
Dorado. Harry Scott. Funny Side. 
Avontellus, HiColCap, Christine A. 

Weight today 102. 
Wexford. Colonel Jack, Eiirly 3'ide 
M. Antony II.. Molesey, TonyFaust 
Marster„ Frank Flittner. 

■Weight today 90. 
T. George, Laudable. Chippewa. 
Uncle Henry, Br. I.aid, Gateway. 

BARON ESHER, h. g, 6, by Esher — OUie Dixon (R. F. Carman). 

7i9:;9 .b. Anita 1 1 8 2:00? slop C-5 111 6 « « 5 5« 4’ G Burns 

72907 Oakiaiid liiiToy 1:49* slop 1 113 7 7 C 3 2* UJ G Burns 

7-2827 S. Anita 1 2 -10 2:U(t* fast 4-5 109 7 6 5 5 4* 1* G Burns 

EDWIN T. FRYER, b. c. 4, by Juvenal— Speedy (F. Wallhanser). 

7:‘.173 .S. Anita 1 1:38* fast 12 lot 5 fit; fi fi 5'’ Sliriner 

7:;225 S. .\nila 1 1:38 fast 12 101 5 5 5 5 5 5’ C Ross 

7::iss ,*4. .\nita 1 2 1C 2:00? fast 9-10 99 2 2 3 3 3 sn C )loss 

L. C. WIDRIG, ch. c, 3, by Orimar — Grace Bond (Pasadena Stable). 

7.Ti31 Anita 3-1 1:13 fast 3.*. 93 4 9 8 f.'* 4'’.1 10 Martin 

7::3M Anita 1 1:40 fast 7-5 84 G 4 3 2 2*11® 10 Martin 

73285 S. Anita 1 1:38* fast 4J 84 1 5 4 4 2) 2- E Martin Aucassln, Fr. of Elgin, Br. Lad. 

CHALFONTE, cb. h, 5, by Star Sboot — ^Magna Charta (P. T. Chinn). Weight today 106. 

T:!473 S. Anita 1 1 :3.8ii fast 7 103 1 4 5 5 5 * 4*1 J no Hcn’sy Wexford. Colonel Jack, Early 'Tide 

7:i4;!S S. Anita 7-S 1:2C fast 34 lo7 3 11 1 It* 4*i Jiio Hcn’svToupee. Canardo. Daruma. 

7::2ic ,S. Anita 1 1:39 fast 2J HO 3 4 3 3 S'* 1*J G Bums Mary F., Ed Ball, Aucassln. 

CHIMNEY S'WEEP, blk. h, 6, by Buck Massie— Lisric (Mrs. J. Curl) Weight today 106. 

72.',lfi S. .\nita 118 1:51? fast 10 lOO 6 3 3 4 6* 7* E Martin Glenecho, Marster, Molesey. 

724C2 S. Anita 1 1:41* mud G 94 1 C 6 5 4* 2= E Dugan Arlmo, Critic, Lisaro. 

720;.53 .S. Anita 1 1-8 1:52* fast 10 9G 2 C 6 7 4* C** C Ross Frank Flittner, Lisaro, Edwin Giim 

FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. (72510— 1:51?— G— 100.) 




1 3 it; 2:01? fast 







4-' T Rice 

Rnldnon. S’ilverskln, L. Clilswsll. 




1 1 ^1:54? fast 







2 ® 

2® M Preston 

Bon Vivant, El I’rimero, Dewey. 




1 1:40 fast 








7*®JM Preston 

AlinaBoy, Aucassln, Glovau.Balerio 


b. m. 

8, by Ducat — Trilby 





Weight today 104. 




1 1 :4<l? fast 








2**1* Shriner 

Rndaliek, G. Balerio, .Master Lester 




1 3 16 2:01? fast 








6®i J Hayes 

Riilnnon. Sllverskin, L. Ghiswell. 




1 1-8 1:54? fast 


105* 8 





3*J Harty 

Elie, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Rama. 


ch. m, 5, by Hawthorne — Micnora (I, 

H. Miller). 

Weight today 104. 




7-8 1 :26* fast 







3®.'. '1' Rice 

Korosilany. LadyV’ashti'.aMlust.S’ilk. 



1 1 :41* fast 17-10 107 





5>*.’.T Rice 

Areoiirt. M. Hollander, Ban Ix>rd. 



6J f 1:22? slow 







2* A Walsh 

Ruth W., Beliuere. Royal River. 

BAUBLE, br. 

m, 5, by Ornament 



. L. 


Weight today 104. 




3-4 1 :i;’.* fast 







3® Harty 

Pr. Frederiek. Rudabek. P. WIckes 




5* f 1 :ti7 fast 


97 11 


11 : 


11'® M Preston 

Halton, Korosilany. Jillett. 




:*,-4 l:i:5* fast 







3* Harty 

McChord, Pr. Frederick, L. V’ashti. 

JOSIE'S JE'WEL, ch. m, 5, hy Rancocas — Josie Newman (J. F. Newman). 

7X,:A .S. .\nila 1 1:40 fast 8-5 107 10 8 7 4 2‘. ' 

734O0 .*4, .Anita 7-S 1 :2G? fast 9-5 102 1 5 5 

72700 ,S. Anita 1 1-8 1:53* fast 5 104 G 1 2 

RAMA, b. m, 5, by Riley — Hattie Harris (S. Martin). 

7:j4:i7 ,s. Anita 1 1-8 1 :.74? fast 7 mi 11 8 7 7 G» 

73321 S. Anita 1 -8 1:28 slop 25 97 7 6 C C 

7301fi ,S. Anita 1 1 :40? fast 12 99 2 3 3 2 2'S 3** Goldstein 

LADY CHIS'WELL. b. m. 7, by Flatlands— Pnsh (R. F. Carman). 
7:!4.'.fi ,S. Anita 1 3-16 2:01? fast 7 mi 7 G 7 7 4* 3®.*. G Rums 

T34l:i ,S. Anita 11:39? fast 9 107 7 C 8 8 8‘ 7» G Burns 

72810 .S. Anita 1 1:40 fast 2 110 11 7 6 8 5*S 3‘ G Bums 

Weight today 104. 
.M Preston Bird of Passage, Antara, Audubon. 
4 2i* 2J M Preston Teacress, Kirk. .Belie, Col. Girl. 

2 m 5®i M Preston Kip Rap, Avontellus, G. Balerio. 

Weight today 104. 
Elio, Bonnie Pr. Charlie. Leash. 
Ellxabeth F.. Br^^gg, Bannocencc. 
Alma Boy, Rubinon, Stoney Lee. 

Weight today 104. 
Rnbiijon, Sllverskin, Cotillion. 

Alma Boy. Ouardi. Giov. Balerio. 
Canique, Alma Boy, Homeless. 

4’ Goldstein 
5*5 Goldstein 

RIRKFIELD BELLE, ch. f, 4, by Royal Flush HI.— Bena (J. M. Stokes). 

Weight today 100. 

Teacress, Josie’s Jewel, Col. Girl. 
L.of the Forest, T. George, LaGlorla 
Chalfonte, Uncle Henry, Alma Boy. 

Weight today 100. 
Teacress, Josie’sJewel, Kirk. Belle. 
6* 7*»5C F S’van Fastoso. B.ofPassage. Sink Spring. 
1* 1* W Miller Billy Taylor, Leash, Lady Laughter 

Weight today 95. 

4*5 E Martin C.Clerk, O.’sRight. L.Rossington. 
1* 1* B Martin C. Clerk. M. Algol, Orm.’s Right. 

Hi Col Cap, Bragg, Shn Mark. 

Weight today 104, 
Clandes tine. Redwood H..S. Christian 
Niblick, I.ucrece, Lord Provost. 

Phillgoe, Homeless, Prolific. 

Weight today 104. 
Rultinon, S'ilverskln, L. Clilswell. 

7 75 6*5 W Smith Teacress, Josie’.s.Icwel, Kirk. Belle. 

4 4* 5* W Smith Foncasta, Sink Spring. Hi Col Cap 

;:{4(W .S. Anita 7-8 1:2C? fast 12 99 2 3 2 2- li* 3* T Rice 

7:i227 S. Anita 3-4 1:12* fast 30 99 4 4 5 5« 4>»lBlalr 

73130 S. Anita 1 1:39? fast 20 97 5 7 6 6 7» 6*5 Blair 

BANLADA, h. f, 4, hy Bannockhnm — Estelada (Hnnter Stable). 

7:;4(W .-I. .Anita 7-8 1:26? fast 50 99 S 7 7 6 fil* 8»* Goldstein 

731«9 ,S. Anita 1 1-8 1 :54? fast 30 103 2 5 7 7 

7:;033 S. Anita ll:4C*slop 3-5 106 7 7 5 4 

SAINRIDA. b. f. 4. hy Sain — Merida (Pasadena Stable). 

7:!.3G2 K. .Anita 1 1-8 1:57? hvy 7-5 9tj 3 1 2 2 

7:!;!22 S. Anita 1 1-4 2:10? slop 4 89 G 1 1 1 

7:!222 S. Anita 11:40 fast 25 94 10 8 7 7 95 11*»5E Martin 

SUNHAY, br. m, 6, by Potomac — Barmaid II. (C. A. Ross). 

W9!12 .Ascot Fk 1 1 :42 Last 8-5 107 5 3 5 4 4= 2* C Ross 

(;G291 .AscotPk Im.TOy 1 :4C fast 2 106 3 2 2 4 S'* 4’5 C Ross 

LADY VASHTI, ch. m. 8, by Bobby Beach— Vashti (H. T. Ba«cheler). Weight today 104. 

734:tG -Anita 3-4 1:1.3* fast 55 107 6 6 G 6- 4*5 Milliano SlcChord. Pr. Frederick, Banhle. 

7:2597 ,S. Anita 7-8 1:26* fast 4-5 103* 4 3 4 4 S'* 2'5 C H Shil’gKorosilany, SilverSue, Rust.Silk. 

73186 S. Anita 3-4 1:13 fast 5 105 7 7 7 7 7** M Preston LordNelson, LaGloria. B. Bowlegs. 

ESTHER B., b. f, 4, by Greenan — Sedate (C. B. Lewis). Weight today 100. 

7:!4ifi Anita 3-4 1:13* fast 100 96 12 11 10 8.J 2* Vand’sen Talarand, Sun Mark, J. J. McC. 

72880 S. Anita 11:42* slop 60 10110 1111 11 10* 8***Shrlner Azora, Ancassin, Gentle Harry. 

72791 S. Anita 7-8 1:26* fast 50 100 10 10 9 8 8* 8* Shriner " ‘ “ 

CHRISTINE A., ch. m. 8, hy Onms — Leonell (T, A. Davies). 

7:!45fl .S. Anita 1 3-1fi 2:01? 12 101 5 5 5 5 .5* 8®5 (' Ross 

7:!4'H| S. Anita 7-8 1 :26? fast 20 102 6 6 6 

7:;035 S. Anita 1 1-8 1:58? slop 15 105 2 4 4 

JOSIE 'WHEELER, hr. m, 8, by Lew Weir — Sunny Smile CV. Gilbert) Weight today 104. 

7::4::o S. Anita 3 4 1:13* fast 100 107 11 11 11 11 10"'5Slirincr McChord. Pr. Frederick, Bauble. 

734*K) .S. Anita 7-8 1:26? fast 100 102 7 8 8 8 8 5*5 Shriner Teacress, Josie’sJewel. Kirk. Belle. 

7::;t21 S. .Anita 7-8 1:2S slop 100 97 9 9 9 9 9 7**5Taplin Elizabeth F., Bragg, Bannocence. 

OUR SALLIE, m. m, 8, by Oakwood — Queen Enid (H, Long). Weight today 104, 

7:Ci2!t ,'4. .Anita 1 1:40? fast 100 102 3 4 8 9 8* 8*5 J McL’lin Rndaltck, li^sli. Giovanni Balerio. 

7;:419 S. Anita 1 1 :39? fast 100 107 10 10 10 10 10 9*» J McL’hlin.Alma Bov. Ouardi. Giov. Balerio. 

7:5381 S. Anita 1 1:40 fast 100 101 9 7 8 8 9 8* J McL’hllnL.C. Widrig, Unc.Henry, Braw.Lad. 

SIXTH RACE — 5-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. (72:530 — 59? — 2 — 108.) 

Weight today 103. 
G •mmell. San Alvlso, Escalante. 
Misty’s I’riile, Dorado, Bdnjiosal. 

Weight today 10^ 
.Alma Boy, Ouardi, Giov. Balerio. 
Pretension, Toupee. Black Mate. 

GLENARM, br. c, 4, by Rainbow — Pouting (Miller & Johnston). 

t:941l La ton in 
69i:S4 Cliur. IKiwns 
6S917 Chur. Dtiwns 

3-4 1:15* good 103 12 
3-4 1:14? slow 87 3 
3-4 1:14* good 89 3 

BRIBERY, ch. m, 5. by 'Voter — Handmaid (R. T. Offutt). 
fiM'.7t: t lakland Ffl;m?fast 12 105 9 7 7 O'* 4“ C Ross 

tiSfill Oakland 3 4 1:13* fast 5 100 7 6 7 8 8** C Ross 

CAT ALINE, ch. g, 7. by Sir Dixon— Catalina H. (J. M. Stokes). 

7;ni9 S. Anita l 1:39? fast 8 lii9 6 9 7 fi 7* 5*5 Moriarlty 

72.587 S. Anita 7-8 1:24? fast 100 109 12 11 12 12 11* ll*»5Blair 

C0508- Ascot Pk lm70y 1:465 slow 7-10 110 6 2 2 2 1* 1*5 H’m J’ks’nMissMayBowdlsh, VIona. Hnapala. 

INSTRUCTOR, br. h, 7, by Brutus — Initiation (H. C. Couse). Weight today 108. 

fis7‘2:* Oakland 3-4 1:11? lS-5 112 9 9 7 7* 7“ A’buchon .AIic<- Cary, .Timalong. Roscoe. 

<;s.5."i7 Oakland F C 1:11s 6 120 2 7 6 7’ 6' Borel 'ritus II., Siicak. Fontana. BellReed 

Weight today 101. 
Dr.L. Huffman, LltUeGeorge, Demo. 
Frontenac, Old Honesty. M. Sutton. 
Miss Alert, Mortlboy, Nat B. 

Weight today 108. 

'■’5 G Archfii’d Master I.,esfer, Iluapala, Bauble. 

6 O'* 4*5 G ArcUib’dPontotoc, StoneyLce, B.Pr.Charlie 

6 5= 8*'5G Arcbib’dLittleMinlster^ Firm Foot. Huapala 

CHIEF BUSH, ch. h, 6. by Yo cl Rey — Eileena (D. A. Brollier).- Weight today 108. 

CT'i.iS (laklanil 1 1-i 2:i:!* livy .30 112 6 2 5 6 7*’ 7" .1 Duggan Daniel C., MiNlicum, Bill Perry. 

<;7:!s:: (>aklan<l 1 1 16 1:19 good 12 lo7 8 8 7 6 6* 6*’'5Rettig Vineeiitio, Black I’rince, Natioiiassar 

REY DEL MUNDO, br. h, 5, by Rey el Santa Anita — Leola (E. J. Baldwin), Weight today 108. 

7:i4lfi H. .Anita ::-t 1 :i::* fast 10 104 8 5 6 7'* 9'® Idoyd 'ralarand, Esllier 15., Sun Mark. 

:52o:S S. Anita 6-8 1 ;01* 9 112 8 2 3 3* 5= C H SIiil’gAnnaMay, B.Mayham, Nnu’sVeiling 

5-S 1:02 slow 10 122 2 7 7 O** 5* Moriarlty Searcli Me, Transmute, Lady Kitty 

STONE, ch. c, 4, by Bannockburn — Apozea (W. I. Elliott). Weight today 101. 

4 l:i:i? fa.'ft mo 1.17 s 7 7 S s' •-.’Sliriner Hidden Hand. Pal. Harvel. 

.5-8 1:00 fast 200 105 6 3 4 4“5 G'^iBorcl Native Son. Ocean Sliore, Combnry. 

F C 1:10* fast 200 95 10 9 10 10 10'* Klrsch’m Optician, Escalante, .A1 Lindley. 

TOLLER, blk. h, 6, by Brutus — Nabetta (A. G. Dui 

7:2:1s S. .Anita 7-8 1 :2!t? .slop 10 102 5 2 3 2 2.t 

11 11 11** ’Trueman 

5 7 7** E Martin 

6 6 6** Bllac 

G. Dunlop). 

7-S 1:27 fast 15 
-S 1 :27 fast 

112 4 6 
107 10 8 8 

.S. Anita 
73111 .S. Anita 

7:5146 S. Anita 

7:;47<; .'I. .\nita 
fi92sl Oukl:ind 
t;s7s5 Oakland 

ELLA TRUE, b. f, 4, by Highland Lad— Ella Wadkins (W. Walker). 
72>.s3 t.taklalid 51 f 1:10* .slop 40 104 2 2 8 ]o ]2** l.ycorgtis 

72S4;i Oakland 3- 1 l:lfi? hvy 2fi0 9fi 4 . 7 9 10 10== A Harris 

72.>W .S. Anita 3-4 1:13? fast 60 104 6 4 4 7“ 7»» .A Harris 

WELKER, b. g, 5, by Galore — Cheesemite (A. G. Dunlop). 

'■7717 .\scid I’k 5 8 1 :02J good 2o io7 S 8 S 7t* t:‘=in Roland 

.:7.7't2 I’k 51 f I :o91 Fast 50 ]o7 H 11 lo l(i’ikloi= 1) R.dand 

ROYAL ASCOT, b. g, 4, by Benroc — Palo de Rosa (Orangevale Stable). 

:4 55 .Anita 
7::on:: S. Anita 
7:’,*i.75 8. .Anita 
NERSKA, b. f, 
7::4:t.7 .S. .Anita 
731 !<• ,S. Anita 
72902 ,'4. Anita 
PYRRHO, b. g, 
7:;il2 S. .Anita 

S I;<K|S fast mo mo 11 10 10 

51 f l:o75 fast 60 100 12 11 11 

3 1 1:15? slow 100 93 9 9 9 9=« 9=* ]’. Wilson 

4, by Ingoldsbv — Rose May (Hogan Sc Rinehart). 

' I ;|«I? Last mo 9:5 9 11 11 H= 9'".lNel.son 

6 .8 1:01? fast 100 9S 2 8 X 10i'>m'*.lNelsoii 

3-4 1:17 slop 60 99 9 11 11 11 10=> Nelson 

9. by Albert — Zetetic (C. F. Lanier). 

Weight today 93 
Exclipqner, Hilgcrt, Sightly. 
Mansard. Capt. Burnett. Import. 
I’acifie Electric, Entrada, Andoche. 

Weight today 105. 
Katie Crews. P.arato. Comas 
Iiilci'liide, i:iP,.Tiiado. Marpe 

Weight today 101. 

lol 1 1 -”l\'aiid'seii Fair Fagot, fliir .Anna, Dr. Crook. 
12 lo"ll5 Wilson lirel'o, .Miss Hiinyar, Merrill. 

I’.azil, Ia*rd Nelson. Golden Shore 
■Weight today 94. 
Fair Fagot, Oiir .Antia. Dr. Crook. 

Swain, Laura E.. 'I'ransmiite. 
Belchamtier, L.Rossington, W.Bug 
Weight today 105, 
Ila. Varietes, Daisy Frost. 

'I’lie Poet, Btdasco. Presentiment. 
Kinsiiinii, ElizalieiliF.. S. Christian. 

■Weight today 105. 
Black •Mate, Gossiper H., Pal. 
Master Lester. Hoai>aIa. Itanlii) 
L.of the Forest, T. George, LaGloria 

t;’’ R 15rooks 
25 3* C Ross 
51“ 7'* <1 Ross 

•Sl:ol fast 50 ml S 
<;77:S8 Ascot Pk J 1 It! 1 :.5:;? slop 9-10 107 1 
67417 -Ascot I'k 1 1:44 slop 40 109 0 

TATTENHAM, ch. g, 7, by Tristan— Vocaletta (W. E. North). 

7:::i7x S. Anil;i 7 s l:2fi? fast 200 li:51 s s S s S‘ 9'-JW Ril*-v 

7::::is S. Anita 7 X 1 :2.'t? slop OJ 99 12 12 12 11 11 H=*1W Smith 

7:t227 ."4. Aidta 3 4 1:12* fast 300 l<rj 2 5 6 t; 5'«.iW Riley 

SPINS'TRESS, ch. m, 6, by Kinley Mack — Spinning Time (E. L. Gregory). Weight today 103 

729:58 ,S. Anita 3 i 1:17? slop 100 10.5 8 8 9 9' 9>*iW .Mclii'rc.losic S., Jillett, Virginia Ix>rraine. 

72921 .S. Anit.a 3 4 1:16.? slop Phi 102 11 8 7 7'* 9'® Medlicott I.on. Filzgililsm, Jillelt, Korosilany 

728.80 S. .Anita 1 1:12* slop 1.70 981 8 9 8 9 It 13’=1F \^urphy -Azora. -Ancassin, Genlle Harry. 

LADY RICE. ch. m. 10. by Dr. Rice — Oiit-of-Siglit (H, D. Mulkey), Weight tuda.y 103. 

.■.;ii.i;i (laklaicl F 1:12.1 slop pio Pr5 lo 10 lo ]o ]o4«’.it,-Uig .Anglcla, Dav.l’-olainl. Hammerawav 
531ti7 Ascot Pk 1 1:43 fast 109* 1 4 6 C 7® C» 'Burke Lauark, Frangible, Lurda PhiUlpa. 

New Orleans Entries and Past Performances for Erlday, March 6. 

(Handicapped fur a fast track.) 


(Fair Grottuds. ) 

For differences in weight add or deduct 
S points to the pound. An extra good 
rider’s average worth is 3 potyids. 







Racing starts at 2:.30 p. m. 

XRnns well in mini. ©Superior nv 
First Race — 1-2 Mile. 
2-vcar-olds. Selling. 

(Track rt^-ord: t;7SOO— 47?— 2 
Horses. Rec. 

I.ady I.eota 





:5:i.s.s= Lillian Ray 

:5.522) Mis.s Hapsburg 

75407- .Sister Ollle 

(7344.5) The Slicker 

7350.3 Exotic *. . . . 

73445= Kcnmare Qneen 

72006 Cuban Boy 

72985 Concise 

Anderson, b. c, by 
Box — Paradise Won 
Harry Percival, lir. c. 
liy Carlton Grange — 

Miss Pry 

Second Race— 3-4 Mile, 
3-year-olds and upward. .Allowances. 
(Track record: 4:>C.S2- — 1:12* — 5 — 107.) 




100 . 






Horses. • 



Wt. Ildcp. 



. .1:1:5? 


.lOS. .X745 


Prince Ahmed .... 



.111 740 




.115. . X740 


Polb' Prim 


.105. . X7.35 


Earl’.s Court 



.100. . X7‘J5 



Fifth Race — 3-4 Mile. 

4-year-ol(ls and upward. Selling. 

(Track record: 4:5(5.S2— 1 :12*— 5—107.) 

Aleneon l:i:!* C. . 107. . X 72.5 


French Nun 


.105. . X720 


15ea trice K 

..1 :i:S? 


.105 715 










. '.ts. . x71o 




. .1:1:5* 


.100. . X7t>5 


7:52 l.s 

Lucy Young 

. .1:1:5* 


.105. .©705 



Ra))pahannock .... 



.KHJ. . x70O 






.107. . X«55 

. .700 


De Oro 



.105 tS*0 






. !)S..XfKS5 



. .1:1.’.* 


.110. .X'-S) 




. .1:15 


.102. . Xt!75 



Ben Donlile, b. c. l»y 
Bendoran — Lemons 



. .fJCi 
. .GSO 

Abe GoiHliug. b. c, 
Lokl— Editli II. 




100 . 




l:l.-5? 3 

. .KG. .X725 


Miss Sain 

1:13? : 

.. (to.. ©715 


Ida -May 

1:14* : 

... 99..X7K) 



1:14? 3.. 104.. ©710 


Orphan Lad 

1:12? ‘ 


7 : 5.51 K5 

Prince Hampton .... 


. .107 705 


Ben Strong 


. .110 705 




.. .Ill ti!45 


Field Marshal 

3. .101 6.50 

Third Race— 5 1-2 


:5-year-(>lds. Selling. 

(Track record: 60000 — 

:05* — 4- 


721 84 

Whisk Broom 

1:07? , 

98.. ©725 


Dandv Dancer 

98. . X720 


K. T. Shipp 


loT. . X720 


1 :t)S? 

107 715 


Bitter Sir 


105. . X715 


-Arrow Swift 

1 :08* 

105. . X715 


'fartar Maid 




Linda Lake 


98.. X 710 



1 :08* 

103.. ©710 


AVni. H. Lyon 


105 705 




103. . X700 




lOS. . X095 




103 (Kkl 



1 :oS» 

*».S tSto 

7:51 7!» 



103. . XGSr. 

Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. 

3-vear-olds and upward. Handicap. 

(IViick record: 4:5U82— 

1:12*— 5— 107.) 


IlyiKTioii 11 

1:12* 5..112. .X7.50 

Sixth Race— 3.4 Mile. 




7.3411 = 






Cablegram . . 
Belle Strome 
Miss Strome 
Avannteer . . . 
Royal Onyx . 





Consistent . . . 

K1 Dorad(» 


5 — 



. .110. 




. .105. 

. X715 



. . lol . 

. X710 

1 :13? 






. .lot!. 

. X705 



. .102. 

. . .7(84 



. . '.81. 

. X7(8> 



. .107. 

. ®(K*5 






. .110. 

. XC<8» 


. .105. 

. Xt!!8l 



. .itrj. 

. Xt!‘.8» 



. .113. 

. XC .S5 



. .105. 

. ©C..S5 



. .K8>. 

. XCT5 

Seventh Race — 1 1-4 Miles. 

4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 

(Track record: 444:52 — 2:06*— 5 — il3.) 


. ..2:P_>* 

. .2:08? 


4.. 105..X715 

6. .105 710 

3. .100. . x710 

5.. 107.. ©70.5 

5. .KCl. . x7or. 

6. .107 700 

5.. 107..X700 

73.540 Goldmate 

(72934) Kniglit of Ivanlioe 
7:54:5a Lonise Maefarlan 

7:5451 Flavigny 

73490= Creel 

(73.509) Jack Witt 

(7:5490) St. Bellane 

7.3490 Gull 

725490 Plnsticker 

73003 Javanese 

72494 Tern us 

7:5470® Gilpin 

7:5.509® Flowaway 

08229 Gordeu Rusk . . . 

7:>083 Ottoman 

'Tlie figures under “Rec.” in alsive entries show 
the best time made iiy llie iiofse at tlie distain-e 
since January 1, U8M5. 



5..t02. . 
4.-1155. . 

,5.. 110. .X 090 
0. .110. . XOlK) 
4. .105. . X0.S5 

4. .102 675 

4. .102 07.5 


FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile, 2-year-olds. Selling, (G7800— 47?— 2— 119.) 

Index Course FMstTIme’T’ckOdds Wt St ®4 % *4 
LADY LEOTA, ch. f, 2. by Voter— Dovecote (L. 

73349 City i'ark 3* f 43? goodll-5 107 2 

73081 F. Grounds 3-8 37* hvy 9-5 108 4 

72889 City Park 3-8 36? slow 3* 112 8 

72744 F. Grounds 3-8 36* good 7 107 4 

Best Company. 

Weight today 103. 
Roseli’g II.. Nastnrtia, BrtHighaiii. 
Ham. Boy, LadyChilton, AnneMctJeo 
AnneMcGee, L.Chllton, Craftsman. 
Tom Holland, Mrs. Sewall, Pinion. 

StrPln Jockeys 
A. Celia). 

.5= 6® J Lee 
2* 2® Notter 
5“k 5®5 A Martin 
2i> 15 J Lee 

CUNNING, b, f, 2. by Chilton— Prestidigitatrice (A. H, Sc D. H. Morris). Weight today 106. 

73426 City I’ark 3* f 43* fast 30 109 5 9 9 fi*.\ II Alex Eliz.Harwood, Tony W., .Arionette. 

7:S362 t'ity Park 3* f 43* good 30 11.5 7 7 7* 6®i H Alex M.Hlghland, An. McGee, AfterAIl. 

7:5234 F.Grounds 3* f 44* hvy 7 105 .3 7= 5* It McDan’lMarse Al»e, Ham. Boy, Roseburg II 

73119 F.Grounds 3J f 44* good 15 112 1 2* 2® K McDan’lMarse Abe, Pocotaligo, Injury'. 

PINION, (formerly Holy Mass), br. f, S, by Buck Massie — Holy Bird (F. W. Seeley). height today 106. 
;S03 F'.(3rounds 3* f 42 fast 10 109 1 10 10* 9'=1S Fly nn Arionette. Tony W.. Serenade. 

S'* 3®J S Flynn 8‘ea Swell, Anne McGee, Brougham 

4* 4=i Troxler Eliz.Harwood, Tony W., Arionette. 
5® 6** A Martin Brougham, Rosebnrg II., L. Ray. 

73464 City Park 
73426 City Park 
73388 City Park 

3i f 
3J f 
3} f 

41 30 
43* fast 8 
43* hvy 13 

104 1 
109 2 
108 3 

DISPUTE, gr. c, 8, by Faraday — Inconstancy (S. T. Hopkins). 

:!464 City Park 3* f 
72369 City Park 3* f 
73177 F.Grounds 3J f 
73101 F.Grounds 3-8 

Weight today 106. 

41 fast 25 107 6 ' 8 8 8*“5J W M’hy Sea Swell. Anne McGee, Pinion. 

42* fast 20 104 2 2 2= 1) W R W’k’rAll Red, Grotto, Romp. 

44? slow 30 105 8 10* 7® R McDan’lMarse Abe. Tony W., Pocotaligo. 

38* hvy 15 112 10 10* 9®i L Smith Roseburg II., Serenade, Exotic. 

INJURY, hr. g, 2, by Harchmont II. — Sweet Danger (J. W. Fuller). 

8J 8‘»iKosca 
5a 4® A Martin 
4>* 1* Rosen 

3.503 F.Grounds 3* f 42 fast 16 109 10 

75119 F.Grounds 3* f 44* good 17 102 3 

72817 City Park 3-8 36* slow 15 107 3 

LILLIAN RAY, b. f, 2, by Balgowan — ^Yantio (B. Schriiber) 
733S8 City Park 3* f 43* hvy 17 108 4 4 2* 3G T, 

73234 F.Grounds 3* f 44* hvy 40 105 5 

73177 F.Grounds 3* f 44? slow 20 110 5 

73024 F.Grounds 3-8 37* good 7 110 2 

Weight today 103, 

Arionette, Tony W., Serenade. 
Marse Abe, Cunning, Po<»taligo. 
Craftsman, Warden, Guy Fisher. 

Weight today 103. 
Smith Brougham, Roseburg II., A.M<?Gee. 
3nk 6® V Powers Marse Abe, Ham. Boy, Roseburg II 
3nk 5« V Powers Marse Alie, Tony \V., Pocotaligo. 
2*i la V Powers Exotic, KenmareQueen, Hardayana. 

MISS HAPSBURG, ch. f, 2, by Hapshnrg— Xiaa Eon (H. HeCarren, Jr.). Weight today 103. 

73.522 F.Grounds 3-8 36* fast 12 112 1 1® IJ Skirvin Gloriole,, May Lee, Babba. 

73445 City Park 3* f 42? fast 12 100 12 6 10* 10»i Skirvin The Slicker. Ken. Queen. Edwin L. 

73407 City Park 3-8 37* good 6 112 6 7* 9®J Skirvin Serenade, Sister Ollle, Alamia. 

73311 City Park 3-8 38* hvy 15 112 3 3* 2“* Skirvin She Wolf, Yoseka, Sister Ollle. 

SISTER OLLIE, ch. f, 2, by Lackford — ^Fairy Bird (R. £. Watkins). Weight today 106. 

73407 City Park 3-8 37* good 15 107 4 6*i 2® W R W’k’rSerenade, Alamia, Yoseka. 

73352 City Park 3* f 43* good 30 HO 11 11 11 ll*»iW R W’k’r.M.Highland. An. McGee. AfterAIl. 

73311 Cfity Park 3-8 38* hvy 15 100 4 7* 4*J Delaby Sbe Wolf, Miss Hapsburg, Yoseka. 

_ . _ Weight today 100. 

3445 City Park 3J f 42? fast 3* mo 2 2 2*J 1* J W APhyKenmare Queen, Edwin L., Romp. 


38* hvy 15 

100 4 

7* 4»J Delaby 

b. g. 

2, by ’The Sharper — ^Isabella 

n. (L. T. Lee). 

3* f 

42? fast 3* 

KKi 2 


2'J IJ J W M’l 


38? slow 12 

106 8 

4**k 2*J G Swain 


37? hvy 15 

107 8 

8** 7® Dyer 


36? slow 8 

100 11 

«* 9**JW Ott 

7:’.330 City Park 
72985 City Park 
72889 City Park 

EXOTIC, b. f, 2, by Flambeau — Tamarack (J. C. Graves). 

7.'5503 F.Grounds 3.4 f 42 fast 30 109 2 2 6>.4 6»i Brussel 

73426 City Park 3* f 43* fast 15 109 3 5 5' 9® Skirvin 

73215 F.Grounds 3-8 37* mud 5 112 

73158 F.Grounds 3-8 38* hvy 3 112 

Servlcence, The Slicker, C.oIumbns. 
Hammock Boy, Craftsman, Dispute 
AnneMcKIee, L.Cbilton, Craftsman. 

Weight today 100. 
Arionette, Tony W., Serenade. 
EUz.Harltood, Tony W’., Arionette. 
1* 1® V Powers M. Hapsburg, MissSnack, L.Cbiltou 
4J 3*J V Powers Inela, Kitty Fisher, Gaea. 

KENMARE QUEEN, ch. f, 2, by Royal Flash IH.— Finalis (T. B. Sullivan). 

73445 City Park 
73352 City Park 
73215 F.Grounds 
73158 F.Grounds 
72966 City Park 
728.53 City Park 
72744 P. (Grounds 
72635 F.Grounds 
CONCISE, ch. c, 
72985 City Park 
72928 City Park 

3* f 

42? fast 40 

100 3 1 

3* f 

43* good 25 

110 8 5 


37* mud 10 

100 — 


38* hvy 7 

99 3 

. C, 2, 

by Brantom 

e — ’The Cuban 


35? fast 15 

107 8 


38? hvy 18-5 107 4 


36* good 15 

110 11 


37? slow 25 

112 5 

2. by Marta Santa' 

— ^Fanny Lyons 


37? hvy 10 

110 6 


37? fast 7 

110 1 

or tlie 


Weight today 100. 

1* ~i T Chandler'rhe Slicker, Edwin L.. Romp. 

10* 10*» R McDan’lM. Highland. An. McGee, After.All. 
11* 9*® C Henry Exotic, Miss Hapsburg. Miss Shack 

6>» 6® Mnlcahy Inela, Kitty Fisher, E.xotic. 

Girl (E. Corrigan). Weight today 106. 

Hi 11*® C Kocmer Pinion, Dr. Armstrong. Roseburgll. 
7* 9*® C Koerner TonyW., 'Peddington, The Slicker. 
14 14** Jas Hen’syLadyLeota, 'r.HoIland. Mrs.Sewall 
6* 4* C Koerner MarseAbe, Ham. Boy, Maritza. 

(P. Dunne). Weight today 103. 

11 H**iNicol Hammock Boy. Craftiunan, Dispute 
2'J 3* Heidel Fete, Little Mose, Borage. 

ANDERSON, h. c, 2, by Box — Paradise Won (C. H. Karr). 

HARRY PERCIVAL, hr. c, 2, hy Carlton Grange— Miss .Pry (A. J. Gorey). 

Weight today 106. 
Weight today 103. 

SECOND RACE — 3-4 Mile. . 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. (43682—1:12* — 5—107.) 

BELL'WETHER, hr. c, 3, by Woolsthorpe— Favor Bells (W. F. ICathews). 

■3505 F.Grounds 
73448 City Park 
733.54 City Park 
73258 City Park 

3-4 1:13* fast 3 
3-4 1 :14* fast 5 
7-8 1:29 good 12 
3-4 1:14* good 15 

Weight today 104. 

MISS SAIN, b. f, 3, by Sain — Miss Baker (J. M. Gorman). 

99 5 3 3 3* 3* Sumter Goldproof, Qnndrillp, Cooney K. 

107 5 4 3 3® 3J AV R W’erlda Mav. Miss Sain. Hanbrldge. 

89 3 1 1 1 3* 2® Ural JohnCarroll, E.T.Shipp. 'PeoBcach. 

95 4 2 2 2* 2® L Smith Goldproof, Merrick, Teo Beach. 

7:5448 (.:ily Park 
73:534 City Park 
71844 Aqueduct 
71777 Aqueduct 

2® 2» J W M’hy Ida Ma.v. 

4- 3= Sumter 
3J 3®J Troxler 
1* 2** Notter 

.3-4 1:14* fast 11-20 102 2 2 

5J f 1:09? slow 9-5 89 7 6 

3-4 1:13? fast 6 113 5 3 

3-4 1:14* slowll-10 103 1 1 

IDA MAY, ch. f, 3, hy Charade — Forelock (J. C, Milam). 

7::i4.s City Park 3-4 1:14* fast 25 97 1 111* I** A Martin 

68635 Chur. Downs 1-2 50 slop 112 1 11 S'* 7‘®*D Austin 

68553 Lexington 5-8 1:01? fast 115 5 5 5 4® 3®J D Riley 

HANBRIDGE, ch. c, 3, by Banastai^Dehaela (O. H. Holle). 

7341S City Park 3-4 1:14* fast 10 107 8 5 5 

7:::572 C’ity P.ark 1 1:41? fast 12 94* 6 1 1 3 

732.59 CityPark 1 1-16 1:50? good 15 lio' 4 2 4 4 

73046 F.CJrounds 3-4 1:14* fast 6 105 6 7 5 

ORPHAN LAD, blk. g, 4, hy Fatherless — Eostre (J. 

7-8:58 City Park 1 1:46* mud 30 103 3 2 2 4 

72784 F.Grounds 3-4 1:14? good 50 103 2 7 '7 

72294 F.Gr’nds 1 1-16 1:51* mud 7 103 2 4 3 .'5 

72150 F.Gr’nds lm70y 1:52* hvy 2b 103* 1 4 3 2 

Weight today 99. 
Bellwether. Ilanbridge. 

4* 4** J Lee 
3= 3®.\ Dnbel 
5* 6'“ Heidel 
5* 3=* J Lee 
, D. Lagan). 

6= 7®“ W Ott 
7 5® W Ott 

Blagg, Plabjon. Cablegram. 

Rialto, JamesB. Brady, King Sol. 
Hessian, JabileeJiiggins, Carrollton 
Weight today 99. 

Miss Sain, ISellwether, Ilanliridge. 
.M(xpiette, Geneva S., Tim Kelly. 
Black Mary, Ancient, Hester Zorra 
Weight today 104. 
Ida Ma.v, Miss Sain. Bellwether. 
Hans. Severus, St. Hario. 

St. Hario, Severus. Hans. 

Severus, Bitter Sir, Woodlane. 

Weight today 107. 
Temacpo, Angelus, Sally Preston. 
Colloquy, Jolm Carroll, Hyperioiill. 
o” 3'® R MeDan’lTllelng. Temaeeo, .Monaitidor. 

3'* 3®* R McDan’lMortU*oy, Tlleing. Temaeeo. 
PRINCE HAMPTON, b. g. 4. by Sandringham— Dorothy Hampton (H. B. Dnryeal. Weight today 107. 
7:55m! F.( Jr’ nds 1 1-8 1 :.5:5? fast :50 99 file 9 9 9=® S Flynn J. .\tkin. Old Honesty, Yankee Girl 

71074 G’vesend Ab IJ 3:02? hvy 8 103 4 1 1 2 3* 2® Brussel lYank Gill, Monfort, Siiiieruian 

7i*9«6 G’vesend 1 1-4 2:05 fast 7 98 5 8 8 8 9 10 Brussil Killieeraiikie. Woolstone Asterd’Or 

70908 Sheeps’d 1 3-4 2:58* good 15 99 3 3 3 3 li* 1= Brussel Banker, Ostrich, Quagga. 

BEN STRONG, b. c, 4, by Ben Strome — Georgia Kinney fL. A. Celia). Weaght today 110 

73486 F.Grounds .5* f 1 :0)J? fast 60 107 5 2 2 3* 4* J Lee The Rear. Tov Boy. Avannteer 

7io80 I.atonia 5* f 1:08? good 8 104 2 . 5 4 4® 6=* F Swain Zelina, Ralbert, Fay. 

71541 Latonia 5* f 1:07? fast 6 102 2 1 1 1* 2* E Martin No Quarter, Anna Smith, Hnsted. 

OONOOMOO, br. g, 6, by Robert d’Or — Dolly Belle (Browning & Perkins). Weight today 111. 

73*126 F.Grounds 3-4 1 : 1.5? good 3 115 10 7 6 5* 5"i Rosen Monere Braden. De Oro 

72911 (Mty Park 5 81:01 fast 60 109 9 7 7 7®* 4** S Flynn Prince Ahmed, ToyBov, Robinllood 

7-2727 F.Grounds 5-8 1:02 good 300 104 12 10 8 8>* 7*® Baird CoIImpiv, Toy lifiy Monieiitiiin 

71965 City Park 5* f 1:12? hvy 15 119 5 2 2 3® 5®* Jas Heii’syDeReszke, LueyYoung, Dr.McCIner. 

FIELD MARSHAL, b. g, 3, by Hamburg — Field Argent (J. H. McCormick). Weight today 101, 

72lut City Park 5Jf 1:07* fast 200 1 0<; 8 8 8 8 8®* Huestis Chapultepec. ’Partar .Maid. Hans. 

6983.3 Slieep. Bay a 1-2 f POM fast 112 3 12 10 12® 12*® W Knapp Gene Knssell, Hollister, Jubilee. 

697(3 SiK’ep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:06? slow 109 17 17. 17 17 17 Horner Meellck. Besom. Jane Swift. 

J'HIRD RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Selling. (CidOttO— 1 :0,51 -4 — 112.) 

WHISK BROOM, ch. f. 3, by Cesarion— Elf (J. U. Strode). 

721St F.Grouluis .5* f 1:11? hvy 6 104 2 3 4 8- O'S Gan-'el 

72118 City I’ark .5* f 1 :0S* fast 11-5 10.5 8 H 11 10* 9» Gailgel 

72090 City Park 0* I 1:07? Cast 15 96 6 7 6 O'* 6* Sumter 

Weight todav 98, 
D.ofDawn. M DcIaiH-y, Inaiigiir'at’n, 
Rustle, .Arrow Swift, InaiiguratIoa« 
Lens, Al Muller, Muuieutum. 


FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1908< 

SANDY DANCER, Uk. f, 3, by GaUantiy— Smrar««» (H. W. Xoaeley). 

7S5-4 F. Grounds 3-4 1:14J fast 3 Sr, 2 11 I'' F T K«H>rncr Blue I,oe, 

73T><>4 F. Grounds 
70340 Ft Erie 
70300 Post Erie 
E. T. 8HIFP, b. 
73448 City Park 
73354 City Park 
73236 P.Grounds 
73198 P.Grounds 

6‘ 5»i McCahey 
1* 2t> I» Austin 
1 1* l»k G Swain 

(W. H» Eizer). 

4 5h 7>» Minder 

Weight today 98. 

Sabado, Task Master. 

ROTAI. ONYX, br. r, 4, by Ornament — Oneck Qnaen (T. G. XolinelU). 

6- 8 1:001 fast 4i 1»X) 10 10 10 

4} f 55 fast 21 105 1 1 

6-8 1:01 fast 94 1 I 

r, 3, by Rnakin ZZ — Caloocan 

3-4 l:lft fast 12 102 3 3 

7- 8 1:29 go»d 13 91 2 4 4 

3-4 1:19| hvy 9-5 107 6 4 

5-8 1:022 good 15 94 3 4 

ZIZSK, b. f, 3, by Zavenal — ^Blne and White (T, Oorrigan). 

73536 P.Grounds 3-4 1:13| fast 15 105 4 4 3 3 ' 2* U 

73466 City Park 3-4 1:112 fast 12 100 10 10 10 9« 9"i C 

7.^•01 City Park 3-4 1:17* slowl2-5 106 1 1 1 11 21 R 

73197 P.Grounds 3-4 1:17| good 8-5 109 3 2 1 3‘ 6» R 

BITTER BIR, br. o, 3, by Bitter Root BhiU (J. 0. Oaha). 

7.3526 P.Grounds 3-4 1:13* fast 8-5 108 6 1 1 li> 4« V 

7.3466 City Park 3-4 1:142 fast 8 108 5 1 1 1» P5 V 

73144 P.Grounds 3-4 1:17» hvy 25 931 4 3 4 4* 6”1S Flynn 

73120 P.Grounds 3-4 1;14| good 31 98 6 3 3 4* 4«i W Ott 

ARROW SWIFT, cK g, 3, by Belvidere— Biss Kinney (7. H. Baker) 

7.3.526 P.Grounds 3-4 1 :13S 12 102 2 7 8 6i ,3‘1 J W AThyKetchemike, 

S.RossnH>re. Lindal.,ake, ^r.Maid. 
InauguratioD, Bewitched, K. Smith. 
Ch.I)«sDiond, Ketchemike, Balia. 

W^ht today 107. 
Ida May. Miss Sain, Bellwether. 

2 21 S»i J M M’hyJohnCarroll, Bellwether. TeoBeach. 
4 1* 11 V Powers Ketchemike. Financier, M.HamLton 
4 41 3*1 J W M’hy The Bear, Toy Bey. Platoon. 

Weight today 107. 
McDan’lKetcheniike. A. Swift, Bitter Sir. 
Henry Bitter Sir. Rural Boy, Arrow Swift 
McDan’lThe Tliorn, Dick Rose, Financier. 
McDan’lFlnancier, TaskMaster, Bob.Aronnd 
Weight today 105. 

Powers Ketoheniike, Risk, Arrow Swift. 
Powers Rural Boy, ArrowSwitf, BereaudJr 
SirToddington, Ketchemike, Keator 
A1 Muller, Woodlane, Sevems. 

Weight today 105. 
Risk, Bitter Sir, 

73466 City Park 3-4 1:142 fast 15 102 3 6 6 6 * 3* .1 W M’hy Bitter Sir, Rural Boy, BereaudJr. 

73201 P.GFnds lm70y 1:482 good 7 94 6 6 4 5 5*1 7* S’lesingcr Salnesaw. Apt, Melange. 

72972 CityPark 1 1-16 l:48f fast 8 104 10 13 12 10 7* 6** Lloyd Hans, Miss Mazzoni, Albert 

TARTAR KAID, b. f, 3, by Star Ruby — ^Barbaiy Bald (Knebelknmp A Bradfleld). Weight today 98. 
73.504 P.Grounds 5-8 1 :00i fast 6 lf>5 o 2 2 2* 3’i V Powers S. Rossmore. Liuila Lake, Oglwnt. 

73179 P.Grounds 5i f 1:102 slow 2i 107 9 9 7 6* 4**iC Henry H.Agnes. M.Hamilton. Lot.BrandL 

73062 P.Grounds 3-4 1:152 fast 8-5 105. 2 2 2 2* 5* W Ott Estella O., Banrlda, Stoneman. 

72401 City Park 3-4 1:15| good 12-6 104 7 5 5 5* 6** R McDan’lR.Thompson, D.ofDawn, M.Delaney 

LINDA LAKE, b. f, 3, by John A. Xorria — ^Linden Ella <W. D. Xahoney). > Weight today 98. 

73504 P.Grounds 5-8 1:001 fast 30 100 9 3 3 3'J 2* Hufnagel S. Rossmore, Tartar Maid, Ogbent. 

7.3465 City Park 3-4 1:14* fast 15 100 3 1 1 3** 5*J Skirvin -- - 

7S233 P.Grounds 3-4 1:21» hvy 15 100 8 6 9 Oh 10*« Sumter 

73179 P.Grounds 6J f l:10g slow 15 107 7 6 6 5J 6**iLlebert 

RUSTLE, ch. f, 3, by Ruasell— Lady LooJm (L. A. OaUa). 

73526 P.Grounds 3-4 1 :1.3* fa-st 12 105 5 5 4 4'i 5* J Lee 

7-8 1:32ihvy 7 98 10 10 8 6 4| 7**iS Plynn 

7-8 1:281 fast 8 95 10 9 9 8 6) 6»i McCahey 

7-8 1:34 hvy 3i 95 2 2 2 2 1* 1* S Flynn 

la g, S, by Charade— lAMking Glass (J. Garson). 

5J f 1:08 fast 2 109 4 111* l*i Notter 

3-4 l:«7i slow 40 108 10 9 8 11* 11*» McCahey 

6-8 1 :03i fast SO 99 14 14 14 14 14 Yorke 

5) f 1:10 fast 20 104 7 10 10 10 11 Jegon 

3, by Abe Frank — Charm (E. A. Brennan). 

1 1 ;412 fast 3i 110 2 12 12 12 13 13** J Lee 

3-4 l:14i fast 10 107 7 6 2 2* 2* J 

72989 City Park 
72933 City Park 
72873 City Park 
73485 P.Grounds 
72637 P.Grounds 
72<62 Benning 
71868 Benning 
TERAH. b. c, 
71052 Toronto 
70988 Toronto 
70929 Toronto 

Rhinestone, BessWard, Florence N. 
Q. Souvenir, Albert Star, Blue Lee. 
H.Agnes, M.Hamilton, Lot.Brandt. 

Weight today 103. 
Ketchemike, Risk, Arrow Swift. 
Ketchemike, T. Calhoun. RnralBoy 
Severns. Rebel Queen, Ketchemike. 
Sainesaw. Javottc, Thomas Calhoun 
Weight today 105. 
Blue I,ee, Truro, Albert Star. 
Bitter Sir, Alsatian, Stone Street. 
Bellwether.Tr.ofSpades, Omnipotent 
Glaucus, Ardri, King Thistle. 

Weight today 103. 
Dredger, Clell Turney, Banyab. 
Stanley Fay, Petulant, Banyah. 

3-4 1:13 fast 50 885 8 8 8 9 9'* J ConnellyStan.Fay, CooneyK., MerryBngland. 

LORIBKR, ch. c, 3, by Cactus XL — ^Rose Tree ZL (E, Carrlgna). 

7.3296 City Park 5-8 1:06* hvy 6 108 3 3 

72528 City Park 5i f 1:08* good 20 118 7 6 4 

72491 City Park 6i f 1:08* fast 13-6 110 3 2 2 

72363 City Park 5} f l:10g hvy 11 107* 3 3 3 

FEAST, blk. f, 3, by Compute— FesU (A. H. A D. 
78448 City Park 3-4 1:14* 200 99 4 6 7 

73316 P.Grounds 3-4 l:18g mud 30 10.3J 4 3 4 

72987 City Park 7-8 1:33* hvy 15 100 8 8 8 8 

72510 City Park 1 1:40* fast 100 100 8 7 7 8 

Weight today 108. 

4* 4*J C Koerner Bobbin Around, Gratiot, Sir Cyril. 
1>> 3* Brussel Rural Boy, Variety, Georgia Girl. 

2>> 4*5 Notter Alsatian, Melange, Bitter Sir. 

3nk 4«5 c Koerner Gee Whiz, Himalaya, Alsatian. 
H. Bonis), Weight today 103. 

7* 6** L Smith Ida May, Miss Sain, Bellwether. 

4 4** R McDan’lLotusBrandt, Variety, Inauguration 

7* 7** H Alex Stoneman, Eltbel Carr, BonndingElk 
8 8** S Flynn Chapnltepec, St. Ilario, Woodlane. 

TILEKILNS, ch. f, 3, by Br. Hasbronck — Tuilleries (J. H. BcCoimick). 

73504 P.Grounds 
73046 P.Grounds 
72712 P.Grounds 
71680 Jamaica 

5- 8 1 :00* fast 8 
3-4 1:14* fast 40 
7-8 1:31| slow 30 

6- 8 1:01* fast 4 







6 4 

11 IF 10*« Sumter 
4 7* 7*5 Sumter 

6 7* 7*» Sumter 

4 75 8*1 Buxton 

Weight today 98. 

ZAVOTTE, br. f, 3, by St George— Marie Jansen (W. F. Mathews). 

73179 P.Grounds 55 f 1:10* slow 4 112 1 3 3 7* 8*» L Smith 

73083 P.Grounds 3-4 1:18* hvy 12 100 8 1 1 1* 3*5 L Smith 

72933 City Park 7-8 1:28* fast 25 100 13 12 11 11 IF 8* L Smith 

72873 City Park 7-8 1:34 hvy 12 100 5 7 4 4 26 3*5 L Smith 

S. Rossmore. A. Lake, Tartar Maid 
Severus, Bitter Sir, Hanbrldgtt. 
Comedienne, Teo Beach, Beb.Queen 
YoutbfiA. Mar.Loulse. RifleBange. 

Weight today 103. 
HastyAgnes, M.Hamilton, L.Brandt 
Annt Rose, BtbelCarr, Thos.Calhonn 
Severns, Rebel Queen, Ketchemike. 
Rustle, S'alnesaw, Thomas Calhoun 

FOURTH RACE — 3-4 Bile. 3-year-olds and upward. Handici^. (43GS2 — 1:12*- 

HYPERION n., b. g, 6, by Xazagan— Yan-n4!lar (Z„ A. Oalla). 

73525 P.Grounds 11:39* fast 8-5 107 4 1 1 1 I'll* J Lee 

73468 City Park 1 1 :40| fast 11-5 109 4 1 1 1 15 25 J Lee 

7.3373 City Park • 1 1:41 fast 1 108 3 1 2 1 1*5 1*5 J Lee 

73199 P.Grounds 3-4 1:15 goods 113 1 2 3 3* 3*5 J Lee 

BIiAGG, b. g, 4, by Free Knight — Stella Perkins (L. T. I,ee). 

T3468 City Park 1 1:40* fast 9-5 107 3 2 2 2 26 3‘5 Notter 

73410 City Park 3-4 1:15 good 6 102 1 4 11* 1* Huestis 

73334 City Park 65 f 1:09* slow 35 103 1 5 6 25 15 G Swain 

72820 City Park 3-4 1:15* mud 30 104 3 4 3 26 16 Christie 

PRINCE AHBED, ch. c. 4, by King Hanorw-Paoita (J. C. Feirlat. Jr.). 

73487 P.Grounds 3-4 1:13| fast 11-10 1081 1 3 2 • 1*5 1» C Koerner Cock Snre, 

72951 City Park 1 1:40* fast 13-5 107 1 2 2 1 3* 4* 

72911 City Park 6-8 1:01 fast 35 108 1 4 4 3* 1* 

72493 City Park 3-4 1:13* fast 12 109 7 6 4 5* 6* 

COLLOQUY, b. f. 4, by RnsteU- La Tonr (O. E. HoUe). 

73353 City Park 3-4 1:15* goodl4-5 120 3 3 4 36 5* 

72949 City Park 3-4 1:13* fast 11-5 117 1 1 1 1* 15 

72784 P.Grounds 8-4 1:14* good 3-2 107 3 1 1 1*5 1* 

72727 P.Grounds 5-8 1:02 good 4-« 110 3 1 1 16 15 

POLLY PRIX, br. m, 5. by Pirate of Penzanci 
71581 I.stonia 1 1:40* good 5 107 1 4 2 

71570 I^tonia 7-8 1:27 fast 35 107 6 3 3 3 2* I" J Lee 

71518 l^tonia 1 1:39* fast 18-5 107 3 5 5 5 5* 5* Mountain 

EARL’S COURT, b. c, 3, by Kingston — Dominoes (C. R. Ellison). 

73627 P.Grounds 3-4 1:14* fast 11-70 107 4 4 2 65 S*»iNotter 

73448 City Park 3-4 1:14* fast 30 108 7 8 8 8 8*» Troxier 

71325 Belmont 1 1:39* fast 8 102 3 5 5 5 5* 5* W Miller 

71221 Brighton 1 1:39* fast 20 107 4 2 2 2 6* 7** R Lowe 


Weight today 11% 
Pedro. Joiin Carroll, FlrstPremium 
•Tohn Carroll, Blagg, Tokaion. 

Lad of I.sngden, Tokaion, Zlpango. 
Jack Atkin, Lens, Sir Toddin^on. 

Weight today 108. 
JohnCarroil, Hyperion II., Tokaion 
J<rfin Carroll, Cooney K., Angelua 
Platoon, Miss Sain, Cablegram 
FlrstPremium, Goldproof, Lot.Ehrter 
Weight today 111, 
Platoon, Lens. 

C Koerner L.ofLangden, Hyperionll., Carthage 
C Koerner Toy Boy, Robin Hood, Oonoomoo. 

W Ott Jacobite, CoHoqny, First Premium. 

Weight today 115. 
Minder JackAtkln, CooneyK., OldHonesty. 

Heidel Lens, Apadie, Jersey Lady. 

V Powers J. Carroll, Hyperionll., K. Daughter 
Heidel Toy Boy, Momentum, Moralea 

-Kosmo (J. R. Wainwright). Weight today 105. 

3 3* 1* .1 Lee Edwin Gum, Harting, Light Wool. 

TrueWlng, Top.Robinsw, Han.Bey 
Harting, Pr. Ahmed, The Clansman. 

Weight today 107. 
Hast.v Agnes. SamTaylor, TheTbocn 
Ida May, Miss Sain, Bellwether. 
Number One, Live Wire, Ehurl G. 
Uncle, Spooner, Meelick. 

FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Bile. 4-y«ar-olds and upward. Selling. (43682—1:125—5—107.) 

ALENCON, ch. g, 6, by St. Carlo— Gold Lace (D. Woodruff). 

7:ci97 Cily Park 3-4 1:20* hvy 8 103 3 2 2 15 6*5 Kerraath 

73161 P.Grounds 3-4 1:175 hvy 15 lb4 4 3 4 10 10** Kermath 

72473 City Park .3-4 1:15* good 30 108 3 1 1 1*5 2n* A Martin 

72436 City Park 3-4 1:14* fast 8 107 6 4 4 66 6* Kermath 

FRENCH NUN, br. m, 5, by The Friar— ’^Tandiara (J. H. Bakor)- 
73.508 P.Grounds 7-8 1:26* fast 20 105 1 2 5 7 7 - 7*5 J W 

73333 City Park 7-8 1:315 slow 25 103 4 4 3 3 3* 2« Rosen 

73277 City Park 7-8 1:33 mud 15 101 1 2 2 3 4* 4** Rosen 

73181 F. Grounds 3-4 1:17* slow 25 101 8 5 4 3* 25 S Flynn 

BEATRICE K., ch. m. 6, by Handsel— Biss Eddia (J. H. Btareoa). 
73430 City Park 7-8 1:’29 fast 6 99 10 6 8 11 11* 14*® S Fl.vnn 

73044 P.Grounds 65 f 1:095 fast 6 118 8 2 1 1* 1* Heidel 

72781 P.Grounds 3-4 1:155 good 50 100 12 12 12 11* 8«5 W Ott 

72726 F. Grounds 7-8 1:30* good 12 102 6 11 11 11 9*5 9«5 Hufnagel 

FAY, b. f, 4, by Blue Devil — ^Fairie Queen (H. BeCarren, Jr.). 

73297 City Park 3-4 1 :20* hvy 20 98 2 3 3 5* 10»* Skirvin 

3-4 1:15 fast 10 97 10 10 8 95 13*= Sklrvin 

7-8 1:28* fast 40 96 3 1 1 1 25 4*5 Skirvln 

3-4 1:131 fast 30 97 2 9 , 9 11* 11»* Rklrvln 

g, 4, by Albert — ^Montvale tC. Parretto). 

7-8 1:29 fUst 60 97 2 1 l’ 2 2* 2* C Henry 

3-4 1:205 hvy 30 95 6 4,6 7 7» C Henry 

S-4 1:14* fast 103 8 7 1 6 65 6*®5BUac 

7-8 1:28* fast 107 7 4 3^ 4 55 6» Gaugel 

MORALES, br. c, 4, by The Commoner — lewlnff Oiri (W. E. Fizar) 
73029 P.Grounds 3-4 1:15 good 2 119 9 7 g ---- - - 

72911 City Park 6-8 1:01 fast 8 108 6 6 6 

73047 F. Grounds 
72970 City Park 
72563 City Park 
7:1430 City Park 
73298 City Park 
68235 City Park 
68158 City Park 

72727 P.Grounds 5-8 1:02 good 60 1055 9 

69969 Latonta 1 1:39* fast 100 4 3 

LUCY YOUNG, br. m, 6, by Cesarion- 

7.3218 P.Ground.s 3-4 1:19* mud 20 106 

73103 F. Grounds 3-4 1:17* hvy 25 109 

72S56 City Park 3-4 1 :20* hvy 8 107 

Weight today 107. 
Caper, Baleshed, Clifton Forge. 
Ralbert, Royal Onirx, Big Ben. 
Robin Hood, No Quarter, Refined. 
Cooney K., Telescope, Robin Hood. 

Weight today 105. 
M’hyHeine. Lady Esther. Miss Stromc. 
Consistent, Lad.v Ethel, Moselle. 
Oraculum, Cablegram, Jer. Lady. 
Ralbert, Fnnicnlaire, ComeOnSam. 

Weight today 105. 
MlssStrome, Bertmont. I^andBreeze. 
Druid, Viperine, Rose of Pink. 
Goldproof, Meadowbreeze, B.Strome 
Telescope, HannibalBey.G’mbrinus 
Weight today 101 
Caper. Baleshed, Clifton Forge. 

Teo Beach, Big Ben, Miss Strome. 
Mr.Peabody, J.Witt, Rappabann’ek 
J(AnCarroIl, GreenSeal, Escutcheon. 

Weight today 98. 
MissStrome, LandBreeze, Gracchus. 
Bertha B.. Ralbert, Gambrinns. 
W.Griswell, SplderWeb, N.Quarter 
S. Presttm, No Quarter. Kaiserhoff 
Weight today 108. 
66 5» V Powers Fusilade. P.Hohenlohe, ComeOnSam 
65 6'5 V Powers Prince Abme^ ToyBoy, RoblnHood 

5 5 5*5 4*5 Minder Colloquy, Toy Boy, Mcmentum. 

2 2 16 35 Minder Phil Flndi, Carthage, Monslgnor. 

Anrngon (D. C. Corbitt). Weight today 105. 

2 5,6 4*5 6'* A Martin Oraculum. Baleshed, Posing. 

1 8V 9 9"6 7» A Martin Art. Dodger, Higginbotham, BigBen 

3 3 3 6* 4®5 R McDan’lCooneyK., Posing, FYedMulho.lland. 

72675 F.Grounds 3-4 1:20* hvy 12 1025 2 3 2 3* 4* R McDan’lRefin^, Hlgginlmtham, Goldptoof. 

RAPPAHANNOCK, ch. o, 4, by Rapallo— Anrelia II. (W. B. Freeman). Weight today 108. 

734*19 City Park 7-8 1:30* good 8 10.5J. 4 5 4 4 46 4*5 Minder Hadur, Suffice, Dapple Gold. 

73.375 CityPark 1 1-16 1 :4S* fast 25 105 4 1 3 6 12* 12**5.1 Howard Belle Scott. Jack Witt, Cull 

73160 F.Grounds 7-8 1:.32|hvy 9-5 114 9 5 4 3 4* 5* Notter 

73086 F.Gr’nds lni70y 1:51* hvy 7-5 105 3 3 2 2 2» 2* Notter 

HADUR, b. h. 6, by Huron — California (E. Corrigan). 

734U9 City Park . 7-8 1 :30g goodl2-5 107 6 7 6 .3 2i 11 J Lee 

733T5 CityPark 1 1-16 1:48* fast 10 102 .3 10 7 5 4» 4-’5 Sumter 

73278 CityPark 1 1-16 1:56* mud 15 99 5 4 4 2 2* 2*5 C Henry 

73049 F.Gr’nds 1 1-16 1 :4Sg fast 40 97 12 7 7 7 7*5 8** Snmter 

PE ORO, ch. 0, 4, by Don de Oro — E. 8. J. (S. T. Hopkins). 

73430 City Park 7-8 1 :’J9 fast 25 106 i:i 13 11 9 

7306.3 F.Grounds 7-8 1 :28| fast 20 107 9 6 9 6 

73026 F.Grounds .3-4 1:15* good 8 119 7 5 4 

72990 City Park 3-4 1:17 hvy 30 102 7 7 7 

GRACCHUS, b. g, 4, by Sempronini — Oeypete (W. 
7.34.30 City Park 7-8 1 :29 fast 50 97 4 3 3 3 

73336 atyPark 1 1-16 1:53 slow 60 95 7 6 5 6 

73279 CityPark 1 1-16 1:57* mud 10 96510 4 6 8 

73103 F.Grounds 3-4 1:17* hvy 40 102 14 14 10 

Klaxnian, Baleshed. Prytania. 

Ck)ck Sure, Rebounder, J. D. Dunn. 

Weight today 107. 
Suffice. Dapple Gold. Rappahannock 
Belle Scott, Jack Witt, Cull. 
Pinstlcker, Dapple Gold, Flowaway 
JohnSmulskl, T.Clansman, Grenade. 

Weight today 105, 

81 12'“^ Howard MissStrome, Bertmont. LandBreezr. 

7*5 9**5Heidel Ananias, Consistent, Jack Witt. 

4*5 3* Heidel Monere, Braden, Alpenmareben. 

7 7*® W Walsh R. Onyx, Avaunteer, Chief Hayes 

Gant), Weight today 98. 

3* 4* Hufnagel MissStrome, Bertmont. LandBreeze. 

5nkiii» Dnbei Hoora.v, Grenade, Tern’s Rod. 

11 8*® Dubel Pr.vtania, Hooray, Denigre. 

85 9® Dubei Art. Dodger, Higginbotham, BigBen 

AKBAR, hr. b. 5, by Atbeling— Thistledown (T. J. Glyder). Weight today 110. 

73505 F.Groumls 3-i 1:135 fast 300 Kt6 6 6 6 6 6'* J S<‘lialler Goldproof, Quadrille, Bellwetber. 

7:5026 F.Grounds .3-4 1:15* good 10 123 8 9 10 12*®12‘*JNicol Monere. Braden, De Oro. 

726.V, F.Grounds 3-4 1 :22* m^d 20 105 6 4 11 10* 11*> Jas Hen’syC. Forge, F. Nun, H. of H.vacintb. 

71796 Pimlico 3-4 1:19* fair 10 123 8 8 8 8* 7* J DennlsonHancock, Herman Johnson, IdaReck 

LACACHE, ch. g, 8, by John Cooper — ^Whileaway (A. B. Baginnia). 

7::4<i9 City Park 7-8 1::10* good 40 102 

72005 City Park 3-4 1:17 slow 10 102 

7148.3 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47| fast 10 98 

71447 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46* fsat 60 37 

First start for the following: 

BEN DOUBLE, b. c, 4, by Bendoran — Lemons. 
ABE GOODING, b. c, 4, by Loki— Edith H. 



9 5 
3 6 

,5uk 70J Pickens 
65 7**5Pickens 
9® 9*®|Pickens 
4* 4*5 Pickens 

Weight today 102, 
Hadur, Suffice, Dapple Gold. 

Fa.v, MeAlllster, Dapple Gold. 

Cull. Char.Thompson. KlngofTro.v. 
W.Griswell, RoseofPink, D.Blvlra 

Weight today 103 
Weight today 103, 

bIRTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds »nd upward. Sellmg. (430S3— 1 :125— 6— 1<»7.) 

CABLEGRAM, br. h, 

7*429 City Park 7-S 
7.^3:3I City Park 3-4 
7:21.34 City Park 65 f 
7.3277 City Park 7-S 
7:i4r*» City Park 7-8 
7*121 F.Grounds 3-4 
73048 F.Grounds 3-4 
72969 City Park 3-4 
73.'iOS F.tlrounds 7-8 
73430 City Park 7-8 
73374 City Park 7-8 
73047 F.Grounds 3-4 
AVAUNTEER, eh. h, 
7,3486 F.Grounds 55 f 
T’3429 t.^ity I’ark 7-8 
TO144 F.Grounds 3-4 
730S4 F.Grounds 3-1 

5, by Mazagan— A o reae the-Sea fO. E. Greenwood). Weight today 110. 

1:28* fast 13-5 114 2 9 8 7 6= 5*5 C Ko«-rnpr Merrick. Hooray. Lady Esther. 
1:15* good 15 104 6 4 3 5* 4* .1 Howard .TackAtkln. OooneyK., OldHonesty 

1:09* slow 3 107 5 7 7 6‘ 4‘ J I.,ee Blagg, Platoon, Miss Sain. 

1:33 mud 5 105 6 6 4 2 2* 2«C Koerner Oraculum, Jersey Lady, Fr. Nun. 

m, 6, by Ben Strome — The Humber (R. E. Watkins). Weight today 105. 

1:9T* fast 7 107 3 2 3 .3 .4* 4*® .McCahey Sam Taylor, Han. Bey, Fnnicnlaire. 

1:14* good 12 99 8 5 4 65 6*5 Delaby Teo Beach, Goldproof, John Carroll. 

1:145 fast 8 101 5 2 2 2* 2* Delab.v Handzarra. RoyalOnyx. FrenchNun. 

1:14* fast 15 97 6 4 4 4"k 5* C Henry John Carroll, Goldproof, Cooney K. 

4. by Ben Stroato— Old Ml— (L, A. CelU). Weight today 101. 

1:26* fast 8 105 5 5 4 2 2*> 3* J Le<‘ Heine, Lady Esther. Hooray. 

1:29 fast 2 105 5 2 2 1 1* 1* J I,ee Bertmont, Land Breeze. Gracchus. 

1:28* fast 11-3 1075 7 4 4 4 4* 4* J Lee Ananias, Posing, Artful Dodger. 

1:15 last 2 105 14 11 9 8* 3* Notter TeoBeat^, Big ^n. Artful D^ger. 

, 6, by Borgia — Engea (8. Lonia). Weight today 112 

1:06* fast 50 1085 3 5 5 5'® 3* C Kwrner The Bear, Tov Boy, Ben Strong, 

1:28* fast 25 107 9 5 5 8 10® 10'* C Henry Merrick. Hooray, I..ady Esther. 

1:171 hvy 20 107 2 4 5 6* 4**|V Powers SirToddington, Ketchemike, Keator 

1:18| hvy 4 109 3 2 3 3* 3** J Lee Goldproof, Comedienne, JaWeyLady 

7S411 City Park 
73335 City Park 
73200 F.Grounds 
73161 F.Grounds 

7-8 1 :29* goodl8-5 
3-4 1:16* slow 6 
7-8 1:28* good 6 
3-4 1:175 hvy 6 





4 2 2 4 

1 2 5 

3 111 
9 10 7 

10 11**5G Swain 
45 6*5 Glasncr 
15 6* G Swain 
1* 28 J Lee 

REBO, br. g, 7, by Peroy— Cimerone (L Rica). 

72971 City Park 7-8 1:28* fast 15 105 3 2 3 9 

7’2765 F.Grounds 3-4 1:15* good 55 lOS 1 11 

72726 F.Grounds 7-8 1:30| good 9 108 7 1 1 1 

72549 CityPark 1 1-16 1:48* fast 3 105 1 1 1 1 

CAPER, b. f, 4. by Ballyhoo Bey— Thespia (B. A. Neff). 

73297 City Park 3-4 1:20* hvy 6 93 8 8 7 4*5 15 Sumter 

73168 F.Grounds 3-4 1:17* hvy 8 93 3 3 4 2» 3* Sumter 

72968 City Park 7-8 1:28* fast 20 95 11 13 13 14 135 13=*5C Henry 

72672 F.Grounds 3-4 1:22 hvy 10 101 1 4 3 25 3» Lloyd 

PLATOON, hr. g, S, by Prig— Harmesita (E. D. King). 

'3487 F.Grounds 3-4 1:13* fast K 96 2 1 1 2* 3*5 S Fl.vnn 

73334 City Park 55 f 1:09* slow 4 106 2 2 1 1*5 25 

73198 F.Grounds 5-8 1:02* good 6 III5 1 3 3 3* 4* 

Weight today lOd, 

W Walsh Or.icninm, Ilawkaina. Posing. 

]nk w Walsh Merrick, ArtfiilDo<lgcr, Funlculalre 
2"k J lAfo A.I>odgcr. Mr.Pealaidy, Comedienne 
2* Llebert Rall)C’-t, Big Ben, Artful Dodger. 

Weight today 102. 
Funlculaire, Han.Bey, P.Hohenlohe 
Conville, Gambrinns, Rappahannock 
Telescope, HannlbalBey,G’mbrlmis 
Adesso, Goldway, I,K>nlge Macfarlan 
Wbight today 96, 
Baleshed. Clifton Forge, Yon Win. 
EthelCarr, F.MuIbolland, Killocban 
French Nun, Gracchus, Goldway. 
Frank Lord, Hancock, LordStanhope 
Weight today 107. 
Prince Alimc<l, Cock Sure, l,iens. 

R McDan’lRlagg. Miss Sain, Cablegram. 

Nicol The Bear, Toy Boy, E. T. Shipp. 

72693 F.Grounds 3-4 1:16 hvy 8 93 3 1 1 1* 3*| Kennedy Pedro, Tlleing, Chief Hayes. 

MERRICK, ch. g, 5, by Golden Garter— Bianca (J. C. Milam). Weight today 111. 

73429 City Park 7-8 1:28* fast 9 109 7 3 1 1 1*5 1" J W M’liyHooray, Lady Esther, Convolo. 

73B91 City Park 7-8 1:30* hvy 3-2 112 2 1 1 2 2J 2* A Martin Animus, Pinstlcker, Funlculaire. 

73335 City Park 3-4 1:16* slow 12 105 7 7 7 4*5 2“8 A Martin Roy .Onyx, Art.Dodger, Funlculaire. 

73258 City Park 3-4 1:14* good 60 108 6 4 4 35 3* C Koerner Goldproof, Bellwether, Teo Beach. 

MEADOWBREEZE, h. h, 6, by Xeadowthorpa— lU Wind (J. Arthnr). Weight today 110. 

73353 City Park .3-1 1:15* good 40 103 8 8 8 8 8»*5S Flynn JackAtkln. CooneyK., OldHonesty. 

73200 F.Grounds 7-8 1:28* good 13-5 109 7 6 4 4 4nk 5® Notter Art.Dodger, Roy.Onyx, Mr.Peabody 

73131 F.Grounds 3-4 1:14* good 15 104 6 6 7 7* 7* Sumter Teo Beach, Goldproof, John Carroll. 

73101 F.Grounds 3-4 1:17* hvy 85 114 9 11 11 11* 6* V Powers Art.Dodger, Higginbotham, BigGdn 

CONSISTENT, hr. m, 6, by Galore — Conjectrix (A. A. Galatoire). Weight today 105. 

73333 City Park 7-8 1:31* sIowll-10 108 1 1 1 1 1* 1* R .McDan’lFrencb Niin. Lady Ethel, Moselle. 

73063 F.Grounds 7-8 l:^g fast 16-5 106 6 3 2 2 2* 2* R McDan’I.Ananias, Jack Witt, Lady Ethel. 

72764 F.Grounds 3-4 1:16 good 13-5 104 1 4 4 25 15 R McDan’lFrenchNun, JackBratton, Penrhyn. 

ROBIN HOOD, b. g. 7, by Kings ton— Bslls ti BaywMd (J, P, Bnyharzy). Weight today 102. 

"3429 City Park 7-8 1:28* fast 20 101 1 4 9 9 9* 7* S Flvnn Merriek. Hooray, I.rf»dy Esther. 

73121 F.Grounds 3-4 1:14* good 25 106. 3 3 5 6« 6*5 Heidel 

73048 F.Grounds 3-4 1:145 fast 3 110 11 5 4 45 6*5 Notter 

72911 City Park 6-8 1:01 fast 20 100 3 3 3 25 3*5 J Lee 

EMERGENCY, b. g, 7, by Bathampton— Crisis (B. C. Evans). 

73028 F.Grounds 3-4 1:145 good 20 105 9 6 5 6* 7**5Deverich 

72529 City Park 3-4 1:14 good 20 110 1 2 3 3* 3*® T Carter 

72420 City Park 3-4 1:14* good 40 108 5 6 6 6* 6*®5Deverlch 

EL DORADO, ch. e, 4, by Ethelbert— OonfliM (0. 0. ■mithson). 

73351 City Park 7-8 1:30* good 6 101 3 2 3 4 45 3*5 Mcf^aboy 

72727 F.Grounds 6-8 1:02 good 75 103 2 9 7 7* 6** McCahey 

72312 F.Groun^ 3-4 1:17* slow 40 105 10 6 5 24 2* McCahey 

72240 F.Grounds 3-4 1:19* hvy 30 103 11 6 7 7* 6***McCabey 

COON. hlh. o 4. by Loiterer— Ethel Gray (W. E. Walsh). 

73103 F.Grounds 3-4 1:17* hvy 30 110 10 10 14 14* 14*» J Baker 

73048 F.Grounds 3-1 1:14* fast 30 105 6 13 13 13 13*» W Ott 

72675 F.Grounds 3-4 1:20* hvy 6 105 7 6 

72621 F.Grounds 3-4 1:18* hvy 6 90 2 4 

Teo Beach, Goldproof, John Carroll. 
Handzarra, BelleStrome, RoyalOnyx 
Prince Ahmed, Toy Boy, Oonoomoo. 

Weight today 113. 
J. C. Coro, Momentum. Gambrlnus. 
Glorlfier, Teo Beach, Moyea. 
JackAtkhi, ThcBear, LadyEstber. 

Weight today 105. 
Hawkama, Aunt Rose, Halbard. 
Colloquy, Toy Boy, Momentum. 
Hawkama, lienlgre, Lucy Young. 
Hig’botham, Hawkama. Avaunteer. 

Weight today 106. 
.Art.Dodger, Higginltotham. BigBeu 
Handzarra. BelleStrome, RoyalOnyx 
4 65 7**5V Powers Refined, Higginbotham, Goldproof. . 

3 3*5 2*5 Molesw’b Miss Delaney, Platoon, Keator. 

SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-4 BUes. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. (41432— 2:06*— 5— 113.) 

OOLDBATE, ch. c, 6. by First Bate— Gold Wing (O. H. Holla). 

7:i546 F.Gr’nds ImTOy 1:45* 9 106 10 7 7 4 3* 6* Dubei 

72931 CityPark 1 1-16 1:47* fast 60 100 6 6 6 6 6* 5*®iDubel 

67777 F. Grounds 7-8 1:27* fast 110 8 9 8 6 ^2* Hogg 

67578 City Park 1 1-16 1:46* fast 99 2 5 6 4 3* 2* Hogg 

Weight today 105. 
Fiiniciil-aire, Han’balBey. Belleview. 
Carthage, Juggler, Pedro. 

Posing. Gamara. Basil. 

Plannte, Wes, Gargantua. 

KNIOHT OF IVANHOE, b. c. 4. by Bridgewater— Cold Wave (J. BeCuUongh). Weight today 105. 

72934 CityPark 1 3-16 2:01* fast 12 106 9 1 1- 1 1* 1* Notter I.iOol8eMacfarlan, Tern’sBod, Paul. 

72821 CityPark 1 1-16 1:52* mud 12 1(® 2 4 2.2 4*> 5*5 Notter Lady Alicia, Paul, Rappahannock. 

72746 F.GFnds 1 1-16 1:51* good 30 103 13 10 8 8 10* 13**5Lloyd Creel. Jack Witt, St. Noel. 

72205 F.Gr’nds 1 1-16 1:4^ slow 20 91 12 7 7 7 7* 7*5 Sumter Sponge Oake, Javanese, Granada. 

LOUISE BACP ARLAN, eh. m, 6, by Wadswolrth — ^Alice Brand (Woodford A Bnoknnrl. Weight today 105, 
“3432 CityPark 1 3-16 2:02* fast 6 105 1 6 6 6 6* 4*5 .Minder BclleScott, L.Vinceat, Flavlgny. 

73336 CityPark 1 1-16 1:63 slow 9 107 12 13 13 12 10* 7*5 Minder Hooray, Grenade, Tern’s Rod. 

73260 City Park 1 1-8 1:575 good 10 105 8 7 8 6 4* 2* Minder ’ Delphle, L. Vincent. Anna Day. 

72934 CityPark 1 3-16 2:01* fast 8-5 106 1 6 5 4 ^2*C Koerner Knightoflvanhoe, Tern’sRod, Paul. 

FLAVIGNY, br. m, S, by Hastings— Xlavin (E. E. Watkins). Weight today 100. 

7:1451 City Park 1 1-2 2:36* fast 2 100 10 7 6 6 6* 7*® Sumter Cull. St. Bellane, Bright Boy. 

73432 CTtyPark 1 3-16 2:02* fast 13 100 7 6 5 S 3>« 3*5 McCahey BelleScott, L.Vlncent, L.Macfarlan. 

73260 City Park 1 1-8 1:57* good 8 104 7 2 5 8 8 6® W Ott Delphie, UMacfarlan, L.V’nccnt. 

73219 RGr-nds 1 3-16 2:09* mud 5 98 1 3 4 3 3® 2* McCahey “ - ■ - ■ - - 

CREEL, b. h, 6, by Woolsthorpe — Extra (E. Corrigan). 

73490 F.Gr’nds 1 3-16 2:01* fast 9 110 4 4 4 4 3= 2* 

73336 CityPark 1 1-16 1:53 slow 8 109 4 4 3 4 45 6® 

73239 F.Gr’nda lm70y 1:62 hvy 8 109 4 3 2 2 ‘ 

73164 F.Gr’nds lm70y 1:50* hvy 4 108 4 3 5 4 

Donna, Delidiie, Lady Alicia. 

Weight today 107. 

C Koenicr St. Bellane, Flaxraaii, Chill. 

J Lee Hooray, Grenade, Tern’s Rod. 

35 3*5 C Koerner Katie Powers, Denigre, Mr.Peabody 
3* 3*5 C Koerner Hughes, Gilpin, Katie Powers. 

JAOK WIV, b. g, 5, by The Commoner — ^AU Bine (O. B. Daniels). Weight today 102. 

78509 F.Gr’nds 1 1-8 1:545 fast 4 102 2 4 4 4 1’ 1*® McCahey Geo. Bailey, Flowawav. Sam Rice, 

73389 City Park 7-8 1:32* hvy 6 107 4 2 2 2 5® 3*5 McCaher Devout, Flowaway, Miltiades. 

73375 CityPark 1 1-16 1:48* fast 8 102 7 4 2 2 2* 2* S Flynn Belle Scott, Cull, Hadur. 

73221 F.Gr’nds 1 1-16 1:56* mud 12 107 3 6 6 5 6* 6**5J W M’hy Grenade, Telegrapher, High Bear. 

ST. BELLANE, eh. g, 6, by St. Oatlen— Bellane (J. Phillips). Weight today 107. 

73490 F.Gr’nds 1 3-16 2:01* fast 35 105 3 3 ’ 3 2 2* 1* V Powers Creel, Flaxman, (hill. 

73461 City Park 1 1-2 2:36* fast 6 103 7 2 2 2 2* 2* S Fl.vnn Cull, Bright Boy, Amberjack. 

73278 CityPark 1 1-16 1:56* mud 11-5 104 6 8 8 9 8* 6** R McDan’l Pinstlcker, Hadur, Dapple Gold. 

73068 F.Gr’nds 1 »-16 2:07* mud 10 107 5 1 2 2 2* 3® R McDan’lBesterllng, John McBride, St. Avon 

CULL, hr. g, 6. by Uncommon — ^LiUJan OnUy (J. Orifln). Weight today 107. 

73490 P.Gr’nds 1 3-16 2:01* fast 14-5 110 1 2 2 3 45 4* J I.,ee St. Bellane, Creel. Flaxman. 

73451 City Park 1 1-2 2:36* fast 12 108 4 1 1 1 1*5 1* C Koerner St. Bellane, Bright Boy, Aml>erjack 

73375 CityPark 1 1-16 1:48* fast 20 107 2 3 4 3 5* 3® J Belle Scott. Jack Witt, Hadur. 

73279 CityPark 1 1-16 1:57* mud 30 104 9 10 9 10 9* 9*® Molesw’h Prytania, Hooray, Denigre. 

PINSTICKER, eh. g, 5, by Lucky Dog— Bonnio Zone (L. F. Piper). 

73490 F.Gr’nds 1 3-16 2:01* fast 15 109 5 6 6 7 6* 5»i C Henry 

5 5® 3* C Henry 

73391 City Park 7-8 1:30* hvy 15 107 7 6 6 

73336 atyPark 1 1-16 1:53 slow 10 104 3 3 8 10 115 12*» C Henry 

73278 atyPark 1 1-16 1:56* mud 18-5 99 3 1 1 1 1* 1*5 W Ott 

JAVANESE, h. 0. 4, by My Boy XL— Java (X. 

73063 F.Grounds 7-8 1:28* fast 30 107 12 4 4 

72968 City Park 7-8 1:28* fast 12 105 12 3 3 

72874 City Park 8-4 1:1T| hvy 30 1075 9 7 

TERNUS, hr. h, 5, by Blazes — ^Biss Bishop (J. Xagner). 

72494 City Park 1 1-8 1:54* fast 200 103 Ran away. A Fagot 

724.58 CityPark 1 3-16 2:02| good 100 104 10 8 9 9 10 10*®5Kohn 

72295 F.Gr’nds 1 3-16 2:08 mud 150 109 5 8 8 8 8 8** B Burton 

72166 F.Grounds 7-8 1:35* hvy 100 110513 12 12 12 12* 12*< B Burton 


4 55 8*« J Baker 

4 35 6** J Baker 

7 4h 4* Dearborn 

GILPIN, ch, h, 6, by Juvenal — ^Kovmiss (R. X. 

73470 City Park 1 1-4 2:08g fast 15 109 2 5 5 

7S375 CityPark 1 1-16 1:48* fast 8 110 8 5 6 

73164 F.Gr’nds lm70y 1:50* hvy 7 106 6 4 3 

72727 F.Grounds 6-8 1:02 good 300 107 8 11 11 lli> 14*» C Booker 

FLOWAWAY, b. c, 4, by Alloway— nerio (E. E. Bradlsy). 

7:609 F.Gr’nds 1 1-8 1S4* fast 25 105 8 5 6 2-1 3** Herbert 

73389 City Park 7-8 1:32* hvy 9 112 1 6 4 1 15 2h Herbert 

73278 (htyPark 1 1-16 1:68* mud 12 102 8 6 6 6 5* 4* Herbert 

73200 F.Grounds 7-S 1 :28* good 75 100 8 10 10 10 9* 9*»5Herbert 

GORDEN RUSK, b. g, 4, by Ruskin— Ella Gore (J. C. Ferriss, Jr.). 
68229 City Park 1 1-16 1:49 fast 91 13 13 13 13 12* 11*=5R Fisher 
68172 City Park 1 1:42* fast 93 2 9 8 8 9* 7** W Ott 

68101 City Park 1 1:42* fast 105 3 4 8 7 7* 

OTTOMAN, b. g, 4, by Orsini — Artemis (J. Casey). 

73085 F.Gr’nds lm70y 1:53* hvy 35 105 8 4 7 6 6* 

73045 F.Grounds 7-8 1:28* fast 10 107 2 7 7 7 8* 

72801 City Park 3-4 1:15* good 4 105514 14 14 14 

Weight today 102. 
St. Bellane, Creel, Flaxman. 

Animus, Merrick, Funlculaire. 
Hooray, Grenade. Tern’s Rod. 
Hadur, Dapple Gold, Flowaway. 

Weight today 105. 
Ananias. Consistent, Jack Witt. 
French Nun. Gracchus, Goldway. 
Ralbert, Hancock. Br. Peabody. 

Weight today 110. 
Hiisted, Anna Day, Adesso. 

Dr. 'McCluer, Doubt, Flavigny. 

Dr. McCluer. Rio Grande, Agile. 
Rickey, Tudor, Light Note. 

Weight today 110. 
Belle Scott,, J.Smiilski, W.Griswell 
Belle Scott, Jack Witt. Oull. 
Hughes, Creel, Katie Powers. 
Colloquy, Toy Boy, Momentum. 

Weight today 105. 
Jack Witt. Geo. Bailey, Rice. 

Devout, Jack Witt, Miltiades. 
Pinstlcker, Hadur, Dapple Gold. 
Art.Dodger, Roy.Onyx, Mr.Pealxxly 
Weight today 102. 
McAllister, Quagga, Vic Zelglcr. 
Gold Duke, McAllister, King Brush 
6**5T Taylor 8. Midway, D.of Montebello, Quagga 
Weight today 102. 

5*® Notter Aml>crjack, Dry Dollar, Padre. 

8*®5R McDan’lP. Hobenlohe, JackBratton, Bluster 
10**5Notter Gibson, Jack Bratton, Minot. 


5 3*> 3*4 c: Bo«>ker 

7 7* 7**SC Booker 

3 2* 2* C Booker 


Undine Stakes, Oakland*, Cal Mar. 7 

Carnival Stakes, Fair (founds. New Or- 
leans, La Mar. 7 

Los Angeles Derby, Arcadia, Cal Mar. 7 

Monterey Selling Stakes. Oakland, Cal. ...Mar. 11 

Thornton Stakes, Oakland, Cal Mar. 14 

Crescent (Vty Derby, Fair Grounds, New 

Orleans, La. Mar, 14 

Colin Stakes, Arcadia, Cal Mar. 14 

Ixtuisiana Stakes, City Park, New Orleans, 

La Mar. 18 

Bell Stakes, Oakland, Cal Mar. 21 

City Park Derby, City Park, New Orleans, 

La Mar. 21 

Juvenile Stakes, City Park, New Orleans, 

Mar. 25 

Gehhard Handicap, Oakland, Cal Mar. 28 

Lyric Handicap, City Park, New Orleans, 

La Mar. 28 

Ladies’ Stakes, Fair Grounds, New Orleans, 

La April 1 

Audubon Stakes, Fair Grounds, New Or- 
leans, La April 4 

Rosebud Stakes. Fair Grounds. New Or- 
leans, La April 8 

New Orleans City Railways Handicap, Fair 

Grounds, New Orleans, La April 11 

Carter Handicap, Aqueduct, N. Y April 15 

Excelsior Handicap, Jamaica, N. Y April 29 

Metropolitan Handicap, Belmont Park, N. Y..May i:{ 

New York Steeplechase, Belmont Park, N. 

Y May i:i 

•Maiden Stakes, Belmont Park, N. V .May 14 

Baychester Stakes, Belmont Park, N. Y May 15 

Ka.shion Stakes. Belmont Park, N. Y May 10 

Toboggan Handicap. Belmont Park. N. Y. ..May 10 
Junior Trial Stwplechase, Belmont Park. 

N. Y May 10 

Harlem Stakes, Belmont Park, N. Y May 18 

Crotona Handicap, Belmont Park, N. Y May 19 

Bouquet Stakes, Belmont Park, N. Y.t May 20 

I’ocantico Stakes, Belmont Park, N. Y May 21 

Claremont Handicap, Belmont Park, N. Y....May 22 

King’s Plate. Toronto, Ont May 2.3 

Juvenile Stakes, Belmont Park. N. Y May 2:> 

Withers Stakes. Belmont Park, N. V May 2.’5 

M’hitney Memorial SteepleeUase, Belmont 

P.ark, N. Y -May 2.3 


Room S7, 71 Doarhora Streot, Chicago, ZIL 

Today’s Special: Arizona, Match, Music, Rwallaw. 

Yesterday’s 1 -Horse Wire, BROOKLEAF, 4-1, Won. 
|1.00 per month. 25 cents per copy. 

S. Corbett 6-5 Won 

was yesterday’s “ONE-HORSE WIRE.” 

The one we have for TODAY we expect 

4-'l for Our Money. 

This one ought to wiu hands down, the same as 

Bazil, 8-1, Won, 

which was our “Ona-Horse Wire” Wednesday. 

Grand Special Saturday. 

Looks like the “Best bet of the year.” Last 
Saturday’s Sisicial was: 

Boloman, 8-1, Won. 

Send for this on'e TODAY. Dt>n’t wait till the 
last da.v, as you may be overlooked. 

TERMS: $2.00 DAILY. $10.00 WEEKLY. 



Suite 10, 59 Dearborn St, ' Chicago, 


& CO. 


Turf Ratings’ Best Bet: ONCE 90. 

Turf Reporter's Special: No. 454 (in t»ook No. 


Thursday’s Daily Oue-Horse Wire was: 

S. CORBEn 6-5 Won 

Thursday’s Turf Ratiugs' Best Bet was: 

SALVAGE . 1-1 Won 



was another one re^rted under “Horses to Fol- 
low” (Book 42). NEW BOOK ON SALE NOW. 
Price: 25 cents per week; $1.00 per month. 
Friday’s Form Special: July Apple 68-24-79-80- 